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GM Guide to the NMX

The following page details the NMX in a way to make it easy to use them in plots .

Starting Out

(Filler text really)

  • What sort of gear do the NMX use?
  • What is the basic force size that would attack a plotship?
    • »insert shit here«
  • What is the basic fleet size that would attack a planetary or star base?
    • A fleet the size of your MOM!!! Whoooa. #rekt #umadbro (»replace with actual info«)
  • How many Neko should an Advanced type be able to take on at once?
    • Probably two or three without Powered Armor. An Advanced type should be a good match for a single Neko in PA.
  • How many Neko should a Crab type be able to take on at once?
    • A crab should be able to take on at least five Neko at one time without PA, and two to three with.

Unit Types

This section covers the various units that GMs have at their disposal, and what players may most frequently encounter.

Parasite Swarms

Though these are the smallest mature form that Mishhuvurthyar are capable of taking, these are also considered the most numerous and least intelligent. Typically slithering across floors, walls and ceilings, they traverse across basically any surface. These are released in swarms through orbital bombardment or ship deployment, where they rapidly slither across surfaces in an attempt to overwhelm the enemy, drawing fire away from higher priority units and onto themselves. Despite countermeasures such as those put into place within Nekovalkyrja, the parasites mutate and adopt too quickly for them to remain useful.

They pose the greatest of threats to unprotected individuals, especially due to their ability to quickly enter bodies and infest them. When in numbers, they seek to swarm people, and stalk them when they are few and hiding places are plenty. Additionally, they are capable of endangering even power armor. This is done by obstructing movement and vision in addition to any attempts to chew through unprotected joints. Their greatest danger is the ability to occupy individuals long enough for other, harder hitting units to engage.

The Infested

Typically found with or on the heels of the parasite swarms, the infested have had their bodies penetrated by a parasite and taken control of, allowing the Mishhuvurthyar to exert control. During attacks, they are used in large numbers, either equipped with weapons of opportunity or even rushing bare handed. These are danagerous due to their ability to not only use weapons, but also in that they are more physically capable of restraining, slowing down or even disarming power armor with sheer numbers. Failing this, obstructing line of sight and drawing attention is another role they play. More importantly however, is the psychological impact they exert on the Mishhuvurthyar's enemies.

The circumstances of the infested can vary greatly depending on the setup of the parasites used, meaning that there is no true 'typical' infested. Full, total control can be taken where the parasite consumes the original individual's mind into its own, and emerges as the dominant persona, while in other situations, may actively merge, resulting in a person fanatically loyal to the Mishhuvurthyar beyond reason. In other cases, the parasite may simply be used as a form of enforcement or control over an individial, while on others, they may be complete prisoners in their own bodies that can only speak.

Out of combat, they can be used for labor, reproduction, and short-term infiltration.

Mishhuvurthyar Brawlers

Above the swarms of parasites and hordes of infested, the Mishhuvurthyar themselves are the next threat up, and are signifigantly more dangerous. Being composed of 'whelps', their ranks are composed of the youngest and most inexperienced, having just recently reached maturity themselves. They are also the least trusted and most unproven, and as a result, typically enter battle unarmed, with cheap but highly effective melee weapons being issued as circumstances permit. Despite this however, they are highly effective in combat, using the chaos and confusion created by cannon fodder and the fire of superior units to close in.

Rapidly moving, darting through the air like fish through water, or methodically moving up from cover to cover while avoiding detection are both viable methods. However, once in close range, they are incredibly lethal. Their myriad of tentacles are all highly coordinated in their movements and already provide a signifigant advantage in melee, but their prodigeous physical strength allows them to literally tear limbs off of almost any power armor in existance once they have a firm grip. Breaking necks and tearing heads - spinal cords and all - are not uncommon moves they can make, and can even be considered gloating.

Their main weakness however, is inexperience, overeagerness and hubris. Despite their high intelligence, individuals may simply not be aware enough of the dangers they face, just how fast their own enemies can move, or what they can accurately shoot at. Due to being some of the lowest ranking Mishhuvurthyar, brawlers may take rash actions in their hurry to rise through the ranks as well. Over-prioritizing taking 'prizes' to either enjoy, present to superiors or both, in addition to underestimating their enemies due to personal prejudices are also common mistakes.

Space Strategy

  • C3 (Command, Control, and Communications) denial and dominance in targeted star systems and hostile assets.

Surface/Habitat Strategy

  • The NMX priority is to destroy (or, even better, capture) enemy shipyards and ship depots.
    • Planet-based storage and manufacturing facilities
    • Shipyards and major starbases such as the Zodiac and Iori classes
  • Put enemy facilities and people to work for the NMX (enslave!).
    • Capture cloning facilities
    • Establish processing facilities
  • Use reproducing infantry units to swarm captive worlds.
    • Parasites


  • Small special forces teams sneak in and disable defenses, then mid to large size fleets come in.
  • Shock and awe - attack very suddenly with huge forces
  • Minimum squadrons of 3-5 ships - ships never travel alone other than scouts
  • Heavy use of huge swarms of automated fighters, followed by torpedo bombers.

Other General Questions

  • What's the difference between eggs and fertilization for reproduction?
    • Eggs are the quick and easy solution, and take a lot more of a Mishhu's internal resources. While being able to fertilize a target is slower, it provides a continuing source of new Mishhus. Eggs are one and done, but fertilization lasts.
  • How long does an egg take to hatch? A mishhu of any given type to grow?
    • The speed of plot. It's completely up to your needs as a GM how long anything takes, from drugs taking effect to how long a parasite needs to take over a victim.
  • Do the parasite types overwrite a victim's personality with their own?
    • Parasites overwrite a victim's personality with one they have stored, sort of like sticking a thumbdrive into a computer that overwrites the OS with one of its own. It's not specifically the parasite's personality beforehand as the small creatures don't usually show that much personality or capability for thought outside of being able to be directed by instinct or the orders of a commanding Mishhu.
  • Do parasite types always overwrite a victim's personality?
    • Not in 100% of cases. There are 'soulless' parasites that are used simply to give a willing victim a Mishhuvurthyar Tentacles, and it's possible for errors to occur when the personality overwriting is taking place. A victim may end up in a state where they no longer have control of their actions and are basically prisoners in their own bodies.

faction/mishhuvurthyar/nmx/nmx_tactics.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:23 by