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Neshaten Military Protocals

A protocal is either a set of commands or instructions for Neshaten military personnel to follow when enacted. Currently, there are only a few protocals that exist.

Trial Protocals

A trial protocal is essentially a protocal using during a ship trial; the protocals govern what a ship crew can and can't while that protocal is active. Under no circomstances should trial protocals be active during live ship combat!

Cheron Bay

Cheron Bayis a trial protocal enacted while a ship is still in drydock before being sent out to a military base for assignment. The protocal is put into place when the ship is being run through stress tests of it's hardware to ensure all hardware has been installed and connected properly.

There is a three stage limit in effect while this protocal active.

  • Stage One - Also known as Cheron Bay One, Means that only ship hardware should be tested, including a ships reactor, no other systems should be active except for those needed to monitor the reactor. During this time, the reactor is monitored by the ships computer to ensure it doesn't go beyond a pre-seat heat level, if this set limit is reached then the reactor is vented automatically due to the risk of there being no engineering staff in engineering.
  • Stage Two - Also known as Cheron Bay Two, this relates to a trials pre-flight testing, where it's engines are brought online and stress tested to determine if they meet factory standards after installation.
  • Stage Three - Also known as Cheron Bay Three, the final stage, this stage removes the tolerance limits placed on ship systems including it's reactor so that it can operate at maximum effiency. Removes all safety locks on consoles.

In the event the tested ship has to go into combat, the protocal should be disengaged by a chief trial officer, failure to do this can result in odd activity in a ships systems - including the reactor not operating to the level it should operate during combat or even a ship suddenly losing power during operation. Other side effects includ failure of a ships shields, communications and weapons.

Chin Sho

Chin Sho is a trial protocal that governs a ships combat trial periods. This protocal, while enacted, means that the ship and any weapons being fired at it must be operating in low power mode to prevent serious damage to a ship. Missiles must be armed with dummy warheads, torpedos can not be used except against dummy targets.

During a boarding trial, weapons must be set to stun and no melee weapons except those with a blunt surface may be used.

Military Protocals

A military protocal is a series of instructions dictating what a ship should do, most of the protocals are reltaed only to the defense of the realm.

faction/neshaten/protocals.1606785214.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:42 (external edit)