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Initzio Barone

Initzio Barone is a player character played by Rizzo.

Initzio Barone
Species & Gender: Minkan Male
Date of Birth: YE 23.12.25
Organization: Star Army Intelligence
Occupation: Star Army Intelligence Operative
Rank: Ittô Heisho
Current Placement: Black Sands Test Range
Current Plot: Operation La Prossima

Physical Description

Initzio stands at 5'9“ or 176cm with a lean, muscular build. His olive skin is lightly tanned in a way reminiscent to Italian men. He has bright brown eyes, rounded ears and short black hair with a pronounced widow's peak he keeps slicked back. His face has sharp features with a chiseled jawline he keeps cleanly shaven. His voice is mellow and even with a professional and exacting tone that betrays his true danger.


From living as a soldier and cop Barone has acquired the discipline one would expect from a military man as well as decent people skills. While he'd prefer to keep his words brief and to the point he still understands the importance of saying his words in a manner that won't offend others. Due to the recent trauma of being reconstructed with memories of another life he has closed up much of his social life, no longer desiring to build friendships. He is often aloof and often hides it behind a veil of humor. He values the lives of his teammates and will do things to help them when appropriate. He is reserved and industrious, one who generally only speak when spoken to though he can carry a conversation. His mind is very practical, a trait that can help him solve problems with somewhat simple solutions. In combat he is very independent, typically relying only on himself to fight the battle, though recent command training has taught him to work better with a team. He is no longer impatient and if willing to wait for the perfect moment to strike.


The alias Initzio Barone was crafted in YE 45 in an effort to restore the late Candon Suites who'd suffered from ST Data Fragmentation his entire life rendering all ST backups to the point he'd surrendered his NH-17 body to joint SAINT. Shortly after upgrading his ST Data had become unusable and the last usable backup was logged shortly after his SAINT induction. With the base ST backup prepared RISE technicians added the memories of Candon Suites to the original person's ST, Raion Torēsu, with the hopes of making a functional restoration of Candon Suites. This initiative failed to create a faithful recreation of the intended agent, but rather produced a version of Toresu tormented by the memories of the man he'd been. SAINT Deputy Director Jinja Emi determined the result 'close enough' and authorized a small RISE Special Personnel Project lead by a disgraced Dr. Shinobu Kenja with a background as an ST technician to lead the work under the guidance of high ranking SAINT officers. The project would be dubbed 'Project La Prossima' as the project would require performing torturous procedures to his ST backups until the right one was found.

Torēsu would reawaken to one of countless invasive, chemically-augmented simulations that would force his digital mind to its absolute limits. This version was the ST backup copied after his induction to SAINT and the brutish procedure of forcing memories not native to his current ST would result in great psychiatric distress. Now aware of his situation it was made clear that his condition would eventually kill him again. With no cure in sight and time to recover Torēsu would petition Director Nakaide Shida to authorize him to lead the mission to eliminate ST Fragmentation and provide him the needed training to command a team and fly small starships. The Director signed off on this request and escalated Project La Prossima to Operation La Prossima in YE 46. In addition Torēsu would receive the new alias Initzio Barone to once again protect his identity in the event this situation repeated.. la prossima.

Skills Learned

Initzio Barone has the following notable skills from a lifetime of fighting wars, covert operations, and conflict:


Barone is familiar with basic radio operation and procedures and can make transmissions to and receive transmissions from other characters through headsets, starships, power armor, and shuttles in both combat and non-combat conditions. He is fluent in Trade (language), Yamataigo (邪馬台語), and Nepleslian. He can speak and write each language correctly and efficiently and can write reports, fill forms, issue orders under fire, etc.


Barone received extensive hand-to-hand combat training, followed up with a rigorous training program. The Minkan trains with Nekovalkyrja and is no stranger to fighting significantly stronger opponents. He prefers keeping a quiet entry when running military operations and is proficient in silent takedowns of both lethal and less-lethal means and can disarm an opponent in ways that usually prevent weapon fire. Suites has been trained in military strategy and can organize tactics including direct action combat, sabotage, reconnaissance, covert infiltration and exfiltration, surveillance, and simple area denial. He is skilled and experienced in combat both in Yamatai-like conditions and in zero-gravity, with and without weapons and has perfect practice of SERE(Survival, Escape, Resistance, and Evasion) methods. Weapons he is trained in include energy and ballistic pistols, knives, automatic rifles, sniper rifles, powered armor and some heavy wepons. He has also received training in Yamataian sword arts.

