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Becurn System

The Becurn System is an Independent Star System in Grid 0216 of the Kosuke Sector. It was discovered by the ISS Shiori in YE 45. It is an ongoing focus in the Hinomaru Sunrises II plot.

Becurn System
Faction Independent
Population ~242,473,938,837
Local Government Kingdom of the Greater Cemlae, The Mocaidin Republic

History and Background

The Cemlae and the Mocaidins, were brought to Becurn III (Becurn) by an alien faction, called the War Masters of Illion, in two separate translocations during YE 28 and YE 30 respectively. The Illions had terraformed Becurn III as they had many other worlds to transplant other species for the war games. Their histories on Becurn have been interwoven with conflict ever since their arrival, each with unique societal structures and leaders guiding their paths.

The Cemlae, under the monarchy of King Zomsin Blubbian, and the Mocaidins, led by the industrious President Karin Persson, established their domains in opposing terrains, with the former inhabiting the undersea realms and the latter settling on the island archipelagos. Their early years on Becurn saw the growth and fortification of their societies but also marked the beginning of brutal competition for resources and dominance. In YE 32, a devastating turn of events unfolded as the Cemlae unleashed a thermonuclear assault on a major Mocaidin city on the island of Serithious. Retaliation came swiftly the following year, with the Mocaidins deploying a thermonuclear weapon in the Southern Great Sea, collectively resulting in a death toll of five million across both species.

As the years rolled on, the conflict evolved but never ceased, with major skirmishes enduring well into YE 40. The influence of alien artifacts - the Pearl of Becurn for the Cemlae and the Engine of Becurn for the Mocaidins - played pivotal roles in shaping the political and military strategies of both societies. By YE 45, the first encounter with an external entity occurred when the ISS Shiori of the Yamatai Star Empire made contact1) while investigating a waypoint for the Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet. This encounter introduced a new chapter in the intertwined histories of the Cemlae and Mocaidins, and kindled a new conflict on the planet.2)

During their exploration of a crashed Illion starship in the Sharie System, the crew of the YSS Mazu found the body of a female Cemlae in the wreckage. With some help from Motoyoshi Eidan3), Shimizu-Motoyoshi Ayano (清水本吉綺乃) was able to identify the remains.4) As a result, it is likely that the YSS Mazu will visit the system as they continue to follow leads from the crashed ship.

About the Becurn System

In YE 45, the ISS Shiori placed a Yomawari-Class NavComm Buoy in the system which transmits the following information:

Name Type Orbital RadiusMassTemperatureLuminosity
Becurn StarG7 V Yellow Main Sequence 1.14 x Yamatai 1.24 x Yamatai 5200K 0.86 x Yamatai
Type Orbital RadiusPeriod Radius Gravity
I Rock Planet 0.49 AU 0.30 Yamatai years0.49 x Yamatai0.51 x Yamatai
II Rock Planet 0.71 AU 0.53 Yamatai years1.31 x Yamatai1.28 x Yamatai
III Becurn Terrestrial World 0.95 AU 0.83Yamatai years0.88 x Yamatai0.83 x Yamatai
IV Rock Planet 1.47 AU 1.60 Yamatai years0.74 x Yamatai0.82 x Yamatai
The Becurn Belt Asteroid Belt 2.19 AU 2.91 Yamatai years
V Rock Planet 4.27 AU 7.91 Yamatai years0.73 x Yamatai0.71 x Yamatai
VI Ice Planet 7.59 AU 18.77 Yamatai years3.98 x Yamatai1.46 x Yamatai
VII Ice Planet 15.38 AU 54.17 Yamatai years5.62 x Yamatai1.93 x Yamatai
VIII Ice Planet 30.82 AU 153.66 Yamatai years3.62 x Yamatai1.22 x Yamatai

The Water System

Water is one of the most abundant resources in this star system, between Becurn III and the three outlaying Ice Planets. Becurn III would be an absolute paradise if it was not for the war between the Cemlae and the Mocaidins.

Becurn I

An unexplored Terrestrial Rocky world, with no atmosphere. Very hot and close to the Becurn Star.

Becurn II

An unvisited Terrestrial Rocky world, with a very thin toxic atmosphere and microbes on the surface, that is a new frontier ready for exploration or prospecting.

Becurn III

This planet houses two distinct species, the Cemlae and the Mocaidins, transplanted by the Illions. The harmony of the planet is disrupted by the ongoing conflict between these species, marked by a history of thermonuclear warfare. Despite their strife, both species have embraced the planet's bountiful resources, evolving and adapting to its offerings over time.

The planet's most captivating feature is the vast Great Sea of Becurn, a bustling marine ecosystem that provides sustenance and habitat to its inhabitants. The Cemlae have carved out subsurface cities amidst the coral-filled shallows, while the Mocaidins occupy the scattered island archipelagos, building densely populated settlements. The contrasting lifestyles and cultures of these species are emblematic of the diverse landscapes Becurn offers. However, the beauty of the terrain hides the scars of war, with radiological fallout from thermonuclear confrontations leaving some areas desolate and uninhabitable.

Technologically, both species have reached a post-industrial revolution stage, with the discovery of thermonuclear power marking a significant milestone. Yet, the war has steered much of their industrial capacity towards weaponization, impacting the natural tranquility of Becurn. Despite their terrestrial conflicts, neither species has ventured into space, remaining non-spacefaring. The delicate balance of life on Becurn, marked by both cooperation with and exploitation of nature, reflects a complex narrative of adaptation, survival, and the relentless quest for dominance.

Becurn IV

Another untouched Terrestrial Rocky world, with no atmosphere that has had several asteroid impacts, is a possible source of new and exciting materials.

Becurn V

An unexplored Terrestrial Rocky world, with a corrosive and toxic atmosphere.

Becurn VI thru Becurn VIII

Three ice planets with an abundance of Water ice. Possibly microbes and other unknown lifeforms beneath the frozen surface of these planets.


As of YE 45 the bulk of the system's population is on Becurn III. The population consists of approximately 243 Million Cemlae and Mocaidins.


The Characters that are located here:5)

Nothing found


The only way to this system is in a spacecraft.

RP Opportunities

Some roleplaying opportunities in this system:


The rumors might be true, but they might not:

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2023/09/29 12:23.

This article was approve by Wes on 2023/01/04.6) Artwork was done in Midjourney by Andrew.

Map Locations
Map to UseKosuke Sector
Map Display NameBecurn System
Map Coordinates110, 1686
Map ImportanceMajor RP Hub
Map Marker
Map Tooltip ContentBecurn System
Show label?yes
Marker AnchorBottom Left
Places of the SARPiverse
Opened/Settled (YE)YE 45
Place Categoriesstar system
A struct table will show when characters are listed as present