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Hi'gesaene Satellite

Class: Hi'gesaene
Type: Multi-purpose Satellite
Designer: Hi'gesaene Von'treshae
Manufacturer: Shukara Armaments and Manufacturing
Fielded by: Kingdom of Neshaten
Organizations using: Kingdom of Neshaten, Shukara Volunteer Navy, Or'ion
Production: Multiples
Price: 56,000
Length: 45 meters
Height: 24 meter
Width: 12 meters
Propulsion and Range
Speed (FTL): .9 ly/m
Speed (Sublight): .120c
Durability and Maintenance
Service Lifespan: Fifteen years
Refit Cycle: When needed
Damage Capacity
See Damage Rating (Version 3) for an explanation of the damage system.
Hull: 5
Shields: 5 (Threshold 4)
Systems Information
Superstructure Dishe'trum
Reactor Large Generator
Computer and Sensor Systems Cordecon Quantum Computer, Neshaten Scanner Array Suite.
Propulsion 4x Class 3 Luxiton Gravitic Engines, Starfighter Size, 8x graviton_manoeuvring_system
FTL 1 class_6

Designed in EE 002, the Hi'gesaene Satellite was intended to serve several functions within the Kingdom of Neshaten, the main of which being observation. It was put into service in EE 002-v.


The Hi'gesaene Satellite is an unmanned vehicle designed by the Neshaten to serve a number of roles, including observation, security, exploration, and threat assessment along with operations within a sensor field. Its multiple array of onboard systems means that while it can perform all of its operations adequately, it can't perform them masterfully like a vehicle that was designed specifically for that purpose. It has an optical camera that allows its onboard computer to more easily hone in on potential threats or objects of interest and then relays images to a control agent, such as a nearby ship or station. Antenna's on its backside are there not only for communications purposes but also for the interception of communications as well. Small tendrils located across the vehicles hull serve several purposes only found when the vehicle is in atmosphere, such as reading wind-speed, rainful, and other atmospheric conditions that not only helps the onboard computer to keep the vehicle stable in the air but can also relay those conditions to weather stations.

When the satellite isn't being used, it can enter into a standby mode, this mode of operation powers all systems except those needed to operate the satellite such as its computer systems; but systems such as active sensors are taken off-line and the satellite is folded up to make it as small of a target as possible. The satellite can be remotely activated by a control agent, or will automatically come online if any objects trigger its threat warnings, such as rogue asteroids or unknown vessels that come within one hundred kilometers of the vehicle. The Sat' also has four proximity sensor domes located on the front, these domes have a combination of sensor and small optical eyes that are used to constantly monitor the area to the sides of the satellite.

The Hi'gesaene is small enough that it can be deployed from large ships, or it can be launched from a station. Its onboard FTL gives it a limited range of operation from its 'home' base, but it can't go far from that base.

Key Features

The Hi'gesaene is primarily designed for observation purposes, such as filling up gaps in security nets or orbiting over cities to serve as a 'spy' platform for military operations.

Mission Specialization

Current, the satellite is designed for the following:

  • Space Observation, can observe incoming and outgoing ships.
  • Communications Interception, is able to intercept communications.
  • Surveillance Operation, has an optical camera that can be used for spying, or observation.


The M.P.S. came into existence due to the Kingdom's need to have unmanned vehicles that can be used to fill the gaps left open due to the low number of both law enforcement and military vessels, as neither can be at all places at all times, this satellite was intended to help give both agencies the ability to better police their respected areas. Designed by Hi'gesaene Von'treshae, the satellite was built with decent armour plating to protect it from weapons fire, Hi'gesaene knew that criminals and even enemies who spot the satellite might try and destroy it and wanted to give the satellite a chance to warn nearby ships of any threats before its destruction.


The satellite looks like a circular elongated object with four retractable panels on either side, it has a central blue 'eye' that dims to a dull color when the satellite is not in use; its panels likewise retract inward at the same time.

The rear of the satellite has several antenna that stay deployed and the central area of the vehicle has several cylinders that house its vital components.

Unique Systems

The following are currently unique to this satellite

Solar Power Systems

Found on four retractable arms, the solar power systems are designed to protect the craft with power while within a star system, only one arm needs to be deployed when the craft is operating in standby mode while all four have to be active when its actively doing things. The Solar power system is connected directly to several onboard capacitors to store power, this system works in conjunction with its onboard generator to either augment the power provided or recharge said generator.

faction/neshaten/hi_gesaene_satallite.1644094253.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:40 (external edit)