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Nakaide Shida

Nakaide Shida is an NPC created and controlled by raz. Shida was appointed to the directorship of Star Army Intelligence in November YE 34. They are known as a consummate operative, welcoming and helpful to their subordinates, and as a terrifying representation of the hidden knowledge at SAINT's disposal.

Nakaide Shida (中出 しだ)
Species: Nekovalkyrja, Type 33
Gender: Male1)
Organization: Star Army Intelligence
Occupation: SAINT Director2)
Rank: Taisho
Current Placement: Vicky

Character Description

Taller than the average Yamataian male, Shida strikes an imposing form over most others with a stern, unrelenting visage and bushy eyebrows that he uses to put the fear of Ketsurui into his subordinates. He allows his hair to grey at the temples and keeps it perfectly groomed. The very model of Yamataian professionalism, Shida wears designer suits and leather shoes when not in uniform.

While outwardly friendly, Nakaide is actually a cold, calculating man who has no time for frivolity. His bright blue eyes serve as a focal point contrasting with Shida's otherwise dark hair and wardrobe. Always clean shaven, he projects the sort of image that he expects to see in those he works and does business with. Additionally, Shida speaks many languages because of his travels and missions as a Star Army Intelligence operative.

The only chink in his armor is Shida's enormous sweet tooth. The man enjoys custard, flan and other foreign cream-filled pastries. Abwehran blintzes are his absolute favorite. He also enjoys spending time in the Yamataian countryside and fishing in his free time. He has a distaste for pop-culture, but feels that he has to be knowledgeable in order to stay in touch with the world.

History and Relationship Notes

Shida was born in YE 01 on the same day, in fact, that the Yamatai Star Empire was formed. His father owns a curio shop on Yamatai that sells trinkets, cure-alls, and quack medicine and his mother is a successful pillow book author, her works often the rage in the Imperial court, though she writes under a pen name as to not associate her writing with the family.

When he was of the age to enlist he joined the Grand Star Army. This was a time of peace — or so the Empire thought — until the Chaos Hive War began two years after he became a Santô Hei. Since then, Shida has fought in every major conflict the Empire has been a part of including the Fourth Elysian War, Second Draconian War, First Mishhuvurthyar War, and Second Mishhuvurthyar War. As a Santô Juni in YE 24, he was brought into Star Army Intelligence from his previous posting as a Star Army Soldier.

Shida's proficiency as an Star Army Intelligence Operative quickly became clear. His quick wit, intelligence, and skill at arms made him a valuable strike team leader. By the time he was 27, Shida had worked his way off the battlefield and onto starships and served as the staff intelligence officer on various vessels in Ketsurui Sharie's old Ni-Ban Kantai.

After the Second Fleet's destruction in YE 29, Nakaide was assigned to the newly formed Ninth Fleet's SAINT Group and commanded a Nozomi-class Scout as a Shosa. In YE 33 he was promoted to the unit's commanding billet and worked closely with Hokusai Akiyo and other captains due to the fleet's integrated intelligence operation.

When Tamahagane Mai stepped down as director of SAINT in YE 34, Ketsurui Yui chose Shida, then a Shôshô, to succeed her. He was promoted to Chujo for administrative purposes.

Shida transferred into a Nekovalkyrja body sometime before the end of YE 38. They were promoted to Taisho in the waning days of the same year per Star Army Regulations Update 38-2.

Shida was briefly dismissed from their position as director of Star Army Intelligence at the end of YE 44.6, ten years to the day after they were first appointed to lead the fleet-level organization. Their twenty years of service in the Star Army was nearly capped in controversy, however, when they were publicly fired for disagreeing with the wisdom behind convoluting SAINT's operations and destroying the Star Army's most senior special forces units via SAINT participation in Star Army Special Operations.

This event marked the first and last demerit ever handed to Nakaide Shida, and apparently ended their career as Yamatai's longest serving spymaster. Dissatisfaction with the ouster of such an effective and well-liked Director caused SAINT morale to tank across the fleet in Shida's absence, and prompted most serving black panels to feel a lack of confidence in the value of their work for the Star Army. Secretly, however, Taisho Yui assigned Shida to head a secret Special Personnel Project that would allow the Star Army to strike at the Empire's most insidious and obscured threats. The assignment was short and Shida was reinstated to the directorship of SAINT in YE 44.8 by Yui.

Skill Areas

OOC Notes

Director Shida is not eligible for adoption. If the character must be retired, they should be honored for their extremely effective tenure as SAINT's longest serving Director. Yamatai's head Faction Manager, Wes, may use Shida as an NPC in raz's absence. Ametheliana may post for Shida in her capacity as SAINT's OOC manager.

On Pronouns

Nakaide Shida was naturally born as a Nepleslian/Human male in YE 01. They spent most of their life in that body and upgrades of it until YE 38, when they finally upgraded to a Nekovalkyrja body. They are an old-school Yamataian who views their body when in service to the Star Army as a piece of equipment.

Given the above consideration, they should be referred to as “they” or “him” in roleplay. “She” is an inappropriate descriptor of Director Shida.

Character Data
Character NameNakaide Shida
Character Ownerraz
Character StatusNPC on loan
Pronouns(see page)
Current LocationVicky
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankTaisho
SAOY OccupationStar Army Command Staff
SAOY AssignmentStar Army Intelligence
DOR YearYE 38
Shida's Neko body is standard and thus anatomically female