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Tammo Sheath

Tammo Sheath is a player character played by Charaa.

Tammo Sheath
Species & Gender: unknown/male
Date of Birth: 35日 5月 YE 11
Organization: Night Guard
Occupation: Security
Rank: Captain1)
Current Placement: Durandium Phoenix

Physical Description

Captain Tammo Sheath is a soldier and it shows a lot.


His head is covered in brown hair color head, which is starting to gray a little2). He allowed a little rugged look, a result of his past, and not being able to take time to groom, and as a result of this, he’s often seen sporting a close-cropped beard. His eyes were piercing blue, which were often used to scanning their surroundings with a vigilant gaze. Hidden under the beard, is a chiseled jawline. He has a scar along his cheek, which has long since healed.


He is a tall figure of 5’10 with a well-built athletic physique. This was a toned physique reflecting years of rigorous training. Like most Military, and Private Military forces, Tammo walks straight, without a slouch to his body stature.


Tammo wears a uniform similar to the NDC Officer Uniform but with some minor changes where the NDC’s military patch is, was the Night Guard’s Patch, which was a shield mainly. But this is a false appearance, as it is covering his combat suit.


Tammo is a person who was influenced by his past and by the people in his life.

As a Leader

This has evolved his personality as not only the fourth division captain, but as the captain of the Durandium Phoenix. He acts with an air of natural authority; the captain possesses an unwavering resolve and a sharp intellect3). The captain also has a compassionate side, always looking out for the well-being of their team, and the camaraderie of their crew members above all else. This means that they foster a supportive and cohesive environment on their starship, inspiring loyalty and dedication amongst their team.

They aren’t afraid of making tough decisions for the greater good. But always strive to find a peaceful resolution before resorting to violence. They are known for their determination, resilience, and unyielding commitment to justice.

In Combat

The captain demonstrates a calm and collected demeanor even in the most chaotic situations, and they prefer to lead by example4).


The Future Captain was born in an unknown colony within the Kikyo Sector. Before the unexpected arrival of Vilkas Kurosaki, this colony world was steamed in violence, which forced him to experience an upbringing steeped in the harsh realities of conflicts. From gangs vying for control to aliens, and outside factions desiring the planet Tammo had to fight, until Vilkas had arrived. Tammo’s group of friends rescued Vilkas from some of the harshest gangs on the planet, and in gratitude, Vilkas trained Tammo and his friends in various styles of combat.

Tammo learned that Vilkas had been a part of an exodus fleet fleeing the OSO, but a glitch in his ship’s systems forced Vilkas to appear in Tammo’s world. Tammo knew that his world was a colony as such he was unbothered by the fact that Vilkas was an alien. With Vilkas’s help, the gangs were fought back, and when Vilkas was able to leave, many, including Tammo went with him. The group found their way to the New Dusk Conclave and Tammo was in the room when Vilkas learned that his twin sisters had formed a corporation, a Mining Guild. So Vilkas formed the Night Guard, and through some influence, had sent the younger members of the group to the NDC’s education system, where they learned.

Tammo enrolled in a prestigious military Academy, whereupon Graduating with top honors, they quickly rose through the ranks, showcasing exceptional skills and becoming a decorated officer during such conflicts as the Kuvexian war. Since then, his missions have been thwarting pirate attacks, assisting colonies in need, and providing critical support ng interstellar conflicts. Their unwavering dedication to justice and protecting the innocent has established them as an esteemed figure amongst private military forces.

However, they grew disillusioned with the politics and bureaucracy of traditional military forces5), leading them to resign and seek out Vilkas, who through his vouching, had gotten him a job as a Member of the Night Guard. Of course, recognizing his expertise, the twins didn’t object, and since then, Tammo continued a military career, protecting Mining Guild’s settlements from megafauna.


Life continued on for Tammo, and as the result of being an adult, he was aware when the Operator program happened. Operators joined the military like his future boss’s little sister. While others chose to join such military groups as the Night Guard, thus Tammo whom by that point had begun to get more seniority would soon receive choices. He could stay at one of the settlements, or move on, because by the time the Operators came to be. The Mining Guild expanded, first to Draco Eridanus, then to Nephis where there were new resources to dig out.

