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Shukara Naval Command

Below you will find all the Shukara Volunteer Navy command and administration departments.


The Shukara Naval Command has been around since the creation of the Shukara Volunteer Navy and expanded on various departments such as the Colonial Military Administration or C.M.A. was formed in EE 002-V or in Yamatai calendar in YE 37. They provided support to newly established colonies that came under the flag of the Kingdom of Neshaten. The Unified Ground And Fleet Command or UniCom was formed to oversee ground and space-based operations and Personnel Command that become responsible for all Shukara Volunteer Navy personal in service. These are just a few to name that has contributed to the strategic, tactical, and operation levels of the Shukara Volunteer Navy.

Shukara Naval Command

Shukara Naval Command
Department Commanding Officer Description Additional Information
High Command Vio'leca Hui'ye Cre'baya Shukara High Command is a group of high-ranking military officers whose responsibility resides with the command of the entire military. The structure is comprised of nineteen officers between the ranks of P'Iurebe and Q'Abrenal, typically high command is responsible for the planning of major operations and missions, the setting of important objectives and helps to keep the peace within the volunteer military by ensuring no wars occur in the lower command ranks. Currently HighCom, and the Navy as a whole, is commanded by Q'Abrenal Sai'hyuma Trey'nan'ie Vio'leca Hui'ye Cre'baya. They currently have their headquarters in netoshen on Nesha Prime (Planet), a secondary headquarters is located at an undisclosed location.
Naval Command Jin'sea Sa'yuh Naval Command, or sometimes referred to NavCom, is an organization whose intention is to oversee the smooth running of the Shukara Volunteer Navy. They are broken up into two commands which help ensure ease of running. The first is the Unified Ground and Fleet Command, which handles all grounds and fleet-based activities; while the second is Naval Logistical Command.
Unified Ground And Fleet Command The Unified Ground and Fleet command branch of High Command, also known as UniCom, has the responsibility of overseeing all ground and space-based operations. They are the unified body of the Navy and help ease the tension between the space and ground forces and is what allows the Navy to operate as one cohesive unit with multiple sub-branches within the UniComFle that also ensure that things are done smoothly.
Naval Logistical Command Also known as NavLogCom, Naval Logistical Command is responsible for and oversees all, construction, maintenance, and the distribution of any and all war materials including ships, ammunition, replacements parts, food, medical supplies, and any other supplies needed for naval warships and ground forces. They are also responsible for ensuring soldiers are paid on time. NavLogCom is also responsible for the issuing of all orders that come from Naval and High Command.
Personnel Command Uiya'he Sin'he Known also as NavPerCom, or PersCom by some, the Naval Personnel Command is a branch of High Command that is responsible for the issuing and dealings of all transfers, promotions, and retirements within the volunteer navy. PersComm maintains active and past-active duty records of all soldiers so that they can be easily accessed by authorized personnel, including family members and military officers.
Astrophysics and Orbital Command Quya'sahe'ane Hui Known also as AscCom, the Astrophysics, and Orbital Command is responsible for maintaining the safe flight of all starships that enter into a Neshaten planet by ensuring those ships fly safely to their destination, AscCom is also responsible for maintaining and tracking all interstellar bodies including planets, stars, asteroids, and other kinds of objects. AscCom also deals with the researching and understanding of stellar phenomena and are the first ones to be contacted when an 'unknown' steller incident is detected, as scientists within the command are dispatched to study and attempt to explain what it is that was discovered.
Ordinance Division Fuy'ashe The Ordinance Division, or OrdDiv, is responsible for overseeing and maintaining the Kingdom's stockpiles of weapons and ammunition and the dispatching of said items to ships when needed. They are also responsible for guarding the Kingdom's most destructive weapons and serving onboard ships to arm fusion-based weapon systems.

Shukara Naval Administration

Shukara Naval Administration
Department Commanding Officer Description Additional Information
Colonial Military Administration The Colonial Military Administration is a branch of the military set up to help oversee newly established colonies; it was created in EE 002-v. The C.M.A. is provided with its own small military force whose sole purpose is to protect planets on a temporary basis until a proper defense can be constructed and an actual government can be set up. The administration is also responsible for all logistical demands of a new colony including the transportation of colonists, supplies, and building materials amongst other things.

OOC Notes

The articles were original created by Kalshion & kyle. Later they were merge and updated by rawolfe on 2021/01/25 09:37.

faction/neshaten/nsn/shukara_naval_command.1611598526.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:12 (external edit)