Table of Contents


:!:OOC Note; In the event of any RP involving mind control or drastic alterations of a character's personality, both players or GMs should agree beforehand on the intended effects. Psionics are specifically for subterfuge and weirdly charismatic cult demagogues, not for mind flayer shenanigans. Any examples of more powerful effects have been provided specifically to reference older RP and for general flavour.:!:

Since the dawn of human history there have been tales of shamans and magic. Jesters and charlatans performing parlour tricks of misdirection, slight of hand, mind reading, psychological manipulation and hypnotism. Always with tall tales of esotericism and hidden occult circles, or perhaps claiming a special insight into a misunderstood figment of the human psyche.

No military would publicly declare they are funding research into such things, of course- but psi-ops, personality manipulation, and even brainwashing techniques could indeed be said to be branches of the same tree.

In the far future of the Kikyo Sector, these techniques have been developed to the point of innate telepathy and psycho-remote operation, even being rather common in several empires. It is such a common trait, that many do not even question it as abnormal… And yet, the mystery of exactly how it works is still very much alive. Somewhere in the previous eons, the truth was either lost, obscured or intentionally hidden.

Psions and telepaths simply exist.


The exact method of operation is completely unknown to the general public, even telepaths themselves. Conspiracy theories speculate that the effect is similar to power armour neural control devices, which read the pilot's brainwaves as electrical impulses. Except in this case, it's inputting rather than outputting information.

Another, more sinister concept, is that not just Nekovalkyrja, but the entire genetically engineered Nepleslian population, could at some point have been modified to be susceptible to a specific kind of mental suggestion. After all, the soul transfer device is now common in some places. What is to say that someone could not use that information as a template, to manipulate and adjust the thoughts of others?

All that can really be said is, that those with immense mental focus, tonal control, and perhaps a bit of gene splicing, really do seem to be able to directly effect the minds of others around them. It's at least enough of a threat for multiple factions to develop devices specifically to block such activities. In those areas of society where the effect is validated, the effect can be strong, but who is to say that it doesn't run deeper, with even greater secret players pulling the strings of every nation behind the scenes?


The PNUgen Corporation incorporated psionic abilities into the basic aspects of every single Nekovalkyrja gynoid, forming the basis of a semi-telepathic digital messaging service that many now take for granted. Exactly how this power works is either hidden or lost after the corporation's absorption by Ketsurui Zaibatsu in YE 27, but presumably manipulates brainwaves through focused microwaves, or some more obscure quantum manipulation. Their long term enemies, the abhorrent Mishhuvurthyar, take this to an all new level, overwriting the thoughts of others and psychologically dominating them with their mere presence.


The Norian population also possesses the ability of psionics that they call Vesper Links. These Vesper Links are completely biological in nature due to how their brains are wired. However, with enhancement available via a Leviathan tech implant that all Norians receive at birth they are able vesper link with their mindhives. Use of this ability is encrypted and requires consent from all parties involved, therefore it is not capable of being invasive. This ability enables them to project images, thought spaces, emotions and words to communicate with other consenting Norians.

Known Psionic Powers

Currently known Psionic creatures

Factions possessing Psionic or Anti-Psionic Technologies

OOC Usage / Rules

Only characters who are specifically trained, or shown to develop these powers during RP with the direct guidance of a GM, may use any of these powers or effects during RP. Just because a character is technically capable, does not mean they actually know how to perform such feats.

OOC Notes

Primitive Polygon created this article on 2023/03/06 17:18. Last modified on 2023/03/06 with new input from a deleted user, specifically the information on the Norian race.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.