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Kur'ken Booster Craft

The Kur'ken booster is an STL based vehicle designed to 'boost' ships that either lack FTL, or that reside within an FTL deadzone to near FTL-speeds so that they can pass through those sectors in a matter of minutes or hours, instead of potentially days. This vehicle, which is operated either remotely or hands on, was put into service in EE 001-v.

About the Kur'ken

The Kur'ken is a new type of vehicle that the kingdom_of_neshaten put into service in order to give military ships the capability of moving between planetary bodies easily in dead-zones. The craft operates on a pure STL system, utilizing a sort of 'overdrive' component in order to propel ships are near FTL speeds, its intended purely for short-range usage however, such as the distance it would take for a ship to go from Levia to the edge of the home system. However, because of the design behind them, the boosters are considered a 'one use vehicle', as the engines effectively burn out after use and require the boosters to be towed back to be repaired and refitted.

When the Kur'ken arrives at its destination, it can split into two halves, allowing the ship that it was attached to too speed away without the risk of it hitting the crafts hull. Once a ship is a sufficient distance away, an onboard computer will signal the two halves to return to one another, from there the craft will either makes its way back to its starter location or will loiter in the area depending on the commands given to it.

One of the crafts primary drawbacks in the wear and tear that it exerts on the engines, this problem results in the craft's maximum range being only within that of a star system, utilizing them outside of a star system would be too dangerous. These drawbacks mean that the craft can go thirty astro units before the craft must reduce its speed down in order to allow the engines to cool off, a process that would take thirty minutes; after this the engines can spin up again and go another thirty AUs.

However, once the craft reaches ninety AUs, the primary engines will break down and no longer be able to allow the craft to achieve its maximum speed. In this event, it has to use its backup engines to return to its starting point, a flight that could take several days or it would have to be towed to the nearest repair yard.

Key Features

  • Two oversized engines
  • Two oversized reactors
  • Capable of achieving a speed .7c for a limited amount of time
  • Can be used with both small and large ships.


First thought up in late EE 001, the Kur'ken is the brainchild of Sh'via'vis Kur'ken, a young Engineer working with the Navy who had been looking for plausible means of utilizing short-range STL boosters in order to move ships from one planet to another without needing to construct the much larger and very expensive Kthon'ya Intra-System Acceleration Gates. Sh'via'vis knew that in order for such a booster to exist, it not only needed a lot of engines but also quite a bit of power for those engines.


The Kur'ken resembles two curved 'pods' on either side with a large 'wing' that extends outward of the pods. The wing contains six secondary engines each, while the main pods contain the primary engines. A crew bridge is located in the primary pod, which contains the main reactor, while the secondary pod contains a secondary reactor that is used to power the pod when both pods are not attached.

Statistical Information

Organization: kingdom_of_neshaten Type: STL Booster Class: Booster Designer: Sh'via'vis Kur'ken Manufacturer: kingdom_of_neshaten Production: 100+ Price: Not currently available for purpose

Crew: Non, unmanned. Although can have a crew of eight Maximum Capacity: Twelve Passenger Capacity: None

Length: 100 meters Width: 100-400 meters Height: 50-250 meters

Propulsion and Range

  • Sublight Engines:** Two large Class 3 Luxiton Gravitic Engine and twelve Class 2 Luxiton Gravitic Engine allowing for a speed of .7
  • Range: 30 AU's before cooling off required. 90 AU's max.
  • Lifespan: Can go 60 AU's before primary engines start to break down.
  • Refit Cycle: Must be refitted after each main flight.

Damage Capacity

See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.

  • Body: 20 SP (SDR)
  • Shields: 20 SP (SDR)


There are only a few areas within the booster that are capable of being occupied, the majority of which are purely maintenance tunnels.

Compartment Layout Booster 1 (Primary Booster)

Command Centers

Hallways and Conduits

Living, Dining, and Recreational Areas

Crew Areas


Ship Systems Areas

Compartment Layout Booster 2 (Secondary Booster)

Command Centers

Hallways and Conduits

Living, Dining, and Recreational Areas

Crew Areas


Ship Systems Areas

Onboard Systems Descriptions

The following is a list of onboard systems

Structural Integrity System


The booster is powered by two Lunabaren High-Energy Reactor along with four Lunebaren Reactors that provide backup and startup power.

Life-Support systems

Uses the atmospheric_control_systems to provide ample life-support in critical sections.

Internal Docking System

When the booster craft isn't being used to transport starships through space, the two sections of the craft can come together in the middle and attach themselves, this in turn allows the Kur'ken to be put on standby to wait for orders. This also allows maintenance teams to more easily access areas of the ship as the docking clamps all have hallways built into them.

Once the booster is given the order to ferry another ship, it'll move toward the ship and then separate in the center, the clamps then serve another purpose of latching onto the other ship. A secondary system of tractor beams and gravitic beams help to ensure a secure lock.

Computer and Sensor System

OOC Information

This vehicle is being created to allow plot-ships to more easily get out of the home system, but also to traverse FTL deadzones (as FTL deadzones do not effect STL) it is a single one-time use vehicle which is why many of them will exist.

faction/neshaten/kurken_stl_booster.1572700700.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:41 (external edit)