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Star Army Damage Controller

Star Army Damage Controllers, or Damage Control Officers when commissioned, are soldiers of the Star Army of Yamatai who specialise in practical measures during emergency situations aboard starships and star bases.

As part of the Star Army Emergency Services, their sister roles are that of Firefighters, Paramedics, and SAR personnel. Like them, they wear neon green panels to act as in-built hi-vis vests. They are often seen in other protective gear such as hard hats.

In addition to responding to emergencies, the personnel also perform periodic health and safety inspections like their sister roles. While the other Emergency Services roles are often employed in large ships and bases, Damage Controllers are by far the most widespread and populous, with more presence than their sister roles on smaller ships.

Damage Controllers are almost always present in some capacity aboard Star Army vessels, to form damage control teams, direct other crewmembers during emergency situations and triage using their generalist skills depending on the emergency.

Unlike Star Army Systems & Safety Monitors, Damage Controllers are usually not present on the Bridge and are instead seen sprinting through the corridors in full protective gear. Oftentimes, this is in the direction of the crisis that other crew are running away from.

While other crewmembers may attempt damage control independently, Damage Controllers are specially trained for this role and have de-facto authority in this matter when at a scene.

Neon green panels


The Emergency Services have always been present in the Star Army of Yamatai. However, damage control teams never had their own MOS, designation or specialist training until YE 44. While inspecting rangers serving in the Garrison Regiment, Ranger-General Kanachi Hibe was informed by ex-members of damage control teams that they hadn't had any formal training or organisation in the role prior to receiving such in the Garrison Regiment's curriculum. Kanachi Hibe then wrote a memo to Star Army Special Operations on her observations, which was communicated to Star Army Personnel Command by SASO Chair Iemochi Feyani. After some recommendations, Damage Controllers became a formalised MOS.


To become a Damage Controller, the requirements are not very difficult to meet. The main attributes that are evaluated are the ability to keep calm under pressure, manual dexterity, clearness of communication and an overriding sense of the 'greater good'.


The training for a Damage Controller is effectively a mix of medical and engineering skills, condensed down to a very practical form with no focus on technical elements beyond emergency actions. Safety regulations and related laws are tested against, as well as how to make inspections of critical ship components, damage control equipment (and nothing else). Evacuation, fire and hull breach procedures are rigourously tested. CNB and situations related to contaminants aboard the ship are also covered.

Engineering training is most emphasised, such as how to graft a patch onto a hull breach, start backup power and use temporary atmospheric equipment. Medical training goes as far as advanced life support, just enough to keep someone breathing until a Star Army Medic can arrive on scene and start actually fixing the patient. Methods of casualty extraction, firefighting, contaminant containment and similar occupational skills are taught. They are proficient in forced entry, how to evaluate and report an incident, and do regular drills in simulated hazardous conditions.



The minimum rank for this occupation is Santô Hei and the maximum rank is Taii.


Player Expectations

Players of Damage Controllers should have an understanding of damage control, medical, firefighting, and search and rescue. You should expect to be making a lot of your own RP, as plotships being in real danger or sustaining substantial damage is rare.

List of Damage Controllers

These are the characters currently listed as Star Army Damage Controllers.

Nothing found

OOC Notes

ethereal created this article on 2022/08/11 19:24.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.