Aside from his extensive training, he has first-hand experience in countless real world combat scenarios. His ability to kill is as natural to him as breathing with his reflexes, precision, and cunning being exceptional even when compared to the finest super soldiers. Paired with an unshakable determination Initzio Barone stands among the Kikyo Sector's most dagerous living beings.

Technology Operation

As a SAINT Operative with training as a starship engineer Barone has received extensive training in the operating and repair of the various mechanical, electrical, and software based systems found on starships, power armor, and general vehicles. Due to the nature of his role he has been trained to repair weapons on the field has gained enough firsthand experience to accomplish most repairs reliably provided he has access to the proper tools. He is extremely proficient in encryption and decryption of data as well as using surveillance systems and strategic analysis systems for operational planning. Suites is also capable of operating and repairing surveillance equipment and AI electronics, though hacking an AI always proves difficult.


Barone received basic mathematics training, to including up to algebra and trigonometry. His added burden of managing the economy of the USO has taught him many lessons in economic theory while the political act of staging an orbital collision with a flight plan filed weeks in advance has proved a savvy for trigonometry and timing. Years of being a sniper and designated marksman have honed his mathematical knowledge into a reflex. Math is deadly in space.


Having completed SAINT training Suites has learned how to be stealthy and was taught to be extremely aware of his surroundings. He is good at hiding and acquiring various items and sensitive information. Barone can create a false identity or even impersonate another person in the field, though the persona of many aliases he's created do not differ much(think James Bond style, he's not really in character when he's just trying to blend in or scout an urban area. He just relaxes and acts like himself). When it comes time to forcibly extract information from an unwilling host he used to get a bit overboard, sometimes cutting off fingers, using electricity, or simply applying brute force. Over time his conscience has finally begun to change and he will generally do his best to use psychology, law, or his presence to persuade an unwilling subject, even making deals of questionable legality to bargain for what he needs.


During his initial military service Initzio's favorite drills were obstacle course runs(no flight). He eventually began finding quicker ways to overcome the obstacles and adopted a style that loosely resembles Parkour. As his career progressed into martial arts and EVA training these principals converged to hone his reflexes in any manner of environment or situation. His physical abilities and coordination are well practiced, natural, and fast.

Repair and Maintenance

Barone is trained in the various mechanical and electronic systems found on a space ship/station as well as the vehicles commonly found on such vessels. He is capable and qualified to repair and maintain ships, armor, vehicles, and weapons.

Starship Operations

A new addition to the roster of skills is the ability to fly a starship. With memories of flying a fighter in defence of Planet Osman as proof it could be done, SAINT ordered him to attend accelerated courses in starship operation to acquire certification in preparation for his next mission. He has become a competent shuttle pilot, though retains some of the habits of a fighter pilot. This results in a less than comfortable ride for passengers but means his quick-stop, or J-hook, landings are top tier.

Social Connections

Initzio Barone name is connected to:


Initzio Barone has the Star Army Standard Issue Items.

Left Shoulder1) Dorsal2) Right Shoulder3)
Ke-M2-G3000 Shoulder Capacitor Ke-M2-E3000 Leader Support Pack Ke-M2-G3000 Shoulder Capacitor
Leg Pods4) Utility/Cargo Handheld
Ke-M2-W2908 Offensive Augmentation Pods AHAMR Ammo Aetheric Heavy Anti-Material Rifle, Type 41
Left Waist5) Wings / Tail Right Waist6)
Suppressed Ke-M2-W4001 Heavy Aether Pistol No / No HHG ‘High Hybrid Gun’ w/ tactical munitions
Hikō Ōdachi follows like a drone.


Initzio Barone currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Information

In the case Rizzo becomes inactive: This character is a SAINT lifer and will not retire in any other corp or return to civilian life.

OOC Notes

Rizzo created this article on 2024/02/07 19:46.

Character Data
Character NameInitzio Barone
Character OwnerRizzo
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationBlack Sands Test Range
Character's HomeBlack Sands Test Range
Approval Thread…
Harm Limitinjury or death
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankIttô Heisho
SAOY OccupationStar Army Intelligence Operative
SAOY AssignmentBlack Sands Test Range
1) , 2) , 3) , 4)
Weapon Attachments Compromise Stealth Slightly
5) , 6)
Covered Small Weapon Hanger