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News Media in the United Norian Imperium

The state owned news media sources for the United Norian Imperium. Established in YE 31.

Voidwatcher Standard Chronicle

The Voidwatcher Standard Chronicle is a government owed and operated news service.


The Voidwatcher Standard Chronicle (VSC) was first introduced in YE 31 during the early days of the Void Wars to keep the public informed about the progress of the war and emergency alerts. Following the end of the war in YE 40, the government decided to continue its investment into the media outlet. In YE 46, the VSC was accused of being bias and promoting the politics and actions of Chancellor Vaelaris Orinas. Critics claimed that he had used the media for his own gain and to promote propaganda backing the civil war. Projections show that the viewership of VSC has dipped thirty percent since the start of the internal conflict.

General Information

General statistics of the VSC.

Voidwatcher Standard Chronicle
Year Established YE 31
Owner United Norian Imperium, Chancellor Vaelaris Orinas
Faction United Norian Imperium
Product Symbol VS
Media Tag VSC


Located in the heart of Vaalor City on Noria located in the luxurious Imperial District which provides easy access to the Capital Building and Vaalor Palace. The VSC building is one of the great aesthetic buildings in the Imperial District's skyline. It has become iconic for photographs and tourist advertisements across the United Norian Imperium.

Outlets and Studios

VSC has outlets and studios on several key United Norian Imperium worlds.

  • VSC Lorenz - Telarion City1)
  • VSC Lorenz - Killiper City2)
  • VSC Vespa Lakara - Vaelindris3)
  • VSC Aetlantia - Xytheris City
  • VSC Aetlantia - Aerinthilara
  • VSC Noria - Vaalor City
  • VSC Noria - Rhaelionis
  • VSC Noria - Oryndalith
  • VSC Laeyra - Ilytharael4)
  • VSC Frontier - Ayenee Capital City


As of YE 46.8, Chancellor Vaelaris Orinas is suspected to have almost total control over the VSC and is utilizing it to push his agenda on the norian people. Structure beneath that control is by delivery method.

  • Hypercomm Broadcast Department
  • Quantum Service Department
  • G-Pad Text Broadcast Department
  • Customer Service Center
  • Drone Management Department
  • Reporter Dispatch Department

Free Commonwealth Broadcasting

Free Commonwealth Broadcasting (FCB) is consists of broadcasting stations now controlled by the Free Commonwealth of Vespa. The United Norian Imperium sees their take over of VSC property as illegal.


The FCB was created in YE 46.8 following the death of Jol'Aestaesys Tetsuya Eitan (Airwin Caeyara). Citing atrocities against the Norian people, constitutional violations, and a breach in the accord with Leviathans with the use of enslavement harness systems, the Free Commonwealth of Vespa declared war against the United Norian Imperium to try and restore order and the rule of the Caeyara and Eitan Ysi. Free Commonwealth forces have since claimed several VSC branches and begun to transmit their own news and counter-propaganda.

General Information

General statistics of the FCB.

Free Commonwealth Broadcasting
Year Established YE 46
Owner Free Commonwealth of Vespa
Faction Free Commonwealth of Vespa
Product Symbol FB
Media Tag FCB


In YE 46.8, after the Free Commonwealth secured the offices in Lorenz and Laeyra, it was suspected that the FCB office in Vaelindris, Vespa Lakara, was functioning as the primary mindhive cluster coordinating operations across the newly acquired stations. However, later that month, following the liberation of Lorenz and its relocation to the Kosuke Sector, Lorenz became the central hub for media dissemination across the SARPiverse.5)

Rumors also suggest that FCB offices on other worlds within the Imperium have been tampered with, and sabotaged by members of the Yaducath Intelligence Agency.


The leader of the Free Commonwealth of Vespa, Jol'Aester Aerum Eitan is the apparent controller of the FCB initiative. It however has also been made clear that the FCB has promoted the use of freelance reporters and other rebel sympathizers in their reporting strategies. It likely that the FCB is the leading wave of a new non-state owned media outlet as the rebellion grows in strength.

Offices Controlled

Locations that the FCB has taken from VSC.

  • FCB Lorenz - Telarion City
  • FCB Lorenz - Killiper City
  • FCB Vespa Lakara - Vaelindris
  • FCB Laeyra - Ilytharael

OOC Notes

Andrew created this article on 2024/11/19 13:03.

This was approved by Ametheliana on 2024/11/29.6)

faction/united_norian_imperium/media/news_media.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/29 18:52 by andrew