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Wong Caihong 馃寛

Wong Caihong is a non-player character (NPC) played by Wes (See Wes's NPCs).

Wong Caihong 馃寛
Species & Gender: Minkan Female
Date of Birth: YE 22.4.15 (Yamataian Calendar)
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Star Army Technician
Rank: J么t么 Hei
Current Placement: YSS Resurgence

Character Description

Wong Caihong is a a with golden Asian skin tone, golden-brown eyes, and purple hair. She has a cheerful, assertive personality and a sense of humor. She's incredibly smart and utterly fearless. Caihong enjoys technical work in engineering and maintenance and has a meticulous eye for detail.

History and Relationship Notes

Wong Caihong was born on YE 22.4.15 on Yamatai (Planet).

She joined the Star Army of Yamatai in YE 43.

In YE 44.1 she was promoted to Nit么 Hei. In YE 44.7, she was transferred to the YSS Resurgence.

In YE 44.7, she assisted during the Arrival of the Norians by setting up a nursery for orphan Norian babies.

She was promoted to Itto Hei in YE 44.8.

Caihong got another promotion in YE 45.6 to Joto Hei after two more successful missions.

OOC Information

This article was created on 2022/02/05 14:26 using his custom SAoY version of NPC template.

In the case wes becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameWong Caihong
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM
Current LocationYSS Resurgence
PlotsResurgence Of Yamatai
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusActive Duty
SAOY RankJ么t么 Hei
SAOY OccupationStar Army Technician
SAOY AssignmentYSS Resurgence
Assigned QuartersCabin 10 (Deck 2)
BattlestationEngineering (or as combat engineer on the away team)
Battle BuddyPlum
SAOY Entry YearYE 43
DOR YearYE 45
DOR Month6