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Proposal #115 Industrial Recognition Act

This proposal will be put to the Senate of Yamatai in YE 43 by Senator Iemochi Seinosuke. It was filed but has been in clerical deadlock for random reasons, causing it to occupy the 115 spot without yet being proposed formally.


  1. To update existing legislation relating to companies.
  2. To protect intellectual property and copyrights.
  3. To update the list of companies considered Major Corporations in the Empire.


1) Addition of the following law:

A classified Register of Ideas will be established under an independent watchdog, administered by the Imperial Premier, with protections against corruption. Companies may contact this Register prior to production of technology or prototype items with specifications as to that product. Products or technologies can still be registered after this time, but no greater significance is given to this and it is advised to register as soon as possible. If one Company believes another Company has engaged in industrial espionage to steal their idea, is copying their design, or is producing any registered design without legal right to do so, the Register may adjudicate on the matter. The Register may impose penalties and/or enforce the removal of a design from the offending company.

2) Designating the following companies as Major Corporations:

3) Undesignating the following companies as Major Companies:

4) Clarification of the following understanding regarding the Military Industrial Complex:

The Star Army shall be permitted to select Corporations that shall be able to access restricted materials as a Major Corporation can. However, they shall only be allowed to do so for the creation of military products commissioned for the Star Army's own purposes.

5) Future protocol for managing the list of Major Corporations:

The Senate Committee for Commerce, or if this committee does not exist, an alternative body at the decision of the Senate, may manage the list of Major Corporations. This is to prevent the changing of the Major Corporations list to require a Proposal to be passed into law.

OOC Notes

ethereal created this article on 2021/11/05 19:08.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.