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OHI Standard Starship Crew Bunk

The Standard Starship Bunk was created in YE 44 by Osman Heavy Industries in cooperation with Yugumo Corporation Inspired by Yamataian capsule hotels, it was designed to maximize personal storage and comfort for its occupant, and to serve as a miniature cabin for use in bunkrooms on large ships, or in smaller starships where a full cabin for each crewmember is not feasible.

Year of Creation YE 44
Designer Osman Heavy Industries, Yugumo Corporation
Nomenclature OH-R1
Alt. Nomenclature Standard Bunk, Type 44
Manufacturer Osman Heavy Industries
Fielded by SAoY, OHI, Yugumo Corporation, individual buyers
Availability Mass Production
Price 1,000 KS

Function and Design

The Standard Starship Crew Bunk is built into a milled block of Durandium Alloy 2.5m long, 1.5m tall, and 1.56m wide. To meet the needs of its occupants, it features a comfortable mattress, a sliding Transparent Durandium privacy shutter with variable opacity utilizing Omnihue, copious storage space on all interior surfaces aside from the privacy shutter, a multifunction computer with a display screen, and programmable interior lighting.

In addition to the features that one would expect from a starship bunk, the sliding privacy shutter is fitted with airtight seals that can be engaged or disengaged, allowing the SSCB to make use of a miniaturized climate control system tied into a life support system to become a self-contained environment. It is also fitted with a backup power supply, emergency supplies in the storage compartment below the mattress, and a small array of ion thrusters, enabling the bunk to be utilized as escape pods or shelters in the event of an emergency. Many small ships with few decks that make use of these bunks make allowances for the bunks to be ejected from the hull.

Security Features

The SSCB is also capable of being used as a makeshift brig. Users with captain-level authority over the ship may lock a bunk's privacy shutter closed and lock down many of its functions by activating Security Mode. In addition, when the bunk enters Security Mode, a licensed version of the technology behind Yugumo Corporaton's Forcefield-Nested Isolation Doors is used to generate a field to secure the privacy shutter.

Entertainment and immersive features

For the entertainment and comfort of its users the SSCB has multiple features for entertainment and immersion. Many of these features were included at the recommendation of Yugumo Corporation. The SSCB features a multifunction computer and a linked screen, in addition to an Omnihue coating on the inside of the bunk and Volumetric Windows that allow the user to change the interior lighting of the bunk, or use the coating as additional screens. It also features a basic solid volumetric system that can be utilized with the entertainment features of the bunk.

In addition, the bed's control systems are compatible with G1-N2 "Geist" Advanced Interfacing Implant 2.0 and other mindware, in addition to featuring a built in Superconductive Quantum Interface Device (SQUID). It comes pre-loaded with Virtual Collective Experience, Virtual Home Sleep, and Bednet/Legacy Bednet software all of which are capable of functioning with the bunk's solid volumetric projectors.

SAoY Standard Starship Bunk, Type 45

At the urging of a member of the Yugumo side of the bunk's design team, the team decided to create a version of the bunk to be pitched to the Star Army of Yamatai. Differences in this version of the bunk include different internal electrical components, for better compatibility with the Star Army's spare parts1), swapped computer hardware for better integration with PANTHEON, and incremental ST backup, as implemented in the Type 40 Bunk bed.

OOC Notes

Alex Hart created this article on 2022/10/30 15:01.

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriessubsystems
Product NameOHI Standard Starship Crew Bunk
ManufacturerOsman Heavy Industries
Year ReleasedYE 45
Price (KS)1 ,000.00 KS
Star Army Logistics
Supply ClassificationClass E - PARTS AND COMPONENTS
First UsedYE 46
And in fact, many of the components of the bunk were chosen to allow them to be used as spares for minor starship repairs