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Giada Nuñez

Giada Nuñez is a character created by Wes.

Giada Nuñez
Species & Gender Anthro/Kitsune
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Soldier
Rank: Jôtô Hei
Current Placement: Pisces Station

Physical Description

Giada has long brown hair and goldenrod eyes. She has a human-like body with lightly-tanned skin, a furred fox tail, paws for feet, and large brown-furred ears. She has a very smooth voice. She likes to play music from time to time and enjoys hugs. She enjoys long conversations and is an excellent listener. She is 158 cm tall.

Giada is a very outgoing and flirty person, enjoying teasing others for her own amusement. She loves pretty objects and tries to dress as nicely yet casually as possible.

“Now, now…let's not whip out our dicks, shall we? No matter how tiny or non-existent they happen to be.”

Giada Nuñez

History & Relationships

Giada is an immigrant from some other universe who was granted citizenship in the Yamatai Star Empire in YE 39 at the age of 20 under a special program. In return she is obligated to provide 3 years of service to the YSE, such as serving in the Star Army of Yamatai, by YE 46.

In YE 40, Giada worked for Origin Industries as a Junior Employee aboard the OIF Reaper as part of a salvage crew.

In YE 42, Giada went to apply for an enlistment in the Star Army of Yamatai at the Uesureyan Fortress. In 9月 YE 42, she visited a bar near the train station in Ternifac1).

In YE 43, she was assigned to Pisces Station2) and received her first promotion. In YE 44.1 she was promoted to Ittô Hei. In YE 45.3 she was promoted to Jôtô Hei.

Social Connections

Giada is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Giada has very little of her own.

Giada currently has 500 KS.

OOC Notes

This NPC was created by Wes on 2017/08/23 18:22. She was adopted by ethereal on 2018/06/28 and returned to Wes on 2020/1/21.

Art Credits

Character Data
Character NameGiada Nuñez
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use
Character's Pronounsshe/her
Current LocationPisces Station
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankJôtô Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Soldier
SAOY AssignmentPisces Station
SAOY Entry YearYE 43
DOR YearYE 45
DOR Month3