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Karasu Jime

Karasu Jime1) (烏 時夢)
Species: Nekovalkyrja NH-29A
Gender: Female
Age: 1
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5' 10“
Weight: 140 lbs
Bra Size: 81 cm (B cup)
Organization: Star Army Reserve
Occupation: SAINT Operative
Rank: Santô Hei
Current Placement: Fort Victory Reserve Center

Karasu Jime in Roleplay

Karasu Jime is a player character played by Teddo and is currently serving in the YSS Genei plot. She was approved for service on April 21, 2009.

General Information

Species: Nekovalkyrja NH-29A Gender: Female Age: 1 Creator: Karasu Odo (mother) Organization: Star Army of Yamatai Occupation: SAINT Operative Rank: Santô Hei

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'10” Mass: 140 lbs Measurements: 81 cm (B cup)

Build and Skin Color: Dull, light gray skin, slightly curved build. Her legs are long and lanky.

Face and Eye Color: Exceptionally short, wide head. Very flat, upturned nose with a wide bridge. Small forehead. Face maintains the very sharp definition common in Nekos. Eyes have a cat-like pattern, the pupils being a large ovular wedge running vertically. Eye color is a very bright yellow-green shade.

Hair color and Style: Tall, perky Neko ears point up from the upper sides of her head, much higher than Nekovalkyrja usually have them. The ears are covered in short, furry hair. Hair style is very straight and smooth, with bangs falling just short of her eyes, and curling slightly inward. A thick, long strand of hair falls from each side of the bangs down to breast level. The rest of her hair falls to the top of her neck and is heavily layered, each layer cut perfectly straight and strongly defined. Hair color is Air Force Blue, a blue-gray color, and fades to a much lighter shade at the very tips. (reference)

Distinguishing Features: Hyper cat-like appearance. Unique eye pattern and head shape.

Psychological Characteristics

Personality: Karasu Jime is not a typical Nekovalkyrja of her generation; she is curious, inquisitive, feisty, and enjoys both mental and physical challenges, though she prefers physical. Beyond these traits, she is quite unique. Her interests are similar to those of a cat, especially her affinity for fish. Her personality, similarly, has a feline overtone. She is very moody and cranky, always lashing out at whoever crosses her. She spends her spare time lounging about lazily. In combat and competition, she likes to play with her opponent before finishing them. No sense of humor. Prone to staring. Sadistic. Overall, has the personality of an angsty, pissy cat.

Likes: Rice, zero-gravity, sushi, fish, yarn, shiny(!), killing things for fun, killing things she dislikes, NH-29S variant Dislikes: Mishhuvurthyar, ID-SOL, Geshrin, Nepleslians, Elysians, Freespacers, Lorath, Yamataians, Jiyuuians, Abwehrans, Azoreans, Iromakuanhe, absolutely every living thing that is not an NH-29, dogs Goals: To make the ultimate sushi roll…


Karasu Jime was born in early YE 30 to Karasu Odo (烏 脅), a particularly eccentric NH-29A Nekovalkyrja. It is unclear what in the hell she was thinking, but when Karasu Jime was born, she had several “unique characteristics.” Her facial features were exceptionally cat-like, and she proved to deeply enjoy feline recreational activities, such as eating fish. Shortly after reaching physical maturity, she was sent to a Star Army training camp, where she and and other Nekovalkyrja learned the ways of fighting and social interaction. When she was done, she was told her unique personality would be put to use in SAINT operations…

Military Service

YE 31 - Present

Completed basic training. Enters service on the YSS Genei.

Awards, Honors, and Promotion Record

Award ImageAward NameDate PresentedNotes
Santô Hei April 21, YE 312) Presented when character was approved for duty.


Communication (+ telepathy): Karasu Jime is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. She is knowledgable with many forms of cryptography. She is fluent in English and Japanese. She can speak and write both correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc. She also can speak telepathically. Almost forgot to mention that one.

Combat: Karasu Jime received hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program. She is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons. Weapons she is trained in include energy pistols, energy rifles, knives, grenades, and power armor.

Technology Operation: Karasu Jime is capable of operating any computer system that uses the Kessaku OS, found on all Star Army starships. She is proficient in entering and/or searching for information. She is knowledgeable with computer coding, and is capable of minor hacking on unprotected systems.

Mathematics: Karasu Jime received basic mathematics training, up to and including algebra and trigonometry.

Starship Operations: Karasu Jime has been thoroughly trained in piloting starships. She is capable of operating all the basic systems in a single-man shuttle craft, and knows how to properly maintain shuttles during extended operation.

Humanities: Karasu Jime has working knowledge of psychology, sociology, diplomacy, and philosophy. She is trained in the basic methods of effectively gathering intelligence from others.

Culinary: Karasu Jime is seemingly obsessed with sushi. She is an expert on absolutely everything having to do with sushi. She is a self-taught master of preparing and serving sushi. She really likes sushi. Sushi sushi sushi.



Pistol Belt

All items in the section below come with a belt pouch, case, sheath or holster as applicable.

Personal Hygiene

These items are expendable and can be reissued whenever needed. These will not need to be returned.


Karasu Jime is a Santô Hei in the Star Army of Yamatai, earning - 50 KS - per week.

Entered active duty (OOC): April 21, 2009

Paychecks are added every weekend. Last paycheck collected: See below (31=2009)

Total Savings Deposit Withdrawal Date Reason
3050 KS Starting Salary + Weekly Salary
3100 KS +50 KS 5/11/31 Salary
3150 KS +50 KS 5/17/31 Salary
3200 +50 KS 5/27/31 Salary
3250 +50 5/31/31 Salary
3350 +100 6/17/31 Salary
3400 +50 6/21/31 Salary
3450 +50 6/27/31 Salary
3500 +50 7/04/31 Salary
Current Total 3500 KS
Character Data
Character NameKarasu Jime
Character OwnerTeddo
Character StatusAdoptable Player Character
Approval Thread…
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusReserve
SAOY RankSantô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Intelligence Operative
SAOY AssignmentFort Victory Reserve Center
Jime is formally spelt Jimu
OOC date: April 21, 2009