Table of Contents

Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser

The Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser is a capital ship designed for long-range engagements and extended independent operations.


The development of the Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser class began in YE 38, as the Kodian Planetary Guard recognized the need for a powerful and versatile capital ship to support their operations. The Kodians had a long history of peaceful coexistence with other species, but as the threat of interstellar war loomed, they knew they needed a ship that could protect their interests and defend their home planet.

The initial design phase was led by a team of engineers and scientists from the Kodian Defense Research and Development Agency. They spent several years researching and developing the technology that would be used in the Hammerfist class, including advanced energy weapons, stealth systems, and medical facilities.

In YE 42, construction of the first Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser began at the Kodian Military Shipyard. The process was slow and difficult, as the ship was built using cutting-edge technology that was a hybrid of both Star Army of Yamatai and Kodian. But the Kodians were determined to see the project through, and they poured a significant amount resources into the construction of the ship.

Finally, in early YE 45, the first Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser was completed. The ship was named the “Gashmere's Hammer” in honor of the Kodian home planet. The ship was a sight to behold, with its massive size and powerful weapons, it was a formidable addition to the Kodian fleet.

The Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser quickly proved to be a valuable asset in the Kodian Planetary Guard's operations. Its advanced sensor systems and communications capabilities made it an ideal command ship, while its heavy weapons and defense systems made it a formidable opponent in battle.


At its core, the Hammerfist is designed to be a multi-role platform, capable of handling a wide variety of missions in the heat of battle. Its armament includes a formidable array of energy and kinetic weapons, including heavy energy cannons, rapid-fire rail guns, and powerful missiles. These weapons are controlled by an advanced fire-control system, which allows the Hammerfist to engage multiple targets simultaneously.

The Hammerfist's defensive systems are equally impressive, featuring powerful shields, redundant backups, and an array of point-defense weapons. These systems allow the Hammerfist to absorb heavy fire and provide an additional layer of protection to the crew and the ship.

In addition to its impressive combat capabilities, the Hammerfist is also well-suited for logistics and support missions. With its large cargo bays, the Hammerfist is capable of carrying vast quantities of supplies, troops, and equipment to support friendly forces. It is also equipped with a range of repair and maintenance facilities, making it a valuable asset in extended operations.

Mission Specialization


The Hammerfist is an inline medium capital ship. A dorsal large superstructure, that is just forward of the auxiliary engines and engineering section at the rea of the ship, looks over the ships flight deck and dorsal weapons mounts. The 6 dorsal weapon mounts are situated to the port and starboard sides of the flight deck. The front of the ship is dominated by a large armored cargo door that can be retracted to allow access to its cargo bay and aircraft hanger. The ventral area of the ship features additional armor and the Ryurzian Acceleration Platform, a weapons array designed for planetary bombardment.

Statistics and Performance


General Statistics for the Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser
Year Introduced YE 45
Class/Nomenclature Standard Product Nomenclature System
Designers Kodian Planetary Guard, Star Army of Yamatai
Manufacturer Kodian Orbital Shipyards
Fielded By Kodians
Range Carries supplies for 9 months of continuous operations
Maintenance Cycle 5 year refit cycle
Lifespan 50-100 years


Crew: 200 operators are recommended, 125 are required Maximum Capacity: There are accommodations for 250 crew and 125 troops. About 520 people can fit aboard in an emergency, but the ship would be extremely cramped.


Propulsion and Range

Damage Capacity

DRv3 Tier: 14 Medium Capital Ship

Inside the Ship

Deck Layout

Compartment Layouts


The Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser is equipped with a spacious and well-appointed bridge that serves as the nerve center of the ship. The bridge is laid out in a traditional manner, with the main view screen at the front of the room, surrounded by banks of consoles, displays, and workstations. The captain's chair is located in the center of the room, and is surrounded by a half-circle of officers' stations.

The admiralty flag facilities are located in a specially designated area at the rear of the bridge. This area includes a large conference table, several comfortable chairs, and an adjacent communications suite that provides secure, dedicated communications capabilities. The admiralty flag facilities are designed to accommodate a flag officer and his or her staff, and are equipped with the latest communications and data processing systems.

The bridge also includes a state-of-the-art air control center, which provides real-time monitoring of the Hammerfist's air wing, including information on aircraft status, flight paths, and mission parameters. Additionally, the bridge is equipped with an advanced ground forces control center, which provides real-time monitoring of the Hammerfist's ground forces and logistics support operations.

Overall, the Hammerfist's bridge is designed to be a highly efficient, streamlined command center that provides the ship's captain and his or her crew with the ability to quickly respond to changing circumstances and make informed decisions in real-time.

Cargo Storage Areas

The Hammerfist heavy cruiser is equipped with a large and efficient cargo and logistics facility. The facility is located in the lower decks of the ship and is designed to accommodate a variety of cargo and supplies. The main cargo area is spacious and has several large cargo doors that can be opened to allow easy loading and unloading of supplies. The area is equipped with state-of-the-art material handling equipment, including cranes, conveyors, and pallet trucks, which are used to move Cargo and supplies to and from the ship's storage areas.

The logistics facility is designed to support the needs of both the crew and any ground troops or air assets that may be deployed from the ship. The facility includes a large storage area for food and other supplies, as well as a medical bay and sickbay that are equipped with the latest medical equipment. The Hammerfist also has a number of workshops and maintenance facilities where crew members can make repairs and perform maintenance on equipment and vehicles

Crew Cabins

The Hammerfist heavy cruiser has a well-appointed officers' quarters area that is located towards the aft of the ship. The quarters are spacious and luxurious, with private cabins for each officer and a communal lounge area. The cabins feature comfortable beds, private washrooms, and ample storage space for personal items.

The enlisted berthing aboard the Hammerfist heavy cruiser consists of dorm-style rooms designed to accommodate two to four personnel. The rooms are compact but functional, with each bed having its own locker for personal storage. The walls are lined with panels to help with sound insulation, and each room has a window or a screen showing a view of space or a calming image, allowing crew members to have a sense of privacy and a place to unwind after their duties. The bunks are arranged in a stack formation, with a ladder providing access to the upper bunk. The facilities are cleaned regularly and are equipped with modern ventilation systems to provide a comfortable and healthy environment for the crew. A communal bathroom and shower area are also located nearby for the convenience of the crew. There is also a small communal area, with seating and tables, where members of the crew can relax and socialize.


The recreation facilities aboard the Hammerfist heavy cruiser are designed to provide crew members with opportunities for relaxation, entertainment, and physical fitness. The recreation areas are typically located on the lower decks of the ship, near the enlisted berthing areas, and are spacious and well-appointed.

One of the highlights of the recreation facilities is the large, multi-purpose gymnasium. The gymnasium features a variety of weight training and cardiovascular equipment, as well as a full-size basketball court and a climbing wall. Adjacent to the gymnasium is a cardio studio with spin bikes, treadmills, and other cardio equipment, as well as a yoga and stretching area.

Another popular recreation facility is the game room, which features a variety of tabletop and video games, as well as a large-screen TV and comfortable seating. The game room is a popular gathering spot for crew members to watch movies and sports events, play video games, and socialize.

The Hammerfist also has a well-stocked library, which provides crew members with a quiet place to read, study, and reflect. The library features books on a variety of topics, including history, science, fiction, and military strategy, as well as a selection of current magazines and newspapers.

Finally, there is a lounge area, which is equipped with comfortable chairs and sofas, as well as a large-screen TV and a well-stocked bar. This is a popular gathering spot for crew members to relax and unwind after a long day, and is typically open 24 hours a day.


The galley and cafeteria aboard the Hammerfist heavy cruiser are designed to feed the large crew of the ship, with separate officer and enlisted mess facilities. The main cafeteria offers a variety of hot and cold options, with food served at designated meal times. The officer's mess, located on a separate deck, provides a more refined dining experience with a sit-down restaurant style setting.

For crew members who need food outside of regular meal times, the Hammerfist has a 24-hour galley, offering a selection of snacks, drinks, and light meals. The galley is staffed by skilled culinary personnel and uses state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that meals are nutritious, well-prepared, and served in a timely manner.

The Hammerfist also has a well-stocked pantry, supplying the galley with ingredients for a variety of dishes. Additionally, the ship's logistics department is responsible for restocking the pantry as needed, so that the crew never goes without food.

Medical Center

The medical center includes a number of examination rooms, a surgery suite with acute trauma care, a fully equipped intensive care unit, as well as an isolation ward for patients with infectious diseases. The Hammerfist also has a well-stocked pharmacy, providing access to a wide range of medications, treatments, and supplies.

