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Nicknames Chi'ca, Se'hach'a
Highest Governing Body YCTC
Contact Can be
Team Members Anywhere from 6-12
Mixed Gender Yes, combined competitions
Equipment Digital Combat Gear
Region Kingdom Wide
Tournament Frequency Once every year

Aa'sha'fame is a competitive sport in the kingdom_of_neshaten, akin to a militaries red flag exercises, it is a sport designed to teach the importance of team work and responsibility while also instilling vital self-defence and weapon skills. The sport was first introduced as a minor in ER 730 by the city of neushae, and is slowly being expanded to other cities outside of the academy.


Aa'sha'fame is a large scale combative sport that is overseen by the Kingdom's military and Youth Corp members which was formed in ER 730 originally as defense course. The sport blends infantry combat and tankery together to teach Kits the important differences between the two and to prepare them for the very real possibility of fighting against an opposing force. The sport is broken up into three divisions, each division designed to focus exclusively on one part of the sport, although some schools may in fact have all three divisions in their sport program which makes that school a rather competitive one.

Because kits use the same weaponry as that which is used by the actual military, blanks and non-harmful munitions are used to simulate weapons fire and impacts on people and vehicles. However, the sport is rather monitarily intensive and schools must be able to afford their own weapons and vehicles, because of this, some schools might posses old and outdated equipment while others may have more advanced. There are a number of rules set within the sport designed to give as much safety as possible to Kits without invalidating the point of the sport.


Aa'sha'fame is a sport that is played utilizing a strict set of rules and guidelines that helps to govern and protect the players. These rules are known as the Laws of Game. The game is played by two teams of anywhere from four to eight squads of players, these squads actual composition depends on the specialization of said squad. An Anyu'ja squad, which is primary infantry based combat, traditionally has eight players in it. Am Anyu'ha squad, which is a squad that specializes in tankery and vehicle born combat, can have up to six vehicles with actual crew numbers dependent on the vehicle itself. The final squadron is known as the Anyu'jiya, which his a combination of the first two's specialization into one squadron, Anyu'jiya is the most used squadron.

The main point of the game is to take out an opposing teams flag squadron, this squadron can only be an Anyu'ja or a Anyu'ha and not an Anyu'jiya. Flag squadrons are given much in terms of freedom to equip their squad mates with weaponry ideal for protecting their squadron from potentially being eliminated early on in the game.

Points are scored for each squadron that is taken out, in terms of an Anyu'ja though, scores are boosted due to the number of combat tanks that are on the field. The game is split up into several different styles of matches, allowing schools to focus their Aa'sha'fame clubs either into very specific specialization or by going all out. Individual specialization matches pit only a single specialized squad against one another, while multi-specialization matches permit all three different specializations. Along with this are also skirmish matches, which are purely practice rounds that can be used either by schools to pit their own squadrons against one another; or by setting up matches with other schools.

Tournaments are another avenue of gameplay that Aa'sha'fame does, and is actually the main source of recognition that schools can get. Tournaments are done on a single specialization squadron match basis only pitting schools with matching specializations against one another, depending on the outcome, the final tournament match by become a two or three specialization match.

Another tournament that is possible is one known as a Chaos Match, these are very specific and quite rare because they involve one school challenging multiple schools to a single match. This puts the challenging school at a severe disadvantage in terms of numbers, because Chaos Matches are full three specialization matches.

Laws of the Game

The game has several, yet simple, laws that help to govern its play - these laws are mainly intended to keep the players safe but they are not intended to restrict strategy or tactics; players don't have to worry about personal injury since the equipment they were is designed to protect them from it.

  • Law 1 - No player shall have their firearm set to live-fire, weapons must be set to training mode.
  • Law 2 - No player shall utilize a real knife during the game, all knifes must be replaced by training energy daggers.
  • Law 3 - Any player found to be physically injured must be tended to, no matter if the player is on the opposing team or not.
  • Law 4 - No player shall shoot out any of the surveillance camera's used to monitor the sport, doing so rewards a penalty point.
  • Law 5 - No player shall hack into any of the equipment or devices used in the sport, doing so is punishable by expulsion from their school. However, players 'are' allowed to hack into another opposing teams equipment or even sabotage.
  • Law 6 - No player (or team) may get outside assistance


Aa'sha'fame relies upon digital field gear that is designed to project a digital field around the player, this field is designed to register impacts to the player and is used to determine the kind of simulated injuries that can then be healed or bandaged up by a teams field medic. The digital field equipment is the same kind of equipment used by the Shukara Volunteer Navy for all training exercises. The gear itself can either be a uniform, such as a combat uniform used by some schools, or it can be woven into the very fabric of the uniform - such as those used by She'na Academy. The digital field system can be triggered either by the student through the use of a wrist device, or can be brought online merely be walking into a designated training zone.

Some teams can have custom uniforms made for them with this system put into it, because of the importance behind the sport and its effect on the Kingdom's defense, all uniforms are free.


Aa'sha'fame gets a lot of support both from the public and private sectors, much of its monetary support comes from private sector businesses while public business donate equipment and other items that could be of use by a schools Aa'sha'fame club.


The Aa'sha'fame sport is overseen by the Youth Corp, with the corps second in command serving as one of the main sponsors and a person who keeps an eye and ensures that no one commits to illegal actions in the sport.

faction/neshaten/aashafame.1572701164.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:39 (external edit)