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Satoshi is a NPC controlled by GM Nashoba who appears in the Journeymen 3 plot.

Species: EM-J2-1a Geboku Android (Basic)
Gender: Male - Appearance
Organization: Scientific Studies Service (SSS)
Occupation: Scientific Studies Service - Technician
Rank: [[yamatai:sss:gs_00]] GS-00
Current Placement: Journeymen 3

Character Description

Satoshi is 1.7 m (5' 7”) tall, and weighs 71.9kg (158 lbs). He has three inch long straight black hair, and lavender eyes. His eyebrows are painted on and are brown. His synthetic skin is tinted the typical Yamatain (Japanese).

Satoshi is a standard EM-J2-1A with no upgrades.


Satoshi being newly activated is govern by the EM-J2 Behavioral Paradigms with time and interaction with the crew he will develop more of a personality.

History and Relationship Notes

Satoshi was purchased from Emrys Industries by the Scientific Studies Service (SSS) and assigned to the Journeymen 3 to help them on their missions. He has no relationships at this time.

Skill Areas


Character Data
Character NameSatoshi
Character OwnerNashoba
Character StatusNPC In Use By GM or FM
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