In addition Vilkas had decided to promote certain members to become Division Captains, meaning they’d be heading up branches of the Night Guard. Unfortunately twice Tammo had not been chosen as Division captain, but humbly Tammo chose not to dwell on it. Instead he focused on his work, making sure Mining Guild assets were kept safe from harm.

In the Nephis Settlements the Night Guard personnel had to make sure that both animals and criminals didn’t try to break in to steal things like Gemstones, or certain mineral materials. But in Draco Eridanus, which is protected by the Dusk Orbital Guard, the Night Guard only needs worry about criminals breaking in to steal.

Tammo was getting up there in age, and he began thinking that while he wanted to continue working, he thought he should think about taking something easier. Plus in the Night Guard Comms, the Second Division captain, had mentioned needing a replacement, so he put his name forward and got the transfer approved. It was fortunate that he had, because there was a transport accident, and many on a stork transport had gotten critically injured. The investigation came back as non-technological error, meaning one of the pilots had caused the accident. So Tammo took it upon himself to give them a serous lecture on their incompetence. Since the day of the accident now called Storkfall, Tammo continued with his work, guarding Mining Guild warehouses of processed Gemstones, and Metal. Before the fourth annual DracoTown’s founder’s day festival, he’d learned of Project terra, where the Mining Guild would be working on creating a planet. The Project was announced to the entire sector, on the Founders Day festival, which meant both Night Guard and the Dusk Orbital Guard had their hands full keeping people from disrupting the project trying to look.

After that Tammo would learn of some exciting news, which was alerted to him due to seeing something new a new station being built. Turns out, the Kurosaki sisters been planning an expedition of their own, as a result of an invitation from the Motoyoshi clan. They had already picked out their branch head, to go on this trip, and lead the Mining Guild Contingent. And who was the new division captain of the Night Guard? Tammo was pleased to learn that it had been he, who was chosen. Kali had spoken to his bosses sisters, and his supervisor about Tammo’s actions during Storkfall, and how compassionate he’d been to her, and the reports they’d received from Tammo’s other superiors.

Kali herself had wanted him to come and aid her as the Night Guard’s contingent with the Mining guild’s contingent. Tammo had been proud to agree, and he was given leave to prepare, as he would need to move to his new home. Station Decacron as the new name of the station, was a clone of sorts of Omacron, which had been Tammo’s home for a while, as such it looked exactly like Omacron, which meant he could technically move back into his apartment if he wanted to. The New Branch head of the Mining Guild chose the Branch Head’s mansion in the city. But Tammo was fine with his apartment; it was good enough for him, as far as the new division captain was concerned.

Others began joining, like Kali’s friends and colleagues who desired adventure as well. Clones were soon brought over from “base” stock. Tammo was soon given a new starship, a first of its kind for the mining Guild to use in the Durandium Phoenix a Reforged class of starship. Through the ship’s shakedown run, it and its escorts discovered Kuvexian pirates, which allowed for the perfect opportunity to test the ship’s full might against the pirates.

Their Cyberwarfare Operatives invaded the systems, took over the robots, and used them to kill the pirates and any who attacked them. The bodies from whom had compatible DNA6) had their genes taken and secured for transport. The robots were also brought along, to reverse engineer and to learn how it ticked.

Some of the Gene samples were taken to DracoTown, while the rest were taken to Decacron’s cloning facilities, where clones were soon made. These clones were “persuaded” during their mental linking to join the contingent. Mostly this was so that they could keep the breeding stock high. Also taken from the Kuvexian pirates were slaves, some of whom were once Yugumo Workers. The Yugumo workers were taken home, to the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector. The slaves were given medical aid, and were helped to find work that they would be paid to.

