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Vasati Akhai

Vasati is a character played by a deleted user.

Vasati Akhai
“on firlokkun moschouf, mumirous auru mauku”1)
 Tsenlan Logo
Date of Birth: 170 BYE
Species Norian
Gender Female
Height 175 cm
Weight 60kg
Ysi Akhai
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Sub-Faction  Tsenlan Logo Tsenlan
Occupation Tsenlan State Quorum
Rank Diplomatic Advisor
Current Placement Tsenlan

Physical Description

Vasati is a gorgeous female Norian, she has a height of 182.88cm and weighs 65kg. She has piercing golden yellow eyes and medium-length teal hair. She tends to wear whatever suits her mood and the occasion at hand. This could mean anything indluding Maejaes Vyrdi, alluring outfits in dark colors, and adorable ensembles in varying bright tones. She has a small tattoo on her forehead and varying tattoos on her body from her lower neck on down.

Height: 182.88cm
Mass: 65kg
Measurements: B34-W22-H36
Bra Size: C
Build and Skin Color: Slender and Curvaceous, Pale White
Eye Color: Golden Yellow
Hair Color: Teal


Vasati is an ENFJ-A2) personality type. She is extremely loyal to the norian populace, to the extent that she sees her greater purpose in life to be serving their best interests in the realm of politics. She strives to serve as a force for furthering the well being of her people, whatever that may take. She is bold and not afraid to do what's right for her people, even if it might not be the comfortable way to do so. She makes friends easily, but has a very small circle of those who she is close with.


Vasati Akhai was born on Ayenee in 170 BYE to Kari Akhai and Unecaro Aucari. Her birth occurred during a period know as Pre-Contact - The Falcon Movement shortly after the GATEs opened new worlds for exploration and colonization. Her early childhood was bustling with activity as she often accompanied members of her ysi on their visits to settlements. As a child she was fascinated with political talks and negotiations. She found them to be interesting and would go as far as to sneak in to eavesdrop if she could.

When it came time to pursue higher education, she chose to delve into the realm of political sciences, specializing in diplomacy. Every topic covered was something she found fascinating, there was little time spent on things outside of her studies during this period.The Norian'Rolthil'Quaen Divergence quickly became a controversial item of discussion. Many people were divided starkly on either side, select few were in the middle, having chosen to see both sides. Vasati fell starkly in the middle, ultimately she elected to remain with her ysi when Ujin led some Norians to Senneril.

In YE 30 shortly after then Emperor Adrin Eitan had been taken as a prisoner of war, she began service to the Eitan ysi. Initially this service included a period of training and familiarization. She spent time absorbing knowledge and practices that related to differences in how diplomatic functions were performed in varying circumstances. One of the most memorable excursions she participated in was as a member of Aelya Eitan's contingent to Yugosha Chonyosa. As one of the few who survived when things went sour, it served as a memory that would forever stay with her. However, it did not sway her opinions on Umarian claims regarding Asune in any way.

While many embraced this technology she delved deeper into more diplomatic learning experiences. This did keep her close to hot button issues, but out of the main limelight when it came to being directly affected. She whole heartedly supported Tetsuya Eitan's visions of Tsenlan. In turn this led her to follow the ruling ysi, not in a fully functioning role as a diplomat. As tragedy befell her people she kept a watchful eye over what political conundrums that could potentially arise.

Upon Norian arrival in the Kikyo Sector in YE 44 she accompanied Aelya to assist with the development of Tsenlan and the Tsenlanese Cultural Center. All of her energies were devoted to these two very important efforts until Lynira Aucari's departure for the United Norian Imperium in late YE 45. Shortly after Lynira's departure from the role of Diplomatic Advisor, Vasati was informed that she would be taking over. With things having settled somewhat after the norian's arrival she was excited for this new challenge.

In YE 46.3 she attended the Hanami Festival of YE 463), where she met Toidorno Sejgui while taste testing some flowers.


Vasati is or has been involved in the following plots:


Vasati is or has been involved in the following threads:

Skills Learned

Vasati has learned many skills:

Social Connections

People Vasati is connected to:


Vasati Akhai's inventory.


OOC Notes

a deleted user created this article on 2024/03/23 19:21.

In the case a deleted user becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameVasati Akhai
Character OwnerNakshatra
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationYamatai (Planet)
Approval Thread…
Government & Politics of the Yamatai Star Empire
DistrictAkina System
Political PartyIndepdendent
“In forbidden mischief, memories are made”in Nira'las