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Yaga'moshe Plasma Battery

A heavy weapons turret created for use on both starships, bases and also as a ground defense weapon. This weapon was made available in EE 001 YE 34


One of the largest weapon emplacements found within the kingdom_of_neshaten, the Yaga'moshe Plasma Battery is a turreted weapon emplacement intended for stations and large starships but can also be used as a ground based battery for defending cities - or for attacking ships in orbit. This particular battery can fire's plasma in pulsated effect.

The weapon is equipped with a number of plasma collectors located on the front, these collectors absorb unspent plasma that collects in front of the barrel and then recycles it for use in the weapon, this can potentially shorten the refire of the next shot once every eight shots, allowing the next shot to be fired almost instantly.

There are some differences between the space based version of this battery and the ground based, the first being that the space based battery lacks warning lights while the ground based one has them, another being that the ground based battery has a visible hydraulic system where-as the space based one doesn't have this due to it not needing it. The battery is capable of pointing thirty degrees 'upward' relative to it's forward facing direction.


Class: Anti-Starship, Planetary defense Type: Weapon Designers: Yuina'cema Merchant Family Manufacturer: Yuina'cema Merchant Family, Military Dockyards


Max Range (space): 800,000 kilometers Max Range (atmosphere): 500 kilometers

Rate of Fire (pulse): One shot every fifteen seconds

Damage Capacity

faction/neshaten/yagamoshe_plasma_battery.1561146044.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:43 (external edit)