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Advancer Enterprises Type 45 Individual First Aid Kit

Developed by Advancer Enterprises' Mechanics Division under the White Lion Brand, with consultation with the Yugumo Corporation, the Type 45 Individual First Aid Kit is designed for basic treatment purposes. It was introduced to the public in YE 45.

Individual First Aid Kit, Type 45
Year of Creation YE 45
Designer Advancer Enterprises, Yugumo Corporation
Nomenclature AE-G2-1A
Alt. Version
Manufacturer Advancer Enterprises
Fielded by Yugumo Corporation, Star Army of Yamatai and Customers
Availability Mass Production
Price 100.00 KS


In YE 45 the Rikugun Chief of Staff Mizumitsu Benji put out an inquiry to the major corporations for up to date medical kits he could have Star Army Logistics acquire for the Star Army Rikugun. Yugumo, passed on the inquiry to their partners within Ryu Keiretsu to determine what could be created to fulfill the requirement. Advancer Enterprises quickly presented the Type 45 White Lion Individual First Aid Kit in response.

The White Lion Individual First Aid Kit was provisionally acquired by the 1st Rikugun Test and Evaluation Battalion taking on the names Star Army Individual First Aid Kit (SAIFAK) for the Star Army of Yamatai as a whole and the Rikugun IFAK (RyFAK) specifically designed for their needs.

Kit Description

Unlike most first aid or medic kits, an IFAK is extremely compact and meant to only treat a single injured person. An IFAK carries the bare minimum equipment to provide lifesaving care to a wounded soldier before proper medics can arrive. Standard practice with an IFAK is to treat a wounded soldier with their own kit before breaking out other supplies.

Standard Vacuum Pouch

The components of the White Lion Individual First Aid Kit is sold in a vacuum sealed pouch with a tear-away strip which is waterproof and heatproof. Sometimes they’re stowed in small hard cases, in a pouch that can be attached to a belt, or thanks to their slim size simply stored in a pocket. The pouch is designed as a refill for common first aid kit carrying cases found on the market.

Type 45 Yugumo Case

Designed to carry the contents of the Standard Vacuum Pouch in an organized manner, the Type 45 carrying case made by Yugumo is 16.2cm x 7.1cm x 3.6 cm. The exterior of the case is Kinugoshi-ko impregnated with Omnihue and Yarvex lines the interior.Yarvex Foam insulation is sandwiched in between these two layers.

Standard IFAK Contents (SAIFAK and RyFAK)

QTY Item Trauma Type Description/Use Other Notes
1 pair Disposable Gloves PPE1) Disposable non-porous gloves with an antiseptic coating
1 Biopad Biometrics Cheap, adhesive, dermally applied device that can monitor temperature and pulse Good for passive observation
1 Adhesive, vented chest seal Open Chest Wounds One way airflow Allows air to escape the chest cavity but not blood
1 TheraGel (Suaryoradone-2) Wound Treatment Gel 50mL tube of TheraGel Contains Nano-machines
1 AE Emergency Pacemaker2) Absent heartbeat Spike inserted into sternum3) CPR alternative
1 Epinephrine Autoinjector Anaphylaxis Injected intramuscularly Simple, spring loaded, pressure activated.
1 Non-Adhesive Self Tensioning Pressure bandage Pressure/Blood Flow Control
1 Advancer Enterprises Type 45 Smart Tourniquet Emergency Pressure/Blood Flow Control Reusable Tourniquet easy to snap-on/snap off. Self tightening w/ digital display
1 Trauma Shears Remove Clothing from Patients Sterilized Durandium Alloy Shears.
1 pack Disinfectant Wipes Sanitization Antiseptic wipes
1 Clear Molecure Tape Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive Tape 1 x 1m roll of adhesive tape.
1 pack Gauze Pads Absorption Compressed Gauze pads
1 Rescue Blanket Body Temperature Regulation Mylar Rescue Blanket

SAIFAK Specific Contents

QTY Item Trauma Type Description/Use Other Notes
1 Concentrated Hemosynthetic Pills Radiation Treatment 4 pill packet Compatible with Nekovalkyrja and Minkan only
2 Exothermic Reaction Warming Pad
1 Powder, Instant Coffee Overly sweet gas station Coffee taste, treatment of potential space induced frostbite
1 Small Pack, Adhesive Suit Seals

WARNING: The SAIFAK is not a space survival pack. It is not designed to help a soldier survive in a hard vacuum but to quickly treat a soldier who was recently exposed to vacuum. Any soldier exposed to rapid decompression should quickly be given highly concentrated oxygen. A breathing mask and tank of concentrated oxygen can be found in the Space Kit Module for the Type 45 Dedicated Field Medic Kit.

OOC Notes

Locked 0ut created this article on 2022/09/24 09:24. Refined and submitted by Demibear.

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Products & Items Database
Product Categorieskits, medical
Product NameType 45 Individual First Aid Kit
ManufacturerZhenren Human Upgrade Package
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)100.00 KS
Approval ThreadLink
Personal Protection Equipment
Advancer Enterprises licensed version
Instructions included