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First Contact Award

The First Contact Award is a military award of the Star Army of Yamatai.


The Rights of Early Contact was set up in YE 30 at the International Relations Conference of YE 30, written by Yuki Toshiro as a way to lessen the haste associated with first contact in the past. The process of making contact with a new species can be exhilarating and, for many in the Star Army can feel like a new and daunting task. Having a handy set of expectations and promises to edify the species has helped immensely by the rights for both the newfound species and Yamataians.

Created in YE 46, this award was meant to celebrate those individuals, ships, and units that have made progress in expanding Yamatai's known species and done so in a safe way. Not only meant to look forward to the future, those that have completed the requirements below YE 46 may receive a backdated award.

Below are some examples of First Contacts made by species:


The requirements to receive this awards are:

Issuing Authority

The award is issued by:


(Visual description of the medal)

It is worn on the Type 35 Class A formal uniform.

Notable Recipients

OOC Notes

Yuuki and Ame created this article on 2024/08/01 08:59.

Star Army Logistics