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The Pillars Of Community

The Pillars of Community is a unique Horticulture Variant of a Daikoku-Class Agricultural Ship. It is a ship used by bored princesses, to kill time, and can be used as another producer. It is a ship in the Hinomaru Sunrises II plot.

The Pillars Of Community History

Once Yue’s daughter was all grown up, and Yugumo Corporation had not yet given her a job, Yue commissioned the Pillars of Community, as a way to bide her time, and to try and create something technically living, to grow. As well as something to get her clan and their allies.

General Information


The roster for the Pillars of Community.

Variant Design

The Pillars of Community is a Horticulture variant which is a deviation from the standard Daikoku-Class Agricultural Ship.

Variant Differences

The Pillars of Community, deviates from its “parent” ship, in that all animal cloning, barns, and other livestock areas are entirely replaced by an additional Horticulture Module. The only “living” creatures within the ship are those used in the production of plant-based foodstuffs.

Soil Fields

A vast fertile land located on deck A1, allowed to extend itself due to the focused make up of this ship variant. This land is made to be able to grow crops such as Wheat, strawberries, potatoes, and various other crops that do not require a damp environment in a normal planetary atmosphere. It’s bordered with the Orchard.


A vast forest of apple, orange, peach, grapes olive1) and banana trees, fill the rest of the A1 Deck, accompanied by berry bushes of various types. This is evenly spaced to allow light to come in from the special solar energy inducing light. This is over the rest of the A1 deck, and covers the sectors where barns and livestock can be found in the base Daikoku

Artificial Rice Paddies

Within the Agriculture deck, is a vast, artificial rice paddy field located at A2, at Sectors 60 to 65. As the name suggests, the rice paddies produce rice, which could feed a neighborhood.

Hydroponics And Aeroponics

On the same deck as the artificial rice paddies is the hydroponics and aeroponics bay, which seemed intentionally placed as all of the “wet” facilities are in one deck and these encompass the rest of the sectors.

Added Features

The following features were added in An additional added feature added to YE 45 was a modified Star Army Combined Sciences Laboratory. Modified to allow the use of a non-star army personnel to use the facilities here. This lab is used to examine produce for defects, maybe, as well as additional medical discoveries that could be sent to the database.


The Systems of the Pillars of Community, have not received modifications that caused them to be deviated from standard subsystems.


The only modifications to the weapons were the extra defenses, to the hull.

Craft and Vehicles

The Pillars of Community is assisted in its work, by multiple industrial shuttles, for the delivery of produce. Allowing it to reach within the Colonization Initiative Alliance fleet that it will share with its “parent” and “sibling” variants.

QTY Class
10 Ke-T10 "Fukuro" Multi-Role Shuttle

Notable Cargo

At the heart of its cargo lies a treasure trove of produce, carefully nurtured and cultivated to perfection. The vast fields within the starship's confines are a testament to the ingenuity of its agricultural specialists, who have adapted and refined traditional farming methods to thrive in the vacuum of space.

Rice, the staple grain of countless civilizations, flourishes under the artificial sunlight of the Daikoku. Its golden stalks sway gently in the simulated breeze, promising sustenance to those who rely on its nourishing grains.

But the bounty doesn't end there. The orchards of the Daikoku yield a cornucopia of Fruit, each one a testament to the marvels of selective breeding and genetic engineering. From the crisp sweetness of celestial apples to the tangy juiciness of strawberries, these fruits offer a taste of paradise to weary travelers and settlers alike.

Vegetables, too, thrive in the controlled environment of the starship. Leafy greens, vibrant and verdant, provide essential nutrients to those who partake of their bounty. Carrots, potatoes, and other root vegetables grow in abundance, their earthy flavors a comforting reminder of home for those who dwell among the stars.

OOC Notes

Charaa created this article on 2023/08/31 17:36.

Wont be submitted due to not giving new tech.

Products & Items Database
Product Categoriesstarships
Product NamePillars of Community
ManufacturerYugumo Fleetworks
Year ReleasedYE 45
DR v3 maxTier 14
to produce oil

corp/yugumo_corporation/ships/poc.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/20 23:45 by