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The OLIVIA (Organic Life-Integrated Virtual Intelligence Assistant) is a personal AI assistant developed by the Nepleslian Reds as a response to the success of the SAVTECH JANE. Combining advanced AI algorithms with a neural network of living cells, OLIVIA offers a unique blend of machine efficiency and human empathy. The OLIVIA became available for sale in YE 45.

»Optional Image«
Year Created: YE 45
Faction: Nepleslian Reds
Designer / Manufacturer: Nepleslian Research and Manufacturing
Nomenclature: NRM-AI1-1A
Production: Mass Production
Price: 10,000 KS


The development of the OLIVIA (Organic Life-Integrated Virtual Intelligence Assistant) project was initiated by the Nepleslian Reds as a response to the success of the Savtech JANE, a personal AI assistant created by Nepleslian Arms and Munitions (NAM). Intrigued by the potential of the JANE device, the Nepleslian Reds decided to use their expertise with cloning to attempt the creation of their own version.

Software developers, neuroscientists, and biotechnology experts were brought together to reverse-engineer the SAVTECH JANE and enhance its capabilities to suit their needs. Their primary goal was to create a new generation of personal AI assistant that could more closely mimic human thought processes, emotions, and decision-making abilities for various civilian and military applications.

After years of research, testing, and refinement, the first OLIVIA prototype was developed in YE 43 and production started in YE 45.


OLIVIA operates by combining advanced artificial intelligence algorithms with a neural network of living cells. These living cells, derived from human brain tissue, allow the AI to process information and make decisions in a more human-like manner. This organic component sets OLIVIA apart from traditional AI systems, resulting in a unique blend of machine efficiency and human empathy.

The device requires an input-output device to function effectively, such as a terminal or smart glasses. It can connect wirelessly to various devices and networks, allowing for seamless integration with existing technology, both for civilian and military purposes.


OLIVIA is designed for a wide range of applications and can be used by individuals, businesses, and organizations alike, including military and security forces. Some common uses include:


OLIVIA is a compact and sleek device that can be easily integrated with existing personal devices or technology, both civilian and military. The AI system itself is housed within a durable, protective casing, designed to withstand daily wear and tear, as well as the harsh conditions often encountered in military operations. The device measures approximately 4 inches (10.16 cm) in length, 2.5 inches (6.35 cm) in width, and 0.75 inches (1.90 cm) in thickness and features a high-resolution touch screen display on the front.

The OLIVIA system requires regular maintenance to ensure the health and longevity of the organic components. This includes periodic replacement of the nutrient-rich solution that nourishes the living cells, as well as routine updates to the AI algorithms to keep the system running.

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Demibear created this article on 2023/04/28 03:26.

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Products & Items Database
Product Categoriescomputers
Product NameOLIVIA AI System
ManufacturerNepleslian Research and Manufacturing
Year ReleasedYE 46
Price (KS)10 ,000.00 KS
Mass (kg)0.25 kg