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Hisô Iseki

Hisô Iseki was a NPC controlled by GM Wes who appeared in YSS Yui. She assisted in Ketsurui Chiharu's escape from the Elysian ship, “The Light of Destiny” and when she retired from the Star Army of Yamatai in YE 39, she created the business Doki Doki YSA!.

“Well, I meant Jehenniel's neko.” “Jehenniel?” Chiharu looked up at Zemer curiously from her food tray as she felt a chill ran down her spine, why did that name ring a bell somehow. “He's the captain of this ship.” Zemer explained, content to watch her eat the food, admiring the way she ate without being obnoxious. “He's had a neko of his own aboard for a couple months now. Poor thing she is.” “What happened to her?” “She's not right quite right up there,” he tapped her noggin for emphasis, “any more. Very emotionally disturbed.” “What exactly did your captain do to her to cause that trauma?” Chi looked concerned now, this wan't a good thing. There would be nothing that could done to help that Neko without sending her back to Geshrintall and PNU to be repaired. “I don't quite know.” Zemer shook his head. “She seemed alright at first, but then she became more and more distant and withdrawn every time I saw her. He'd brag about how she'd do anything he said. I think he might have tried to train her to obey him or something. Poor neko cries all the time, real quiet into her pillow.”
Hisô Iseki
Species & Gender Nekovalkyrja, gynoid
Organization: Star Army of Yamatai
Occupation: Retired Pilot
Rank: Chusa
Current Placement: Yamatai (Planet)
“Hiie…sooo. Eeee Say Ki ” she repeated slowly, as if trying to associate her name with herself, as if she wasn't entirely sure who she was. “My name is Taii Hisô Iseki. Ship pilot. GD-37.” Looking up at Chi's male visage. Males… Iseki put her hands in her crotch and held herself as if she was nursing some great lingering pain there. “Yes…angel ship. We are off the angel ship.”

Character Description

“Well, not until you showed up. You're the first neko I can call my own. Although Jehenniel keeps asking to trade, I like you a lot better than Iseki. She's too depressing. So, I'll be playing with you, Chi.” He smiled, tapping Chi's chest twice in the center, just above the HS3 port. Another message appeared in her vision. “Display HDMI?”

Iseki's time in captivity with Jehenniel left her mentally broken and disturbed. She was terrified of men and does not seek out physical contact. After her escape from the Light of Destiny with Ketsurui Chiharu, she was sent back to Yamatai (Planet) and with time and therapy was able to recover from her trauma to continue her military career.

History & Relationships

Iseki was born on the GD-37 where she had lived all of her life as a pilot with her sister neko and crewmates. She had never seen Geshrintall. During the Fourth Elysian War in YE 24, her ship was destroyed by Nepleslian ships and her escape pod was found by the Elysian Celestial Navy vessel, The Light of Destiny.

“If it weren't for us, she would't be alive. The Nepleslians destroyed her fleet and left the crews for dead. We found Iseki in an escape pod.”

She was taken into custody of the Patrician Jehenniel where she was tortured and abused into subservience. She was released from her cell in a jail break to free Chiharu by Zemerias after he realized that neko were sentient beings that had a right to be treated with dignity and respect.

He looked to Iseki, and handed the Taisho to the scrawny Taii. “Shoot me.” he told her. “Shoot me and go for the shuttle.” Iseki nodded. She was completely unattached to angels…but this one had saved her and another… Unable to do it, she settled for clocking Zemer on the head with he rifle butt. Zemer cringed in pain but didn't collapse or anything. But he laid down and pretended to be another victim of the escaping Taii Hisô Iseki. “Psst. Go to the shuttle!” he gave a final direction, and then pretended to be knocked out. Iseki carried Chi over her shoulder to the shuttlebay, and set her down in the copilot seat of the small shuttle, firing up the engines and the controls.


OOC Notes

This historic NPC article was created by Kim on 2017/08/24 22:55.

First appearance ECN Light of Destiny: Interrogating Chiharu

Character Data
Character NameHisô Iseki
Character OwnerWes
Character StatusNPC Available for GM or FM use
Current LocationScorpio Star Fortress
Star Army Personnel Database
SAOY Career StatusRetired
SAOY RankChusa
SAOY OccupationStar Army Infantry
SAOY AssignmentScorpio Star Fortress