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Heavy Water Fission-Fusion Reactor

A logical next step from older fission reactor designs. The Fission-Fusion reactor had been the main source of power for the Sahaad and djahet_fleetforges for many years before the advent of pure fusion power. Using Heavy Water as the reactor fuel it can provide modest output and is a long-lasting power source. It never runs out of fuel due to the constant splitting of atoms but over the decades it will begin to lose potency and therefore power output will begin to degrade. Re-fueling is a simple task as all that is required is a Fusion Bottle to shorten the re-fueling process. Nowadays however this aging design is considered either a secondary or civilian source of energy.

General Information

Name: Heavy Water Fission/Fusion Reactor Type: Powerplant Government: sahaad_confederacy Designer: djahet_fleetforges Manufacturer: djahet_fleetforges

faction/iromakuanhe/sahaad/heavy_water_fission-fusion_reactor.1561146237.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 01:42 (external edit)