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Neshaten Scientific Research Labs

Found on many starships and on the majority of stations, the Neshaten Small Scientific Research Lab is the place where small scale research and development take place, such as those related to weapons and medical. The lab is partitioned into four sections, each one designed to handle some aspect of research.

However, this particular lab isn't designed for large scale research projects but can serve as a backup lab or a subsidary lab to larger ones.

The lab complex is designed in a hexagonal shape, with the main entry section located on the hexagon's 'southern' face, with the remaining five sections built around it. In order to enter one of the four lab sections, a person must go through the entry section first. Each section has its own emergency exit in the event of an accident or emergency.

The complex is designed out of a composite titanium material, two of these materials exist with a polymer mesh sandwiched between them in an effort to keep anything harmful from effecting the ship, station, or base that the complex is apart of.

All of the labs are designed the same way, with white marble flooring and white walls with a webbed ceiling. There are lights in the ceiling that help illuminate the labs.

Entry Section

The main entry and the only means of getting to the other four sections. It is an isolation chamber that has hazmat suits along with emergency shelters in the event of fire. It also has fire extinguishers and a control box that can be used to seal off particular sections in the event of fire or biological or chemical accidents.

This section also has storage labs that can be accessed by lab technicians and scientists, for storing tools.

Section 1

Section one handles all research pertaining to planets, including atmospheric, geological, but also biology and botany and meteorology.

Section 2

Section two is where most medical related research takes place. It includs all of the equipment nessecary including biochemical and biological labs, analyzing stations along with lab equipment such as centrifuges and other types of supplies needed for this type of research.

Section 3

In section three are the stellar labs, which have equipment needed to analyze planets and moons and other stellar bodies.

Section 4

Section 4 is a spar lab, which can be turned into an extra lab to help handle the load or can be turned into a storage area.

faction/neshaten/components/small_scientific_research_labs.1606785201.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 02:10 (external edit)