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Kuvexian Navy Power Armor

The Kuvexian Navy Power Armor, used by the Navy forces of the military during the Kuvexian War, is the equivalent of a Ke-M2 "Mindy" Series of Power Armor. It is found on Kuvexian starships and starbases.

Its designation by Kuvexian military is currently unknown.


This type of power armor was first encountered by the Star Army of Yamatai starship YSS Eucharis in YE 37.


  • Designed to be worn by one Kuvexian
  • They have a sleek, elaborate look to them.
  • Chrome gold exterior (reflects lasers) with orange accents.
  • Aether power supply
  • Energy shields (glowing orange)
  • Can emit a nano sensor fog that can detect the location of invisible enemies.

Weapon Systems

Kuvexian Navy power armors have been seen using the following weapons:

  • Aether rifle
  • Aether saber
  • Sticky grenades

faction/kuvexia/military/equipment/navy_power_armor.1477924709.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/21 04:41 (external edit)