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1st IAC-LM Trade Agreement

The following is a document of trade between the Lorath Matriarchy and Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth written shortly after first contact in AR 937/YE 35. For the purposes of this document, the IAC will hereafter be referred to as 'the Commonwealth', while the ASE will be written as 'the Matriarchy'. The agreement was signed at the same time as the 1st IAC-LM Non-Aggression Treaty.

Section 1: Travel

Article I: Travel

  • Citizens of the Commonwealth and the Matriarchy may travel between each other's sovereign territories.
    • Visiting citizens are considered to have the rights of native citizens.
    • Visiting citizens must register at customs and be subject to screening for safety reasons.
    • Visiting citizens must obey local laws and may be tried by local or higher judicial authorities.
    • Visiting citizens may be deported without notice, should they violate the above two requirements. Capital offenses shall result in deportation, in all cases.
  • Military personnel and government officials are considered civilian personnel if not on official visits.

Article II: Immigration

  • Citizens of the Commonwealth and the Matriarchy may apply for work visas and residence.
  • Citizens of the Commonwealth and the Matriarchy may seek asylum or refugee in each other's territories in case of displacement by armed conflict.
    • Citizenship may be requested by an landed immigrant on a work visa or refugee. This citizenship is inherently dual, to allow such individuals to return to their ethnic homelands.
    • Dual citizenship is conferred onto all children of immigrants, for the above reasons.

Article III: Conflicts in Concept of Personhood

  • The Commonwealth does not legally recognize the concept of slavery within its own borders.
    • Citizens of the Commonwealth may not purchase slaves from the Matriarchy
    • Citizens of the Commonwealth may not engage in illegal actions within Lorath space with the express purpose of ending the slave trade.
  • The Matriarchy shall recognize that the citizens of the Commonwealth are free people.
    • Citizens of the Matriarchy shall not purchase Iromakuanhe slaves, nor subject any legal citizens of the Commonwealth (regardless of origin as non-biological intelligences or species) to contracts of slavery by any means.
    • Persons with the legal position of slaves or other similar legal term1) within the Matriarchy shall not be permitted on Commonwealth soil, which includes space stations, vessels and embassies.

Section 2: Economic Interaction

Article I: Trade

  • Citizens of the Commonwealth and the Matriarchy may purchase goods openly available on the market in either nation, using the currency of the nation where the purchases occur.
    • Citizens of the Commonwealth and the Matriarchy may carry goods openly available on the market on their person, cargo or other forms of storage.
  • Citizens of the Commonwealth and the Matriarchy may also purchase services of foreign nationals, provided these services are legal in either nation.
    • Citizens of the Commonwealth and the Matriarchy may sponsor foreign nationals they have hired for work visas.

Article II: Trade Laws

  • Both the Commonwealth and the Matriarchy reserve the right to ban goods for health and safety reasons.
    • Bans on certain goods instated for reasonable purposes shall not be considered cassus belli for hostilities or political censure in any case.
  • Both the Commonwealth and the Matriarchy reserve the right to place trade tariffs on certain goods in order to protect domestic industries.
    • Tarifs shall not be considered cassus belli for hostilities or political censure in any case.
  • Both the Commonwealth and the Matriarchy will agree to protect the intellectual property of eachother's domestic corporations, in particular pertaining to sensitive military technologies.
such as serf, bonded servant or vassal, etc

faction/iromakuanhe/iac_lm_trade_agreement.1554315771.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/20 21:31 (external edit)