Tammo was there, overseeing it all, out of compassion for the victims, and since he was out and about in Decacron, he was able to observe as Businesses were set up, and farms both in the station and as a result of Daikoku agriculture ships were added. Homes also were filled, with Synths, Cyborgs, clones, former slaves, and non-clones. Soon it was time, and Tammo or rather the Durandium Phoenix led the way to the Motoyoshi Sector to follow the others in the newly formed Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet


As Mining Guild Contingent began its journey from the Kikyo Sector, Tammo Sheath, as the Leader of the Night Guard Security Division, overseeing its protection, was there making sure that the Mining Guild starships was kept safe, as he had been entrusted to by the supreme commander of the Night Guard, Vilkas Kurosaki. No matter what Kali Firewalker, the Deer Cyborg Anthro and Mining Guild Contingent Leader wanted, Tammo was commited to her protection as well as the Mining Guild Contingent. Eventually, they along with the rest of the rest of the fleet, settled in the Sharie system. Then nestled within the depths of the Sharie system, the Alliance Fleet found solace and stability, transforming the once uncharted region into a bustling hub teeming with activity and purpose. Under the watchful gaze of the fleet's leadership, the Sharie system flourished, serving as a vital nexus for the Alliance Fleet's operations and endeavors.

As the Mining Guild Contingent settled into their new home, they wasted no time in leveraging their expertise in asteroid mining to extract the rich resources scattered throughout the system's asteroid belts. With precision and efficiency, they embarked on their familiar task, harvesting the valuable ores and minerals that would sustain the Alliance Fleet's ventures.

Kali decided that the journey should continue, but some may want to stay in the Sharie system, so As Station Decacron stood steadfast in its position within the bustling Sharie System, a beacon of stability and industry, Captain Tammo Sheath embarked on an expedition of exploration and discovery aboard the Durandium Phoenix. With determination in their hearts and the vast expanse of space before them, Captain Sheath and their crew ventured forth into the unknown.

Their journey led them to the discovery of two remarkable new systems, each holding its own promise and potential. Gyokai, a system brimming with abundant resources, offered untold riches waiting to be unearthed by the skilled hands of the Mining Guild. Proclycon, on the other hand, presented a stark contrast—a solitary supergiant star, casting its brilliant light across the emptiness of space.

Intriguingly, Proclycon held a particular fascination for Yue, a member of the Motoyoshi Clan whose interests lay in the realm of Daikoku Agriculture starships. As Tammo pondered Yue's intentions for Proclycon, a shroud of mystery enveloped the enigmatic figure's motives. What drove Yue's interest in this solitary star system? What plans lay dormant within the depths of her mind, waiting to be unveiled?

As Tammo and the crew of the Durandium Phoenix grappled with these questions, they found themselves drawn deeper into the intricacies of alliances and ambitions that intertwined within the fabric of the Alliance Fleet. With each new discovery, the boundaries of exploration expanded, revealing both the boundless opportunities and the inherent risks that lay scattered throughout the cosmos. And amidst it all, Tammo remained ever vigilant, guiding their expedition with a steady hand and a keen eye for the unexpected.

Later on, Kali Firewalker, and with Tammo as her escort, had arrived at a memorial, and as Kali Firewalker and Tammo Sheath made their solemn way to the memorial hosted by the Motoyoshi Clan, the weight of history hung heavy in the air. It was a gathering to pay homage to the fallen, to honor the memory of those who had sacrificed everything in a pivotal moment of conflict in the Kikyo Sector.

Standing amidst the somber ambiance, Kali Firewalker, a beacon of strength and resilience, approached Katsuko Ketsurui-Motoyoshi, the esteemed head of the Motoyoshi Clan. In a gesture both symbolic and profound, Kali presented the Gemstone Orchid—a marvel of Mining Guild technology crafted with precision and care.

The Gemstone Orchid stood not only as a work of art but as a promise—a promise of collaboration, unity, and shared purpose between their respective groups. It represented the bonds forged through hardship and perseverance, the understanding that in times of trial, strength could be found in solidarity.

As Kali placed the Gemstone Orchid into Katsuko's hands, the significance of the moment echoed through the assembled crowd. It was a testament to the enduring spirit of cooperation and mutual respect that defined the alliance between the Mining Guild and the Motoyoshi Clan.

With heads bowed in reverence, hearts heavy with remembrance, and minds filled with the hope of a brighter future, Kali and Tammo stood as witnesses to the unfolding of history—a history shaped by the resilience of those who dared to forge connections across the stars. And as they departed the memorial, their resolve strengthened, their commitment to collaboration reaffirmed, they carried with them the echoes of the past and the promise of a tomorrow illuminated by the light of unity.


