Table of Contents

NAM Starship Systems

A listing of Starship Systems developed by the Nepleslian Arms and Munitions Corporation.

If you are using this you might also find this helpful: Nepleslian Military Technology Encyclopedia


Item Function Description
Combined Barrier System (Nepleslia) Barrier Suite Military-grade protection.


Item Function Description
Continuum Distortion Drive FTL Drive Nepleslia's FTL system.
Hyperspace Fold Drive FTL Drive Nepleslia's other FTL system.
Gravitic Propulsion System STL Drive A basic gravity drive.
Plasma Impulse Drive STL Drive A basic plasma-based impulse drive.


Item Function Description
Advanced Command/Combat Executive AI Computer/AI
Omnieye Sensor System


Item Function Description
NAM Standard Airtight Door Airlock Door
Nepleslian Standard Starship Medical Bay Medical Bay The original flavor Nep medbay.
Nepleslian Standard Starship Hallway Hallway


Item Function Description
Na-HFR-01a Heavy Fusion Reactor Power Supply A fusion reactor good for powering basic systems.
Na-ZPER-02b Hyperspace Tap Reactor Power Supply A hyperspace tap capable of putting out enormous amounts of power.


Item Function Description
"Curbstomper" Long-Ranged Missile System Missile Launcher
Heavy Plasma Vulcan Gun CIWS.
NAM "Svarog" Anti-Ship Mass Driver AShMD-01a Main Gun Dakka.
NAM Extended Rack Missile System Mini-Missile Launcher Anti-Starfighter Swarm Missiles.
NAM Massed Positron Array Gun More Dakka.
NAM Plasma Lance Cannon Gun Zappa.
NAM Twin Plasma Turret Gun Dakka.


Item Function Description
Mass Mesher Device Stealth
Na-O1-00 Drop Triage Medical The best quick deploying medical facility.
Na-EP-01a "Scapegoat" Escape Pod Escape Pod Stayin' alive.
NAM Nano-Constructor System Fabrication Gear Nanomachines, son!