Table of Contents

Kikyo Interchangeable Compatible Kit Standards

The Kikyo Interchangeable Compatible Kit Standards, or KICKS, is a broad-reaching agreement between major corporations to ensure compatibility of technologies, components, and weaponry which allows better cohesion during joint projects as well as gives greater choice and flexibility to consumers, and can help ease maintenance and repair when things break.


First proposed in YE 45, the KICKS is a multi-national, multi-corporation agreement which was intended to solve supply issues, as well as to allow joint engineering and increase maintenance ease across the Kikyo sector. With greater cooperation between the larger corporations becoming more commonplace in YE 44, and only increasing in regularity the following year, Origin Industries first proposed a meeting to discuss standards across the sector and help to streamline production and compatibility between corporations' products, especially where maintenance and consumable parts was concerned. With a history of nearly identical solutions to the same problems, the plethora of adapters available on the market was a less than ideal solution, and thus, a set of broadly defined 'standards' was deemed the most appropriate solution to the problem at large.

Section 1: Standards

Section one of the Kikyo Interchangeable Compatible Kit Standards, or KICKS, Involves regulations governing the physical standards that KICKS-Compliant products should adhere to. These standards are not mandatory, however, products that are not KICKS-Compliant will be unable to be used in place of those that are. Primary Standards include, but are not limited to, Types of Connectors, Sizes of commonly used products designed for the same application, physical computer hardware, and Power input or output, both in terms of physical input/output devices, as well as voltage, frequency, and amperage. Specifications are detailed in the sub sections below:

Section 1.1: Electrical and Data Plugs and sockets

Standards governing the size, shape, transfer rate, and power ratings of electrical and data plugs and connectors.

1.11: Small Data and Power

1.12: Standard Data and Power

1.13: Large Data and Power

Section 2: Compatibility

Section Two of the Kikyo Interchangeable Compatible Kit Standards governs how electronics, computer systems, and software interact and communicate with each other, as well as signal standards for long distance transmissions and communications. These specifications are detailed in the sub sections below.

Section 2.1: Weapons and Munitions Compatibility

Section 3: Members

Section Three of KICKS is a list of entities, including governments, companies, corporations, manufacturers, and other users, who agree to adhere to the above standards as often as possible. While it is permissible for members to utilize proprietary devices, connectors, and components where needed, such deviations from KICKS should be properly labeled as such, to allow expedient communication and proper maintenance of proprietary components. Member entities are listed in the sub-sections below, along with their pledges regarding KICKS:

Section 3.A-D

Section 3.E-H

Section 3.I-M

Section 3.N-Q

Section 3.R-U

Section 3.V-Z

OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2023/04/06 05:25.

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