Captain Sheath boasts a diverse skill set that makes him an exceptional starship captain. These skills are listed below.


Captain Sheath possesses a leadership quality enabling them to command and inspire their crew effectively. Furthermore inspired by examples such as Vilkas Kurosaki, and other noble leaders, he allows for fostering a strong sense of camaraderie and teamwork even in the face of adversity. Vilkas treated his subordinates as a family; as a result, Tammo chose to do so as well.

Tactical Mind

As a result of years of voyeuristic watching of past leaders, both in real life and on vids, has developed Tammo’s sharp strategic mind. He’s capable of analyzing complex scenarios swiftly and devising effective strategies. They excel at exploiting their starship's capabilities to gain an advantage in combat situations. This means they excel in devising detailed battle plans, efficiently utilizing resources, and outsmarting adversaries.7)

Combat Expert

As a result of their upbringing, they’ve gained an extensive military training, this developed to allow Tammo to be highly skilled in various forms of combat, both armed and unarmed, and they possess sharp reflexes, exceptional accuracy, and are skilled in martial arts, making them a formidable opponent on the battlefield, should he need to leave the ship.

The Negotiator

Tammo has been given situations in the past to allow him to develop skills for negotiation with the hope that a peaceful solution could occur to certain situations. They understand the delicate balance of interstellar politics and are capable of maintaining diplomatic relations with various factions and species. This also stemmed from the Mining Guild Contingent’s policy of continuing the Mining Guild’s relationship with the Yugumo Corporation and the Motoyoshi Clan.

The Pilot

Tammo’s past at the helm of a starship allows him to be an adept pilot. They can navigate treacherous asteroid fields, execute precision landings on hostile planets, and engage in dogfights with exceptional finesse. Whether it's evading enemy fire or executing complex maneuvers, they handle their spacecraft with utmost precision.

Technical Skills

Tammo was forced in the past to work on starships; this developed into a deep understanding of starship systems and is adept at troubleshooting and repairs. In addition to sabotage should he need it.

Social Connections

As a Night Guard Captain, Tammo is connected to

Group Connections


Inventory & Finance

Tammo has managed to gain a vast bit of wealth.


Tammo Sheath currently has 3000 DS. A measly 1 percent piece of the Mining Guild, allowing for a somewhat steady cashflow Captain of the Night Guard salary: 93,464 8)


and he’s managed to acquire several possessions.

Captains Yacht

As a gift to becoming a division Captain, Tammo has been gifted with a ship class known as the captain’s Yacht. This ship is called “The Crimson Eagle” which is a state-of-the-art vessel outfitted with with cutting-edge technology. It features advanced weaponry, shielding, and navigation systems, ensuring the utmost efficiency and combat readiness9). It also boasts a cutting-edge navigation system capable of navigating through the most hazardous regions of space10). It’s also outfitted with an expansive wine collection and has room for parties, or for important meetings.


Night Guard Ares Combat Suit Underneath the uniform, Tammo wears an advanced custom-made combat suit that combines lightweight armor woven with the latest nanofiber technology, with enhanced flexibility. Flexibility also enabled agile movements. While most times, his helmet is unattached, but should a combat situation occur, it materializes over his head, and the technology includes an integrated heads-up display, communication systems11), and an atmospheric seal. The suit has a environmental adaptation systems attached, to allow for maximum protection



Outside the ship, Captain Sheath owns a luxurious apartment on Station Decacron, providing him a comfortable respite during brief periods of downtime. The apartment is tastefully decorated, outfitted with memorabilia from his military career, and a stunning view of the city and the cosmos.


Tammo has managed to save one piece of his family’s heirlooms, which was a – a beautifully crafted pocket watch that was handed down through generations. From his father, and his grandfather for thousands of years, Tammo looks at it when he needs to think of things.

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2023/09/15 20:44.

Character Data
Character NameTammo Sheath
Character OwnerCharaa
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationStation Decacron
Character's HomeStation Decacron
4th division captain
due to the stresses of leadership
his player on the other hand is different
aka being in the front of an army when they attack
mainly how they refused to protect Mining Guild’s planetary interests
non Kuvexian DnA
Though I may need aid in this oocly
per year
should it get attacked
but no reason for that cause of the fleet
connected to his implant