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Avery Jensen

Avery Jensen is a Work In Progress played by undead_stars.

Avery Jensen
Species & Gender: Female Anthro
Organization: NSMC
Occupation: Marine Gunner
Rank: Private First Class
Current Placement: Die Screaming or Die Trying

Physical Description

Avery stands at the height of 6'0“ solid. With red fur and a white underbelly, her features are primarily vulpine in nature, with a muzzle and fox ears, as well as a large tail. Her hair is white and only about shoulder length, and straight. She wears it in a ponytail typically.

She is well-built, a body typical of an athletic younger woman. Their tail is large and fluffy with the underside being white and the upper half being red in coloration. Her fur overall is fairly thick and downy, making it naturally soft and insulative. But it thins out during hotter months. Her eyes are naturally green.

She has no tattoos on her body, but has implants that allow her vision to remain clear and for things to be outlined in her field of view, being objects, people, and walls. The implant as well has a limited night vision functionality, as she does not have natural night vision of her own due to a genetic defect.


Avery has never been the most expressive of people, but behind closed doors and with people she trusts, she's more open and social. From a young age the value of hard work was drilled into her by a borderline abusive military father, and an equally stubborn mother. Her life before she joined the military was spent working hard, doing odd jobs or taking on whatever she could hold down before she eventually ended up joining up with The Greens.

While she isn't the most outgoing, it's more out of inexperience with real socialization. She has little to say, at least to start usually, but once she gets talking she can go forever.

They're hard-working, which has led her to be in a way, lazy - she's gotten very good at finding places to pass out, and falling asleep even in broad daylight, in as little as two minutes.

She likes to read in her spare time if she isn't spending it asleep, though as well she works to maintain her physique a fair lot, often doing both activities at the same time.

Habitually bites pencils. Has an obsession with keeping her spaces clean and organized. She does not like her stuff being misplaced and is rather easy to annoy in doing so. She has a habit as well of trying to klept small things, or rather, 'Strategically Transfer Equipment to Alternate Locations', as it was a habit she developed to earn extra cash on the side - sometimes crime pays.

Usually, it's things people won't miss.

She's not squeamish about getting dirty, but does not enjoy it. Being so, she's as well rather bold - taking inspiration from characters in the novels she's read, with aspirations of becoming the kind of leader people can look up to.


Avery Jensen was born 20日 2月 23 on Planet Nepleslia into a rough upbringing. Raised in an environment where yelling and arguing was the norm, she spent a lot of her childhood engaged in odd jobs, on-and-off work between schooling and her home life, and as well petty crime. Her father and her mother were typically busy and overworked, and so was she by extension, emotionally drained and eventually developing into an unenthusiastic adult.

When she was finally free to strike out on her own, she left little behind. For two years she roamed her home planet, doing odd jobs, and eventually getting her optical implants after being partially blinded and to off-set her genetic defect.

Once the opportunity arose, she left home to find purpose in the NSMC, seeking to escape her relatively unfulfilling life, for something with adventure, danger, and as well an opportunity to make herself better than she previously was.

She recently finished basic to become a Marine Gunner, with the rank of PFC.

Social Connections

Avery Jensen is connected to:

Inventory & Finance

Avery Jensen has the following:

Nepleslian Standard Issue Equipment M115 SPAID

Avery Jensen currently has 6,000 DA

OOC Information

This page was created by undead_stars on 07, 22 2023 at 04:01 using the Character Template Form.

In the case @@Character Owner@@ becomes inactive: