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Star Army Arctic Warrior, Type 45

The Type 45 Star Army Arctic Warrior is a gear list that supplements and replaces parts of other standard or mission issued gear sets such as Star Army Standard Issue Items, Star Army Rikugun Infantry, Type 42, Star Army Rikugun Infantry, Type 45, Star Army Rikugun Vehicle Crew, Type 45 during deployments to cold weather environments. The equipment scheme primarily includes special gear necessary for daily comfort and survival in cold climates and special issued gear for extreme cold. Equipment that simply needs to be repainted for the terrain is not listed here. The Arctic Warrior equipment scheme consists of bot high and low tech solutions that can be combined by commanders or individual soldiers to best meet the mission needs.

General Issue Kit

Special Issue Kit

OOC Notes

Locked 0ut created this article on 2022/12/14 15:20.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

In some situations, only the pants are camouflaged while the jacket utilizes standard RIKUPAT to blend in with the tree line.
make up a cold weather rations list