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Infinty∞gate (InfinityGate is also correct) is a corporation providing Gate Wormhole access to their network for a fee. They call them Tollgates.


“Road to the Stars”

General Information

CEO Qantir Volontany
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Product Symbol ITG
Headquarters Essia System


Founded in YE 44, Infinity∞Gate is a Corporation headquartered on Essia System. Deriving Gate Wormhole technology from Freespacers, Nepleslia, and others, they began to create their own network of Gates separate from the Freespacer Gate system that Essia was connected to, the Zvonock Gate System, or others. It is not compatible with them due to them creating their own version of the technology. Qantir Volontany owns 51% of the company through the Volontany Group. The rest of it's stock is traded on all exchanges.


For a small fee, Infinity∞Gate allows use of their Tollgates to travel much faster across large areas of space than even fast starships. They use paired Tollgate technology, which means that one Tollgate connects to only one other Tollgate. Due to the dangers of collisions in the wormhole, they use a unique double gate that resembles an infinity symbol. When oriented to the system, the left gate is for departures and the right gate is for arrivals. The arrival gate has red lights and the departure gate uses green lights. Tollgates are very slow but mobile and are not sold by Infinity∞Gate, but can be leased if someone wants a Tollgate without tolls (this is often called a Freegate.)


This is used by ship captains and corporations who are willing to pay a small fee to transit swiftly from one point to another.


They run a factory that makes the Tollgates and Eight pairs of Tollgates. Six of them are linkages, one as a backup for maintenance on the others, and one as a testbed. Their employees are mostly Separa'Shan and Freespacers.

Current Connections

Links Size Built in
Essia System - Prinnit (Merekas Sector) 3000 meter 45.1
Essia System - Autashac (Cyphamy Sector) 3000 meter 45.1
Essia System - Hattogavers (Rissoptas Sector) 3000 meter 45.1
Essia System - Caxyvos (Rinchom Sector) 3000 meter 45.1
Essia System - Peeten (Splantrintis Sector) 625 meter 45.1
Essia System - Rinchom (Near Osman System) 625 meter 45.8
Essia System - Rondes (Calesere Sector) 100 meter 45.1

OOC Notes

Soban created this article on 2023/01/17 13:31.

This was approved by Andrew on 2023/01/271).

OOC ManagerSoban
Last Checked2023/01/17