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Enandra Lunari

Enandra Lunari is a character played by enandra.

Enandra Lunari
Enandra Artbreeder
O eisi si caedaes os tia shys1)
 Tsenlan Logo
Date of Birth: YE 10
Species Norian
Gender Female
Height 170 cm
Weight 55 kg
Faction Yamatai Star Empire
Sub-Faction  Tsenlan Logo Tsenlan
Occupation MERN Communications Officer - Intends to join the Star Army of Yamatai
Rank Aelol (Ensign)
Current Placement Operation Fireplace

Physical Description

Enandra is an attractive Norian female. She stands 170cm tall, weighs 55kgs, and she has a toned and athletic build that she works out to maintain. Her body however bears the markings of abuse which is a result of her breaching the rules of the Church of the Builders prior to the reforms.

She has crystal blue eyes with sliver flecks in them and white hair she keeps long but always pulled back neatly away from her face and eyes.

Height: 170cm
Mass: 55kg
Build and Skin Color: Athletic, Pale Light Tone
Eye Color: Crystal Blue with Silver Flecks
Hair Color: White


Enandra is a INFJ2) personality type which has served her well though sometimes it can get in the way of her work with wanting to help others. She can sometimes overthink things but some of her solutions to problems can be very creative. She sticks by what she believes in no matter what but she will listen to the opinions of others.

She will not use someone else's success to move up in the world she would rather work for everything she has. She is extremely dedicated to her tasks and sometimes has trouble leaving them behind to take a break before they are finished.


Enandra was born in YE 10 on Ayenee, her parents Seb and Aya Lunari were members of the Colonial Government at Surrune. She had a unique experience growing up on the frontier and did not return to Noria until YE 28 when she enlisted in the Continuum Star Navy. After a year in service, Enandra decided to attend Norian Defense Education School remotely during the Umarian War and graduated in YE 32 and was granted the rank of Aelol (Ensign). Following graduation, she was posted on the CNS Retribution under the command of Tetsuya Eitan (Airwin Caeyara), as a communications officer. During her service on the CNS Retribution she had a short relationship with an exchange officer from Ayenee in violation of the pre-reform rules of the Church of the Builders. As a punishment she was given tattoos marking her as a Cli'cha3) lover.

During the Void Wars and the Craethel War she continued to serve, and was transferred to the CNS Spirit of Teal under the command of Sorin Eitan. She was on the CNS Spirit of Teal during the battle of Noria when the planet fell in YE 44 and was one of seven of the over twenty thousand who served on the CNS Spirit of Teal to get to the escape pods.

During the Arrival of the Norians in the Kikyo Sector, Enandara was posted on the MERN Aiathogu​. She intends to join the Star Army of Yamatai in hopes of continuing her military career.

Skills Learned

Skills Enandra has learned:

Social Connections

These are people Enandra is connected to:

Inventory and Finance

Outside of the MERN uniform on her person, due to the current situation, Enandra has no personal belongings.

OOC Notes

enandra created this article on 2022/11/02 01:47.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

Character Data
Character NameEnandra Lunari
Character StatusActive Player Character
Approval Thread…
“You are the Keeper of my word” in Nira'las
Outsider, Lower than slave