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Neshaten Concussion Missiles

A missile primaryily used by the Neshaten military for use against both enemy assets and celestrial bodies, they were actually the first missile the Neshaten had actually created for use against possible invasions back when the Kingdom was young, it is still used today. Created in ER 109(Before YE), and entered service in ER 110(Before YE).


The concussion missile is one of only two missiles that the Neshaten currently have in their possession, it's original application, and creation, was back during late ER 109 to help combat the occasional asteriod's that would stray in their planets path and then help 'nudge' them aside or out of the way. Later on, the missile was adopted for a military application thanks inpart to what it was designed to do: shove stuff aside.


The missiles overall appearance is similiar to that of a pin with a flat forward end and a rocket or booster in the back, depending on the missile type, it may have a booster located behind the main rocket to give the missile extra thrust.

While all three types of the missile utilize close to the same design, there are obvious differences when compared. This includs the size of the missiles, along with extra items such as more fins for stabalizing, or additional control systems. The type three, for example, includs a booster on the end.


The concussion missile is a missile used to shove stuff from one point to another, out of the way or out of the path of another object. This is done by incurring a large kinetic force onto the object, the amount of kinetic depends on the size of the missile that hit the targetted object. There are three different missiles, each one stronger than the previous.

The missile are equiped with a booster engine which is inactive during it's initial flight, but once the missiles targetting systems have aquired a final lock, the booster actives, propelling the missile toward it's target. This sudden burst of speed translates into additional kinetic force that is subjected to the impacted target, depending on the size this impact may be substantional or very minimal but this also depends on the actual 'size' of the missile. For example: a small missile used against tanks, fighters, or infantry, won't have the kinetic impact force to effect a starship.

In short, the objects actual mass plays a key-part in whether or it it'll be effected, however, the number of missiles that strike also plays into this.

The actual damage caused depends on where the missile hits, but if it hits a ship on the nose, or on the rear, it can potentially spin a ship several degrees or if it hits the center, it could move it in the direction that the missile had been traveling in originally.


How the missile works is a marvel of engineering but also the result of reverse engineering several of the missiles that the Neshaten had brought with them when they had evacuated to their new world. The missiles function by utilizing two different methods of generating the kinetic force needed to shove an object. One, is by utilizing the impact damage of a very high velocity collission but the second is the use of a gravity based warhead.

The gravity warhead is literally a 'shaped charge', which is pointed in one singular direction - that being forward of the missile. However, the warhead is not located at the front of the missile but rather toward the rear, this allows it to activate several seconds before impact with the targetted object. The amount of gravitic force depends on the size of the warhead.


The range of these missiles depends on whether they are being used in space or on the ground. Missiles used in space have an effectively unlimited range, and will only detonate if they hit something or are sent an auto-detonate command.

This is in sharp contrast to those fired on the ground; missiles fired in an atmosphere will last for a short while until their fuel runs out then gravity will take care of the rest.


All concussion missiles are outfitted with an auto-destruct system to ensure that the missiles don't harm potential friendlies or allies, this auto-destrust system automatically engages if the missile doesn't hit anything after four minutes. However, a fail-safe built into the missiles ensure that those who fire the missile can send the command to self-destruct, in the event the missile is accidently fired on a friendly.


Three version of the concussion missile exist, one for ground based operations, another for ship to ship, and one that is designed for ground to orbital operations.

Type One Gala'rious Missile

The Type One Gala'rious Missile was designed and intended for use against infantry, tanks, and fighters. It can be fired from an infantrymen using the a shoulder mounted launcher, or from missile pods on tanks and fighters or stationary turrets on ships and stations.

Because the missile is also designed for use against infantry, it can be fitted with a gravitic warhead to accomplish this task, when it hits the ground it can create a small crator - this actually does defuse some of its kinetic force a bit, so a proximity fuse is almost always used so that the warhead detonates just a few feet from the ground. Unlike the Kate'nia though, the Gala'rious doesn't have a gravitic warhead.

Damage: The Gala is not designed to kill infantry outright, or to destroy tanks or fighters, it's intended to knock them out of commission by shoving them aside using kinetic force. Essentially, the base damage when a missile hits a solid object such as a tank or fighter is Tier 3, Heavy Anti-Personnel. However, this number can actually be higher due to the kinetic force that is transfered to the object. ==== Type Two Kate'nia Missile ==== The Type Two Kate'nia Missile was designed to be used against starships, small to medium tonage and is useless against anything bigger than a typical cruiser. The missile is elongated, and has a two stage launch system, the first being it's initial launch from a missile pod or tube. The second stage is used for once the missile aquires its final lock, then the first stage is jettisoned with the second stage providing the remaining thrust to its target. One single missile has enough kinetic force located behind both it's impact and its gravitic warhead to shove a Neshaten assault ship almost twenty degrees if the missile impacts the nose, or ten degrees if it hits the center. Damage: The missile isn't intended to destroy a target by itself, but instead, to damage the targets internal components or to 'throw' it into the ground. However, it's base damage is Tier 9, Heavy Anti-Mecha.

Type Three Xes'note Missile

The Type Three Xes'note Missile is considered an OBM, or Obital Ballistic Missile, fired from silos located on a planets surface. The missiles are relatively large, standing at nearly fifteen feet tall, they are capped with a nose cone in order to help them travel through a planets atmosphere but once out the nose cone is jettisoned to present the missiles blunt surface.

The missile has a three stage system, the first being the initial stage for getting out of the silo and through a planets atmosphere. The second stage set's it on course for its intended target, while the third stage fires the remaining fuel to increase it's overall speed.

**Damage: the shear size of the missile adds to its kinetic damage. The base damage behind the missile is Tier 11, Medium Anti-Starship, but like the other two, this damage can potentially be higher due to the large kinetic force it imparts on the object it hits.

faction/neshaten/concussion_missiles.1572700777.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:39 (external edit)