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Iromakuanhe Languages

The following is an article on the culture of the Iromakuanhe and the Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth.

Saalsari, the Common Tongue

The national language of the Iromakuanhe, Saalsari has changed dramatically from the original language spoken by the Saali people thousands of years ago. It is a lilting, lively and slightly guttural language with a strong resemblance to certain portions of old Earth languages from Eastern Europe and the Middle East, with the semblance of a strong musical 'sing-song' flair from a language like Mandarin Chinese.

The characters seem to be an odd, but artful combination of Arabic abjad and the character-based logographic writing of the Far East. Symbols represent syllables, instead of letters, meaning that the alphabet itself has several thousand characters to it to accommodate nearly every possible sound. It is written from right to left, and has a grammatical structure similar to the Latin languages. Poetry is considered to be much easier to write in Saalsari, as a single term may actually have several words for it, each largely meaning the same thing.


As with any language, there have formed regional and ethnic splits of Saalsari, some different to the point of being unintelligible to people who otherwise speak the language perfectly.


Spoken by the Eyr Ranr; also used by pilots in general, and frequently used as a common tongue between air traders. Compared to Saalsari, it is far quicker; the words seem to run together, and elisions are more frequent than in other dialects. Eyr'Saalsari is often riddled with metaphors and similes to the sky, which hold a deeper meaning to native speakers and may be missed by others.


Spoken by the Curdatl; since the Curdatl make up the majority of the Iromakuanhe population, Cur'Saalsari is the dialect most similar to the original language. However, long words in Saalsari are frequently broken up into smaller component parts in Cur'Saalsari; this makes complex puns easier to make and understand, and cuts down on the level of misunderstanding when talking to those who speak different dialects. Unfortunately this can make some Curdatl sound a bit childish. Cur'Saalsari is frequently used by writers of news columns for snappy headlines.


Spoken by the Ivuori; Ivu'Saalsari is heavy with jargon and uses precious few contractions. The dialect is so thick with region- and even profession-specific terms and phrases that sometimes even other dialect speakers from towns as close as a few miles away might be unable to understand the simplest sentences. The dialect is partially the reason that many Ivuori come off as cold-hearted and emotionless; there are strict grammatical rules for Ivu'Saalsari that are never broken. References to theater have crept into the dialect over the years, as attending plays is a common pastime for Ivuori when they allow themselves free time, though these references are usually saved for when the speaker is feeling particularly close to whatever mood the play evokes.


Spoken by the Sund Wakir; Sund'Saalsari is nearly as elaborate as Ivu'Saalsari, but with less technological and scholarly references. The Sund Wakir affinity for religion takes hold in the way they speak, with frequent references to the saints or common dreams. References to the Nuocr Expanse or other large deserts, the preferred home of the Sund Wakir, are also common; sometimes all a Sund Wakir will see for days is sand, and this is reflected in their dialect.


Haidasari, the Hunter's Tongue

Actually evolved from a war code, Haidasari is a complex, poetic, but nearly structureless language that can only be used to convey very simple messages in a manner that is exceedingly difficult to decrypt. It lacks all but the most basic complements, has no prepositions and can only be spoken in present and past tense. There are only a few hundred words in the language, and when put together, can be used to give orders, reveal your location or send out warnings. Sentences in Haidasari are very short and broken, as it is not a conversational language.

Known Expressions


Trade The Nepleslian language, also known as Trade (language) is effectively a dead language in the Iromakuanhe Astral Commonwealth, but translation keys exist on the highly guarded databases of ancient colony ships. There are less than a dozen fluent speakers, primarily secluded Ivuori scholars, in the entire sphere of the Astral Commonwealth and no native speakers. Before leaving their sector of space on their great exodus, the nomadic Saal had previously dealt with large numbers of colonists that spoke a language highly similar, if not identical. It is used by certain corporations as a means to designate military technologies.

Conlang The rise of Commonwealth Communications Grid was undoubtedly a boon for the Commonwealth - you could watch concerts, talk to friends, find any information you wanted, and all from the privacy and safety of your own home. The prajna-immersion tanks that were soon developed allowed OGNEIR users to spend even more time under, since the prajna took care of food, water, & defecation needs. As with anything, though, people started to go overboard, and there rose a subculture of people who never disconnected or left their tanks. They were used to the constant influx of instant information from any site they wished, and soon found the high word-to-meaning ratio of Saalsari, Trade, and other common languages to be annoying. A slang language soon began to develop amongst the “divers,” as they were called, heavily influenced by both the desire for speed and the language of the Freespacers, who, despite being unable to connect to OGNEIR through prajna tanks, still frequently used the network as an addendum to Polysentience.

Conlang is quick, snappy, leaves out many particles and conjunctions, and combines words to get across the maximum amount of information with the fewest number of words. It's nearly unintelligible to an outsider, though it is intuitive and can be picked up fairly quickly by a dedicated mind.