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Temple Guard

“Touch divine on victory, and follow it to enlightenment!” - High Guardian and Vaygraiv Ahrim Eehrish “Savior of the Sky Pillar” Anyu Cu'Seddir
Temple Guard
Standing Stalwart Against the Darkness.
Headquarters City of Seddir, Maekardan
Established AR 102
Recruitment From Astral Vanguard1), Citizenry2)
Total Personnel ± 80 000 Iromakuanhe
Active Duty ± 30 000
Reserve ± 50 000

The three rings represent the three kinds of Wakir that founded the Guard, and the three worlds they came from. The largest is Maekardan, the white is Mazerin, and the Red is Hlarai. The golden prongs represent the involvement with the Vanguard.

The Temple Guard are symbols of hope and honor, paragons of the Commonwealth's society. They are Iromakuanhe who have trained in combat extensively and are exceedingly well learned in the ways of The Dreamer Vigil. They are warriors to the utmost, but to say they were simply gun hands of a faith would be a brutal and rude interpretation of their service to their country and their beliefs. Temple Guard are those who cast aside their previous lives for a higher level of service. In the Astral Commonwealth, they are epitomized as examples to aspire to for their stern adherence to Vigil and self-improvement. They are known for their restraint in social matters, and can be often seen as advisers or defenders to important figures in Iromakuanhe society. As such, the image most people paint of a Temple Guard is typically a silent, stoically impassable figure, who often appears more than simply Iromakuanhe.

This is often seen on the battlefield, where occasionally a Temple Guard will tread. In the military, the Guardians of the Vigil are seen as a sign of hope, due to their elite skills and their confidence at arms. The prowess of a Temple Guard in battle is difficult to match as they are highly trained in matters of military and strategy. Even the lowliest Hopeful is something to be considered when engaging in most forms of combat. As such, the sight of robe flowing of the shoulders of a soldier on the front or on a ship is often a boon of confidence, and warm reminder that the Saints are always guiding in one way or another.

The leader of the Temple Guard is Ahrim Ehrish Anyu Cu'Seddir.

Creed of the Guard

This Creed is to repeated in front of the High Guardian at a Guardian Hopeful's Swearing Ceremony. It is never to be forgotten, lest a Temple Guard sacrifice his faith.

“I will hold up the sword of my country, and I will wear the armor of my faith proudly. I am a wall at which chaos and order are divided, and I will stand stalwart. No matter what the challenge, I will courageously face the danger that rises from the dunes. With this creed, I pledge my life as a shield to the livelihood of others.”


The Temple Guard was started in AR 102, as an effort to properly enlist security to defend chapels and churches from being vandalized or stolen from. For forty years, this was the case, until the Dream Stewards saw a potential in a Vigil-Driven soldier. In AR 605, the Temple Guard became what it was known as today. The Vanguard had caught on similar interest and offered a group of soldiers to be trained under the strict schedule of the Priests.

Though, it was obvious that not just anyone could be apart of the Guard, so as a result, the Stewards started the two-teired test which limited the Guard's numbers greatly to all, but the best. Before one is selected for testing, a person is picked from the ranks of military and society, this is usually done by existing Temple Guard. Then they begin testing, first of these tests is to judge the person's mind, testing intelligence, faith, and resolve. The next test was to try their physical endurance and strength, it is a requirement that one passes both of these test to make it into the Guard. People who past these tests are often called, 'Hopefuls', until they can pass the test, and become 'Acolytes'.

Becoming a Temple Guard

Being a Temple Guard is a high honor amongst the Commonwealth and requires dedication, patience, and firm will in one's own beliefs. The Guard is very selective of who is allowed into its ranks and more often denies Hopefuls than accepts them. For someone wanting to become a Guard, they will have to undergo one of two ways entry to be considered for the rank of Hopefuls, so they may gain the chance to become an Acolyte.


The path of a civilian, most often younger people who are willing to give up their day-to-day lives to become Temple Guard. In the beginning, those who take the path of Apprenticeship are put through rigorous training exercises to mold them into proper Guardians. They are also put through strict courses pertaining to the Vigil and it's teachings. This process can take several years, the most being seven, depending how long it takes for certain Initiates to complete their training. Most people are often weeded out in the difficulty of the mental and physical tests and training that the Temple Guard put forth.

