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Diagnostic Nanite Injector w/medical scanner

The DNI-Medical Scanner is a piece of medical technology that the Neshaten created in ER 254, originally intended for use by military and medical personnel, it was updated further in ER 766 and was made available to the general public in ER 768(YE 25). This item comes automatically with the NSVM Medical Kit.


The Diagnostic Nanite Injector has the appearance of a small pen with an opening on one end, there is a transparent screen just a few inches up from the nozzle that shows at least part of what is inside the pen, there is button on the back of the pen that injects the contents of the injector into the person’s body but also serves as a secured hatch for replacing nanite canisters.

The medical scanner is used in conjunction with the injector; it is twenty inches wide, twelve inches in height and three inches deep.

The monitor has controls on it that allows a person to pinpoint areas of interest while they are scanning through a person's body utilizing nanites.


The nanite injector is used to inject medical nanites into a person's body, the nanites purpose is to search the blood stream and body for problems and relay the information to the medical scanner. Once these details are found, a person, be them a medic or someone else, can determine what actions are needed for what injuries are picked up. Along with information related to injuries, the scanner also keeps track of a person's heart rate and pulse. A secondly volumetric display can be activated in the event the user is using the scanner on multiple people or if they want to get a closer look at certain injuries.

Another function of the medical scanner is the ability to hook up to the Armored Body Suit, and check the vital signs of the soldier wearing the suit by interacting with the suits onboard medical systems.

Power and Data Source

The unit is powered by a small power crystal. It also has a single data-crystal located in the left handle that stores medical data, to be used by hospital or ship doctors.


The nanites that are designed to work with this device serve only to search the body for injuries and to relay that information to the medical device but can also be set to attach themselves to areas of the body to transmite blood and heart rate details. They are made out of a material that after awhile will degrade harmlessly into the person's bloodstream, resulting in the nanites disappearing after several days.


Cost of Monitor and Inject:

Price: 2100 Rn

Spare nanite carriages:

Price: 700 Rn

Spare power crystal:

Price: 450 Rn

faction/neshaten/equipment/dni_w_medical_scanner.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:24 (external edit)