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NDC Ground Forces "Duskerian Legion" 2023 page update

The Duskerian Legion is the main ground force of the New Dusk Conclave military. It is responsible for the training, equipping, and command of infantry, armor and ground-based Frame units, support units, and some air support units. The Legion is also involved in some anti-terrorism, security, and disaster relief operations, utilizing its resources to these ends even though they are not strictly necessary to the function of a military force. The Legion was established shortly after the founding of the Conclave in YE 40, and was formally organized into its current structure in YE 41.

About the Duskerian Legion

The Duskerian Legion is the military organization in the New Dusk Conclave ultimately responsible for all ground forces, even those detached for service on C.A.F.F. vessels. It trains, equips, and otherwise ensures the readiness of the Conclave's ground forces. It works closely with the Department Of Engineering, the Department Of Advanced Research And Development (D.O.A.R.A.D.), and the Department Of Military Assets (D.O.M.A.) to handle the development and aquisition of new up-to-date hardware for Conclave forces.


Formally organized into its modern structure in YE 41, the Duskerian Legion was formed out of Section 6's extant ground forces, utilizing veteran S6 units as the core for the new Legion forces. The Legion has seen considerable expansion since its establishment, as maintaining order on the megafauna-dominated Sirris VI required significant military presence on the ground in order to deter the native wildlife.

Initially organized into three divisions, each composed of three Brigade Combat Teams. Of the three, at any given time one was used for offworld deployment, one was kept in the Obsidian City Green Zone for garrison duties, and the final was deployed for training operations. These divisions served as the core large-scale units of the Legion, with the Brigade Combat Team serving as the basic combined arms unit of the legion.

In YE 44, facing expanded territorial responsibilities with many off-world colonies to protect, the Legion began to experiment with smaller scale combined arms units in order to meet its growing responsibilities, resulting in the development of the Legion's Combined Arms Battalion and Pathfinder Unit concepts. The Combined Arms Battalion being created as the new smaller scale combined arms unit, and the Pathfinders being created in order to experiment with integrating Legion forces with Conclave Aerospace and Fleet Forces units.


OOC Notes

Jack Pine created this article on 2018/10/14 22:44; approved it (using the checklist) on 2018/11/11 20:09.