Table of Contents

Pirates on Star Army

This is a revised guide on pirates in the SARPiverse. It was made in 2021.

About Pirates

Pirates are the best example of an Independent outlaw in the SARPiverse. A pirate robs and plunders other vessels, they have a tendency to avoid the operational territories of major militaries such as Star Army of Yamatai. They operate outside of the laws of the major factions and due to the high technology deployed in the Kikyo Sector have become very creative in the execution of their criminal enterprise.

In the Kikyo Sector pirates have a tendency to be unorganized, and they use the ships they capture to add to their fleet and group strength. Rarely pirates have enough money to have their own ship classes or the shipyards to build them. Oftentimes their ships are mashups and highly modified ships.

History of Pirates on Star Army

Pirates were very prevalent between YE 30 and YE 40 in the space which formerly belonged to the United Outer Colonies. In YE 41, with the presence of the First Expeditionary Fleet and the efforts of the Yugumo Corporation pirates were forced to operate more towards the deep galactic south to avoid their patrols.

The Abwehran Star Empire has an aggressive history against pirates, and due to the 101) years-long Pirate Wars most Abwehrans view Pirates as a hated enemy to be defeated, rather than common criminals. Because of this, Pirate activity is actively, and thoroughly, hunted and crushed with great impunity. Only the bravest, ignorant, or foolhardy of criminals seek to plunder the space an Abwehran Ship claims jurisdiction.

The Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth has many space pirates operating inside of the Iruotl System.

With the end of the Kuvexian War in YE 43, many Kuvexian groups remained in the Kikyo Sector after the war and resorted to piracy. It brought about a new age for pirates because many Kuvexian groups that remained had access to Kuvexian Military technology and ships. This made pirates a greater threat than ever before. These groups were known for attacking cargo convoys and lone operating ships from the factions of the Kikyo Sector.

Playing A Pirate

Because of the presence of large space military forces throughout civilized space, it's critical that pirating operations are done in a very speedy fashion that prevents these forces from having enough time to respond. Secrecy is also critical, and tactics like being unpredictable, disrupting communications, and being deceptive about your identity and intentions can help.

Using Pirates as a Game Master

Known Pirate Groups

These are the known pirate groups in the SARPiverse.

Pirate Characters

These characters are pirates or at some point in their history were pirates.

News Posts about Pirates

These news posts are about pirates.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2021/01/20 19:00.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

Approx. 36 standard Yamataian years