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Megara Foxworth

Megara Foxworth is a player character played by Hyralt.

Megara Foxworth
Given Name Megara
Family Name Foxworth
Species Nepleslian
Gender Female
Date of Birth 18日 7月 YE 22
Place of Birth Kennewes
Organization Independent
Occupation Freelance Pilot and Mechanic

Physical Description

Megara has bright blond hair that's long enough in the back to reach her upper thighs, but much shorter in front where she keeps her bangs feathered to keep the hair out of her eyes. She has light skin and a slim physique. She has several tattoos in gold-coloured ink, including a tattoo around her upper left thigh in a square wave pattern, as if her leg were detachable.

Megara has several visible cybernetic modifications: red-coloured eyes, a bronze-coloured right arm, and razor-sharp bronze-coloured fingernails on her right hand. Her eyes offer excellent zoom to clearly see distant objects and magnification to see the fine details on near objects, as well as offering low-light vision and red LEDs in case of total darkness.

In addition to her cybernetic modifications, she also has had her natural canine teeth replaced with elongated versions, which give her a vampiric look, especially when combined with her unnatural red eyes.

Megara tends to wear impractical, trendy, colourful, and loose-fitting clothing over a tight-fitting sports bra and athletic shorts.

Finally, Megara also tends to wear a personal volumetric projector around her neck. While quite bulky compared to any commercially available model, she built this one herself and made its casing out of a bronze material to match her arm.


Megara is quite hot-headed. She can go from calm and collected to ready to fight in an instant if given the right provocation. Thankfully, she calms down and cheers up just as easily. Along with her excitable emotional state, she also tends to act impulsively on whatever is provoking her. Despite her emotionality, she doesn't like talking about feelings, whether they're hers or anyone else's. This means that she is generally not empathetic to the feelings of others while being largely driven by her own.

Megara also cares deeply about aesthetics. She has a strong sense of what is and what is not her own “style.” For example, she prefers clothing that looks good on her rather than those that might be more functional. She also prefers to fly ships in a way that dazzles onlookers rather than a way that is likely to conserve fuel or preserve the orientation of cargo or passengers. Finally, she considers it important to make repairs to her ship or her cybernetics in ways that improve their style, even if, or perhaps especially if the style doesn't fit with the existing look. For example, she tends to favour bronze or gold-coloured components just because they look good.


Megara was born in YE 22 on Kennewes. Megara's mother, Varina Foxworth, was a long-haul freighter pilot who brought Megara along with her on her shipping runs. Consequently, Megara spent a lot of time visiting different worlds while she was growing up. In YE 27, Megara started attending primary school in Funky City, but shortly thereafter her mother was caught in a minor battle of the First Mishhuvurthyar War and was killed. Megara spent some time in foster homes before eventually running away and joining Thia's unofficial orphanage in YE 32. To make money, she volunteered to help out at Joe Mortar's garage. In YE 40, she joined the Pizza Boyz orphanage and helped support the orphanage by providing mechanical services. After she turned 18, she was hired by Pizza Boyz as a part-time mechanic, but she soon quit to take a job as a pilot for Far Flung Freight who were willing to take anyone on as a pilot, provided they were willing to accept very little remuneration.

Megara worked as a freight pilot for a year before the company went bankrupt while she was just about to take a job shipping a load of scrap off of Kennewes. Since she realized she wouldn't receive her paycheque, she took advantage of her access to the ship's cargo to salvage and restore as much as she could. This scrap included handy_max whom she fixed up and into whom she retrofitted an old salvaged power cell. She managed to sell all her remaining scrap to an anonymous foreign investor.

OOC Information

Artwork owned by hyralt, created by MrLELLAR:

In the case hyralt becomes inactive: