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New Dusk Conclave Ambassador

Ambassadors are often the public face of the New Dusk Conclave, whether it be for military purposes or diplomatic ones.

Ambassadors may belong to either the NDC Ground Forces "Duskerian Legion", the Conclave Aerospace and Fleet Forces, or hold the title as a non-combat civilian working alongside the military. While all Ambassadors have a common set of skills, the diverse range of Cadres that they come from results in a number of distinctly different roles within the NDC, ranging from the traditional diplomatic Ambassador to something more like a secret agent.

There is some debate on whether or not Ambassadors also keep an eye on internal affairs, though they deny it.

Regardless of their specialization, all Ambassadors refer to themselves only as 'Ambassador' and expect others to do the same. It is intentional that their specific specialty is not always obvious to those they interact with.


With origins in Section 6's covert operations, the faction's earliest negotiators were drawn largely from the ranks of Warriors who were more used to working in the shadows than out in the open. This created something of a duality of purpose from the start - while there was benefit to working things out peacefully, sometimes the best result for the NDC could only be gained by working behind the scenes.

So it was that when the Ambassador occupation began to be created in a more formal sense, the NDC found a surprising number of Warriors falling into its ranks. Seeing an opportunity, the military decided to enshrine this oddity instead of reject it.

The result was the creation of one occupation with four distinct roles. To outsiders, the NDC hoped, the confusion over which type of Ambassador someone was dealing with would allow room for more creative ways to resolve conflicts.


Eligibility varies from Cadre to Cadre, but all Ambassadors are expected to be reasonably proficient in combat and have completed, at minimum, a six month course on Ambassador responsibilities, including etiquette from across the sector and how best to achieve the NDC's goals. Those who show that they are unable to conduct themselves in a professional manner, remain calm under pressure, and find ways to creatively solve problems without losing sight of their objective are respectfully turned away.

All Ambassadors are regularly screened for their loyalty to the NDC, as their station gives them a considerable amount of influence in the NDC's future dealings and diplomatic relations with other factions.

Civilians tend to find themselves in the Administrator, Scientist, or Merchant specializations, and may have reduced training (represented by a different basic skillset) outside of their specialty.

Starting Ranks

All Ambassadors start as Officers, regardless of whether they are in the Legion or the CAFF.

The starting rank for Legion Ambassadors is O1, Lieutenant 2nd Class.

The starting rank for CAFF Ambassadors is O1, Ensign.

Playing as an Ambassador

As an Ambassador, you may be expected to operate alone or as part of a team. You will almost always be outnumbered, either by political enemies or violent combatants. Regardless, it is your job to see that the best outcome is realized for the NDC.

Ambassadors are highly varied in personality and skillset, but all of them are consummate professionals. They present themselves cleanly, show restraint when appropriate, and show excellent respect to the chain of command … although their orders often come from higher up on the chain than those around them might like. They might be sauve and debonair, beautiful and seductive, or simply career professionals.

Often, Ambassadors will find themselves put into positions that traditional diplomats would would shy away from. Combat, infiltration and espionage, assassinations, and more are all in the purview of the NDC's Ambassadors.

Additional details on playing Ambassadors are located in their respective specialties below.

Basic Training

All Ambassadors in the NDC undergo New Dusk Conclave Basic Training. In addition to their basic training, Ambassadors with specialties undergo additional training in their role.


As needed, Ambassadors may find themselves wearing Power Armor, operating Frames, or piloting Fighters. More than any other occupation within the NDC, Ambassadors are expected to have a wide set of skills. Regardless of role, all Ambassadors are given a standard loadout in addition to the typical equipment and augmentations common to all members of the NDC's military.

Standard loadout:


In addition to being physically fit and skilled in various forms of combat, NDC Infantry must be familiar with basic tactics, basic maintenance skills, communications, and navigation and survival skills.

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Player Expectations

There are no major OOC expectations for a character of this role, though the Ambassadors' wide skill set and diverse responsibilities will often require a player to make difficult decisions that could have lasting impacts on not just a plot, but the faction as a whole.

