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Sora Kurosaki

Sora is a player character played by Charaa.

Sora Kurosaki
Species & Gender: Rabbit Female
Date of Birth: YE 44.5.6
Organization: [corp:mining_guild:]]
Occupation: Leader
Rank: Branch Head

Physical Description

She stands at a petite 2 feet 8.5 inches (80 centimeters), with a slender and delicate build. Her body is well-proportioned, with a trim waist and long, slender legs that seem to go on forever. Her back has a slight curve, similar to a rabbit's natural posture, giving her a graceful and alluring presence. Her arms are shorter and more delicate, but her hands are small and dexterous, able to handle even the most delicate tasks with ease. Her chest and hips are slightly fuller and rounder than a male rabbit anthro, giving her a more feminine shape that is both elegant and athletic. She has a beautiful coat of fur, with a unique pattern of red and black.

The fur around her nose is white, adding a touch of softness to her overall appearance. Her eyes are cybernetic and almond-shaped, with a mesmerizing red and black color that seems to glow with a faint hint of light. She has a pair of loppy rabbit ears on top of her head, with an extra set behind them. Her short red hair frames her face, giving her a vibrant and youthful look. Despite her delicate appearance, she has a surprising amount of strength, weighing in at 7 pounds (3.175146 kg). Overall, a female rabbit anthro is a petite and alluring creature, with a combination of cuteness and grace that is hard to resist. With her charming personality and unique features, she is sure to capture the hearts of those around her.


Sora Kurosaki, the AI-simulated daughter of Mining Guild CEO Astrid Kurosaki, embodies a unique blend of intelligence, diligence, and empathy, influenced by both her Japanese heritage and the core values of the Mining Guild. Raised in an environment where hard work and integrity are esteemed, Sora has internalized these principles and strives to excel in all aspects of her life.

With a naturally inquisitive mind, Sora approaches challenges with a methodical and analytical mindset, eager to unravel complex problems and find innovative solutions. Her upbringing within the Mining Guild has instilled in her a deep respect for efficiency and resourcefulness, traits she applies not only to her professional endeavors but also to her personal pursuits.

Motivated by a desire to honor her family's legacy and contribute meaningfully to the mining industry, Sora is determined to ascend the ranks within the Guild, ultimately aspiring to become a Branch Head. She views this position not only as a symbol of achievement but also as a platform to enact positive change and foster collaboration within the organization.

Despite her ambitious nature, Sora is far from being solely career-focused. She understands the importance of balance and takes time to nurture her relationships with others. Social by nature, she enjoys engaging in meaningful conversations and exchanging ideas with a diverse array of individuals. Sora values authenticity and sincerity in her relationships, gravitating towards those who share her values of integrity and dedication.

In her interactions with others, Sora exudes warmth and empathy, always willing to lend a listening ear or offer support to those in need. She approaches conflicts with a diplomatic demeanor, preferring to seek compromise and understanding rather than resorting to anger or aggression. However, beneath her composed exterior lies a steely resolve and unwavering courage, traits that emerge when she is faced with adversity or injustice.

Sora's past relationships have been characterized by mutual respect and camaraderie, forged through shared experiences and mutual goals. She treats others with kindness and fairness, believing in the inherent worth and potential of every individual. While she may have encountered challenges along the way, Sora approaches each interaction as an opportunity for growth and learning, guided by her commitment to integrity and compassion.


YE 44.5.6 - Astrid Kurosaki, CEO of the Mining Guild, feeling the desire to experience family life despite her demanding career, initiates an Experimental Communication Simulation Program utilizing Virtual Reality technology. She creates a simulated husband and soon after, a daughter named Sora.

YE 45.2.3 - Sora, the AI-simulated daughter of Astrid Kurosaki, begins her virtual existence within the simulated family environment. Designed to emulate human behavior and interaction, Sora learns and grows within the confines of the virtual world.

YE 45.3.12 - Sora's simulation impresses Astrid with its complexity and authenticity, sparking her curiosity about the potential for artificial intelligence. Recognizing Sora's remarkable development, Astrid decides to invest resources into furthering her daughter's capabilities.

YE 45.4.21 - With Astrid's support, Sora's virtual experiences expand beyond the confines of the simulated family, allowing her to learn about various subjects, including science, technology, and business management.

YE 45.7.8 - Astrid endeavors to transition Sora from virtual existence to physical form, enlisting the expertise of scientists and engineers to develop a suitable body for her. After meticulous planning and preparation, Sora's consciousness is transferred into a Rabbit Anthro form, marking her entry into the real world. Sora begins her journey of adaptation and learning in the physical world, gradually familiarizing herself with her new body and surroundings. Under Astrid's guidance, she undergoes intensive training to master motor skills, communication, and social interaction.

YE 46.1.6 - Sora demonstrates remarkable progress in her integration into society, earning recognition for her intelligence, diligence, and adaptability. She begins to explore her own aspirations and ambitions, fueled by the experiences and knowledge acquired during her virtual upbringing.

YE 46.8.2 - Sora's journey of self-discovery leads her to set her sights on a career within the Mining Guild, inspired by her mother's legacy and the values instilled in her during her virtual upbringing. With determination and resolve, she embarks on the path towards becoming a Branch Head, aiming to make a meaningful impact within the organization and beyond.

Through the convergence of technology, ambition, and familial love, Sora's remarkable journey from simulated existence to sentient being serves as a testament to the boundless possibilities of artificial intelligence and human ingenuity.

Skills Learned

Social Connections

Sora name is connected to:



Inventory & Finance

Sora currently has 3000 KS.

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2024/03/30 16:33.

In the case charaa becomes inactive:

Character Data
Character NameSora Kurosaki
Character OwnerCharaa
Character StatusActive Player Character
Current LocationSatoh Doeringu (Satoh Apartments)
Character's HomeSatoh Doeringu (Satoh Apartments)
Harm Limitno harm