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United Norian Imperium

The United Norian Imperium is the restored government of the Norian people in their home universe1). It was briefly called the Imperial System's Ascendancy of Noria (ISAN) and was formed in YE 44. It is a faction capable of Transuniversal Drive Technology and has the ability to travel to the Kagami Galaxy.

:!: Note this faction and its components only visit the SARPiverse. It is an NPC Faction.

United Norian Imperium
Capital Vaalor City, Noria2)
Population 1.347 Trillion(Mostly in their Home Universe)3).
Head of State Jol'Aestaesys Nira Eitan
Government Type Absolute Monarchy
Formation YE 44 (360QU)
Current Year YE 45 (361QU)
Currency Gilmar Credit4)


The United Norian Imperium can trace its origins back to the historical lineage of the Norian people and nations. Its inception occurred around 360QU (YE 44) when the remnants of the infrastructure and surviving population within the Chrystalis Unvorsum transformed into the ISAN, subsequently evolving into the United Norian Imperium. This transformation was catalyzed by the introduction of advanced technology by the Norian group known as the Norian'Rolthil'Quaen, which initiated the process of restoring their ravaged homeworlds.


Norian Citizens of the United Norian Imperium share a deep-rooted cultural connection with Tsenlan, the place of origin for the group that embarked on a journey to the Kikyo Sector and subsequently joined the Yamatai Star Empire. This shared cultural heritage is evident in several aspects of their lives, including clothing, social norms,Ysi (family structure and values), and culinary traditions. However, it's important to note that they also exhibit some significant distinctions from their Tsenlan counterparts.

In their home universe, Norian people, especially those within the Imperial Ysi, continue to uphold the practice of eugenics, with the aim of ensuring desirable outcomes in reproduction. This practice reflects their commitment to maintaining and improving genetic traits within their population. As a result, they have developed a more structured and selective approach to reproduction compared to those who followed the path of Tetsuya Eitan (Airwin Caeyara).

Furthermore, Norian society is characterized by a pronounced militaristic orientation and a strong drive for achievement and success. Their cultural ethos places a premium on discipline, order, and efficiency, which is often reflected in their military endeavors and other aspects of life. This sets them apart from those who aligned with Tetsuya Eitan (Airwin Caeyara)'s ideals, who may exhibit a more diverse range of values and priorities.

Additionally, Norian people have cultivated a profound appreciation for Leviathan Technology, recognizing its significance and potential applications. This technological specialization has become a cornerstone of their society, and they continue to explore innovative ways to harness and leverage this advanced technology. Simultaneously, they have not abandoned conventional methods, demonstrating their commitment to adaptability and versatility.

In summary, Norian Citizens of the United Norian Imperium share a common cultural foundation with Tsenlan but have evolved in distinct ways, emphasizing eugenics, militarism, and technological specialization. These differences contribute to the unique identity and character of the Norian people within the broader context of the Kikyo Sector and the Yamatai Star Empire.

Species Represented

The United Norian Imperium primarily consists of Norian citizens, but also includes some Valhallans and some other species from Ayenee.


In terms of technology5) level, the United Norian Imperium has reached a similar plateau as the Yamatai Star Empire. The foundations of their technology however are focused in the areas of Leviathan Technology such as Mindhive Technology, Sylph Technology, and Sanctuary Technology. Their use of Transuniversal Drive Technology is however far more extensive as they have a colonial presence in the Elysium Universe (where Ayenee is located) and other universes.

They use a Mental Transfer and Body Synthesis process similar to the Yamatai Star Empire's Memory Transfer technology called IDE (Integrated Digital Essence). IDE converts the basic lifeform signature and memories to a digital copy, then back into chemical and quintessence-based energy when it is placed inside a synthesized Norian body called a husk. Except, in the UNI, the use of this technology is often used in a recreational manner or for the purpose of vanity.

In addition to Leviathan Technology, Norian constructions and designs often incorporate Niranium, which those in Tsenlan no longer have access to unless it is imported from their home universe. The UNI also uses VoidTech, which so far has proven to be unreliable and mostly unusable within the SARPiverse, however, it is very prevalent in their operations at Ayenee6) and other places. Similar to the Yamatai Star Empire and other factions, they have their own versions of Continuum Distortion Drive, Multi-Stage Aether Drive, and other technologies.

The UNI also uses a Multi-Dimensional Power System, which is able to change between dimensional energies. For example in their home universe Aether is not accessible, however similar dimensional energy called asune is. Similarly, UNI technology in the SARPiverse converts to Aether as it is the accessible dimension of energy.7)


Lux Aurora8) serves as the remaining post-Craethel War super corporation. Much like Ketsurui Zaibatsu, it serves several different markets and niches. However, it is also most importantly the primary military contractor for the United Norian Navy.9) The company also has ties to the Lo'ken Institute. They are previously attributed with the development of the Krysis Crixa Prototype Armor.


The United Norian Imperium's Government10) is currently a Absolute Monarchy, currently under the control of Ascended Prince (Sol'Voli) Ujin Eitan, that has an advisory Quorum called the Athalae Quorum. The Quorum is made up of representatives mostly from the Eitan, Lunari and other major Ysi. Ujin considers his rule temporary as he refuses celestial mandate)), because he is old and has no spouse or offspring. He intends to return the throne to the rightful line within the Eitan Ysi.(They go by Caeyara and Eitan Ysi in Tsenlan.)11)

National Relationships


The United Norian Imperium has territory as follows:


The military of the United Norian Imperium is the United Norian Navy14). It is currently under the command of Director Aurelia Eitan15) and Deputy Director Arkan Eitan16).

As of YE 45.7, the UNN is currently in the process of a military build-up following the Craethel War. They have also expressed an interest in assisting the Yamatai Star Empire in the Third Mishhuvurthyar War.


Currently, the United Norian Imperium is primarily an NPC faction controlled by Andrew and others involved in the development of the Norian and Tsenlan state. Their involvement is for story purposes and enrichment in the SARPiverse. The Norian nations have a long history of connection with the SARPiverse and this will continue that tradition.

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2023/09/17 04:09.

This was approved by Wes on 2023/09/1817).

DescriptionThe united government of the Norian people in the Chrystalis Universe.
OOC ManagerAndrew
Last Checked2024/06/08
Chrystalis Unvorsum
Currently being rebuilt
Includes those still held in IDE awaiting revival post-Craethel War. Most live in their home universe, the Chrystalis Unvorsum
1000Gilmar = 1KS
A note on Norian Technology: Anything mentioned that has not yet been submitted, will be separately for approval.
Will be submitted as a Corporations.
will be submitted separately.
Separate article will also be submitted.
Will be submitted separately