When an Initiate proves that they have what it takes and have truly learned their training, the are promoted to the rank of Hopeful. In this stage, the apprenticeship process takes its true form. The Hopeful is given their first few assignments, accompanied by the guiding hand of a Holy, Knight, or even Master Guardian. While the Hopeful performs their duties, the higher-ranked Guardian assists, observes, and teaches the them along the way. When the superior Guardian finds their apprentice, worthy, they are sent back to Kaeshun at the next swearing ceremony.

However, if the Hopeful cannot complete their assignments sufficiently, then they are regretfully fail apprenticeship and are removed from the Guard.


The path of a soldier, most often older people who want to make more of themselves past the usual fighting. Unlike in the Apprenticeship process, the people who take the path of Recommendation take a shorter training process than apprentices. They live as initiates in a shorter amount of time, and are only hopefuls until the next swearing ceremony. The only requirement is a few years of successful military service, and the recommendation of a senior officer or other respected official.


Duties of the Temple Guard are classifiable into three categories, it does not mean that the Guard cannot perform all three at once, it is only a way to easily identify the three disciplines learned at the stage of Acolyte and beyond. Despite the Cathedral's own recognition of this classification, it is considered offensive to refer to a Guardian by their current duty. Meaning, if you called one 'Body Guard', that Guardian would be offended to the fact that you did not recognize the fact they are still a 'Temple Guard'.

Body Guard

The most common job of any Temple Guard is to defend a single person or entity from harm. Usually this refers to politicians, religious figures, and any other person that needs the faithful defense of a Body Guard. Temple Guard training even teaches unique ways to protect objectives with ones body or items to increase the chances of survival in it's protectorate.

Guard Priest

When there is little to defend, or one has become too old, Temple Guard will reserve themselves into priesthood. As a Guard Priest, one will be trusted to leading all normal religious activity that would be reserved for a normal Dream Priest, however people should still take on to the fact that a Guard Priest is still armed, and heavily trained.

War Guard

The Vanguard will sometimes call on the Temple Guard to assist them, or restore the faith of their armies. None the less, this usually means that the Guardian will be assigned as an adjutant to a squad. If a Temple Guard has a past in the military, they will usually be the first to picked for such a position. Sometimes, people will refer to a War Guard as a 'Chaplain'.


Though having similar job descriptions, the Temple Guard are a separate entity from the Vanguard. However, the High Guardian of the Vigil is always at the rank of Vaygraiv. Most ranks in the Guard are not based off leadership, in fact, most Temple Guard (who are not assigned as Body Guards) work independently to proficiently cover most of the Commonwealth's territory. With the exception of High Guardian, all positions are based off experience, age, and actions.

Promotions are usually handled by Knights or Masters of the Temple Guard. The High Guardian has the ability of promotion all the way to the rank of Master. 'Veterancy' in the Temple Guard is made by achieving or surpassing the rank of Holy. This gives way to the term 'Holy-Status', which is a given sort of respect between some Guardians. To refer to a Temple Guard as a Holy Knight-Guardian, or a Holy Master Guardian, you are respecting that person's experience, along with rank.

Rank Rank Bars Vanguard Rank Mission Grade Description
High Guardian of the Vigil 6 Vaygraiv (A-1) Leader of the Temple Guard and active leader of Temple Guard adjunct to the Vanguard
Master 5 Lanranr - Marranr (A-1) - (A-5) Handpicked Temple Guard of the High Guardian
Knight 4 Vayranr - Sentulri (A-5) - (B-1) More than ten years of experience, or a Guardian must prove him/herself greatly
Holy 3 Lantulri - Martulri (B-2) More than one year of experience, or an Acolyte must prove him/herself greatly
Acolyte 2 Vaytulri (B-3) Less than one year of experience
Hopeful 1 Senshirin (C-3) Has passed the tests, but has not been sworn into the Temple Guard
Intiate 0 Vayshirin (D-3) Has begun the tests, or training, but has not completed them.


Usually, a Temple Guard will wear a set of Ceremonial robes of their usual gear, or wear. Whether it be a t-shirt or a linksuit. The one exception is when a Temple Guard is put into service into the Vanguard, in which they wear a Flak instead of the usual top.


Ceremonial Robes

The Ceremonial Robes are simply what a Temple Guard wears when ever he or she is not in combat, or not conducting meditation or blessings. It comes in two forms, Sun or Moon. Sun Robes are made of thin fabric, made to block the sun from it's heat. Moon Robes are to be worn to warm the wearer during cold nights or in freezing climates.


A Flak is a thick piece of clothing that resembles a heavy T-Shirt. It's made to keep the user warm, while also freeing up their arms for movement and other duties. It is also made to be bullet-resistant.

Guard Banner

A Guard Banner is almost like a personal flag of a Temple Guard, it is a small, foot-long-and-a-half strap of cloth that carries a small design with a certain number of dots and stars to represent the amount of years that Guard has been in service. One dot translates to a year, and one star translates to ten years.


A simple bookstrap, attaches to the belt. Made to keep the Book of Dreams close.

Skills Required

All Temple Guard are extensively trained in not only Vanguard-Standard courses, but also in more excruciating courses set to mold the Temple Guard into the holy warrior that is recognized throughout the Commonwealth. Unfortunately, starting a new Temple Guard means that all seven of the starting skills are immediately taken. The most notable of a Temple Guard's skills are their Fighting/Physical and Humanities/Knowledge traits.


The Temple Guard are elite among the elite compared to standard infantry, and their training regiments reflect this. They are trained extensively in the use of traditional melee devices such as blades, polearms and shields, and receive the same firearms training as elite VIA agents. Because they are often trusted with the safety of diplomats and religious figures, they are also trained to place themselves in the way of a potentially lethal attack and have the reflexes to do so effectively. They are trained to exceed the basic marksman qualifications, and can place accurate shots with rifles at 200 meters and with pistols at 25 meters. Temple guard are always in excellent physical form, with sufficiently high endurance to survive situations such as elevated G-forces and enough stamina for prolonged ground assaults.


More than just a warrior, Temple Guard must hold the values of the The Dreamer Vigil close to heart. They have extensive knowledge of the religious texts of the Iromakuanhe and know how to apply it to increase morale, in ways ranging from battle chants to inspirational tales from the ancient histories of the Iromakuanhe, and their ancestors, the Saal. They can act as leaders in ceremonies, meditation and perform a variety of blessings, if only for purely spiritual reasons, however, their “laying on hands” is considerably more effective due to the empathic nature of their species.

Technology Operation

The character has had extensive courses in the use of NI systems aboard the Organoid craft employed by the Astral Vanguard, and understands how to properly utilize his own entry ports to interface with compatible systems. The use of standard-issue electronic devices and conventional computers have also been a part of his education.


The character is capable of using all standard communications found in the Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth, in particular those employed by the Astral Vanguard. This includes laser, radio and MASC-enhanced variations in various formats and media. He is fluent in Saalsari and Haidasari, and can speak, read and write it correctly. He can communicate clearly even while under fire or in other unnerving situations.


The character is capable of basic medical techniques, including everything up to first aid, emergency care such as CPR or the Heimlich maneuver and the administering of preprepared medicine, such as painkillers or stimulants.


The character has advanced comprehension and practical ability in the piloting of a Powered Frame unit, capable of flying under most conditions and operating all of the onboard weaponry safely and efficiently in combat scenarios. He can make complex battlefield maneuvers while under high stress (combat, etc) and adjust his movements to compensate for all logical combat variables (gravity, weapons fire, atmospheric conditions, etc). He understands the basic functionality of his machine and can make basic repairs to certain subsystems. More than just well trained in their use, he has sufficient ability that it would almost seem that his abilities were ingrained on an instinctual level.


The character has learned the essentials of tactics and command, but has not achieved the required level of mastery to put himself in a command position. However, he is capable of giving and following tactical orders quickly and efficiently in combat scenarios and can follow the command structure of his unit or wing while under highly stressful conditions (combat, etc). He is capable of making use of the information given to him (tactical maps, target statistics, marked targets, etc) and finding relevant information to send to the rest of his unit. He is also well-versed in marine boarding tactics for ship-to-ship combat, as well as urban and guerrilla warfare for ground assaults.

605 AR
102 AR

faction/iromakuanhe/temple_guard.1572701160.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:33 (external edit)