A willingness to do research on both SARP's wiki to make sure your character is well-informed and also the internet at large (either via SARP's usual communication channels or something like Google) will help your character come across as the smooth professional you want them to be.

If playing a specialized character, players are expected to do a basic level of research on how to play their specialization.


Though they all share a common set of skills, Ambassadors further specialize to improve their effectiveness in the tasks that they are assigned to.


Warrior Ambassadors are both common and rarely seen. Filling a role in the NDC much like a covert agent, these Ambassadors excel at making things work out in the NDC's favor without being noticed. Recalcitrant nobles or diplomats may find themselves subtly or overtly swayed towards a desired outcome, terrorists may find themselves engaged in 'hostile negotiations', and more than one hostage has been freed from their captors without their rescue having been noticed until it's too late.

Though they can fight on the front lines alongside the Infantry, they are usually sent to find more 'creative' ways to resolve conflict. They can also act as traditional diplomats, though their military mindset and training tends to make them less suited for this compared to the Administrator Ambassador.


  * Fighting: Warrior Ambassadors undergo even more thorough combat training than the rest of their Ambassador kin. They are excellent in hand-to-hand situations, as well as being excellent at taking shots from extreme distances.
  * Rogue: Often having to find non-standard ways to solve their problems, Warrior Ambassadors have a wide toolkit of skills that are typically viewed as less than savory. They are able to 'lift' access cards, sneak weapons through checkpoints, and sweet-talk or seduce their way into exactly the situation that they need to be in.


Administrator Ambassadors are the most 'traditional' diplomats that the NDC has to offer. They specialize in the formation and maintenance of strong diplomatic ties. This often requires them to understand and cut through bureaucratic red tape and social stigmas, or to root out political enemies and deal with them - peacefully.


  * Leadership: All Ambassadors are trained to be capable leaders and negotiators. They have excellent public speaking skills and can identify traps set by politically savvy opponents in a diplomatic exchange. More so than any other Ambassador in the NDC, the Administrator Ambassador is exceptionally adept in negotiations and diplomacy. Should an appropriate senior officer not be present, Ambassadors have the ability to take the lead of Fire teams, Sections, and even Capital ships should the situation require it - or their orders demand it. 
  * Humanities: Being an effective negotiator is about more than simply speaking well; it requires a deeper knowledge of the person and peoples you are speaking to. Administrator Ambassadors are trained to understand those they are dealing with and will often spend a considerable amount of time researching anyone they plan to speak to. To aide in this, this specialization of Ambassador has has trained in psychology, sociology, and philosophy.


Scientist Ambassadors train extensively to interact with the sector's less human sentients. Linguists and xenophiles, these Ambassadors are often called in for first contact scenarios or to mediate a crisis between cultures who simply aren't traditionally compatible.


  * Communication: Scientist Ambassadors are multilingual as a rule and pick up new languages easily. They are effective translators and can get their point across, as they intend it, in any of the languages they are able to speak.
  * Medical and Science: While not as proficient as a Doctor, Scientist Ambassadors often find themselves having to understand not just the thought process behind the person they are speaking to, but the biology, as well. Often, a species motivations can be traced back to their specific biology or physical needs - something that isn't always apparent to those who lack this training.


Merchant Ambassadors often represent the NDC's various business dealings and frequently find themselves 'on loan' to various Guilds or Corporations within the NDC's territory. Regardless of where they find themselves, they always find a way to work in the NDC-at-large's best interest.. and sometimes their own.


  * Mathematics: Where other Ambassadors fight their wars on the battlefield or with political savvy, Merchant Ambassadors use one of the universe's most fundamental forces - math. They are extremely talented at working out complex equations, series, and more, often to ensure that they get the best end of the deal when it comes to trade agreements.
  * Communications: Merchant Ambassadors are, by far, the most capable 'fast talkers' of the entire Ambassador occupation. It is not uncommon to have a pleasant conversation with one of these Ambassadors, only to later realize that you've agreed to a number of things that you barely remember and would not normally have gone along with.

List of Characters

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OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2021/04/20 09:41.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

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