In addition to the medical center, the Hammerfist has a number of smaller medical bays located throughout the ship, providing quick and convenient access to medical care. These bays are equipped with basic medical supplies and equipment, allowing medical personnel to respond to emergencies and provide basic first aid.

Small Craft Storage and Deck Elevator

The air wing maintenance and storage area aboard the Hammerfist heavy cruiser is located on the middle decks, near the flight deck. This area is specifically designed for the maintenance, repair, and storage of the Hammerfist's complement of aircraft. The maintenance facilities are state-of-the-art, with a comprehensive suite of tools and equipment to support the upkeep of the aircraft.

The storage area is designed to accommodate the Hammerfist's complement of aircraft, with ample space to accommodate a variety of aircraft, including fighters, bombers, and reconnaissance aircraft. The storage area is equipped with overhead cranes and other handling equipment to assist with the movement of aircraft in and out of the storage area. Aircarft elevators are spaced through out the storage area to move aircraft, power armor, or cargo to the flight deck.

In addition to these facilities, the air wing maintenance and storage area also includes a maintenance workshop, where the air wing personnel can work on the aircraft and make any necessary repairs.

Ship Systems

The Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser is equipped with the standard Star Army Starship Systems.

Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems

The armor of the Hammerfist heavy cruiser is a key component of its defense, providing protection against a range of threats in spaceborne warfare. The hull is made of a mixture of Yamataium and Zesuaium, with the former forming the frame of the ship and the latter making up the armor plates. The armor plates are coated with Yamataium to increase their durability and resistance to damage.

The armor of the Hammerfist is designed using a lamellar style, with multiple layers of overlapping metal plates that provide maximum protection and help to distribute the impact of incoming attacks. The armor plates are connected by interlocking joints, allowing for flexibility and ease of movement. The overlapping plates also help to absorb and distribute the energy of an impact, reducing the amount of damage to the ship and its crew.

In addition to the Yamataium and Zesuaium armor, the Hammerfist has a Xiulurium coating that helps to counter aether-detecting sensors and anti-aether devices. This makes the ship more difficult to detect and track, giving it an advantage in stealth operations.

Finally, the internal gravity systems of the Hammerfist protect all interior passageways and rooms from scalar fields, providing an extra layer of protection for the crew.

Combined Field System

The Hammerfist's Combined Field System is a formidable defensive mechanism, designed to protect the ship from hostile forces. The system is capable of generating an Anti-FTL Field with a radius of 3 astronomical units, effectively making the ship invisible to enemy ships and sensors. The CFS field generators are specially designed to mask the ship's movement, reducing its impact on the surrounding space. This allows the Hammerfist to operate in a “silent running” mode, which is essential in situations where stealth is a critical factor.

Computers and Electronics

The Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser uses the MEGAMI Integrated Electronics System package and is also equipped with an Active Jamming System.

Emergency Systems

The Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser contains all Star Army Standard Starship Emergency Systems.

Escape Pods

Ke-S3-X2900 Escape Pod escape pods are located at various locations on the ship.

Soul Savior Pod

The Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser includes one Soul Savior Pod.

Life Support Systems

The Hammerfist's recycling system is a highly efficient and effective way of reducing waste and conserving resources during long missions. The system is capable of breaking down all waste products into their atomic components, ensuring that nothing goes to waste. The air recycling system is designed with security in mind, and is segmented into multiple sections to minimize the risk of contamination. This system is able to support up to 600 Kodians for up to twenty years, making it a critical component for extended missions.

In addition to its recycling capabilities, the Hammerfist is also equipped with a Psionic Signal Controller.


The Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser features three methods of propulsion: it carries auxiliary engines for sublight travel, has a hyperspace fold generator, and can also use its combined field to travel at slower-than-light and faster-than-light speeds.

Auxiliary Propulsion

The Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser carries a secondary propulsion array powered by its Anti-matter-Aether Hybrid power core. This array can move the ship up to cruising speeds of .375c and maximum speeds of .85c for up to ten minutes. Operating the propulsion array at maximum capacity for more than ten minutes will cause permanent damage to the array, likely leading to a full refit or replacement being required.

Shield Systems

The Hammerfist Heavy Cruiser uses a standard Combined Field System.

Weapons Systems

Vehicle Complement



OOC Notes

Article by Dana. Approval thread:

Star Army Logistics
Supply ClassificationClass A - STARSHIPS
First UsedYE 45
Last ReviewYE 45
Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesstarships