Table of Contents

Nomad Hardpoint Options

The following acessories, weapons, and systems are compatible with the NAM Terratech Multi-Role Cavalry Armor-"Nomad". They are sectioned off by the part of the body they can be found in and unless specifically installed1) are found in the various variants of the Nomad,

Head Hardpoints

The head of the Nomad contains slots for a variaty of hardpoints ranging from increased or updated systems such as the Omnieye to even weapons such as the death ray. Allocated power to the helmet means that only one hardpoint can be installed.

Shoulder Hardpoints

The shoulder hardpoints of the Nomad are primarily used to mount a varying degree of weapons. Hardpoints on the back of the shoulders make it easy for weapons to mount flush on the back and raise to fire when needed to avoid getting in the way. Compensators on the hardpoint mounts help mitigate recoil from heavier missiles or weapons.

Forearm Hardpoints

The forearms of the Nomad contain hollow spaces capable of fitting weaponry, moduels, and equipment. There are two hardpoints; One for each arm.

Chest Hardpoints

Between the two PLA laser banks is a central and singular hardpoint for the Nomad. Linked directly to its own battery banks it is capable of powering high-intensity equipment such as weapons or utilities such as boosting shields and the like.

Back Hardpoints

On the back of the nomad is a singular hardpoint. It can replace the thrust systems of the suit with even stronger ones, carry heavy or specialist equipment, or even just act as a maglock for carrying extra or heavy weaponry.

Leg Hardpoints

A hardpoint on each leg is available for any number of upgrades or enhancements to the frame ranging from countermeasures to specialized equipment to even strength-enhancing servo-upgrades. There is one hardpoint on each leg for a total of two.


The armor of the Nomad is able to be augmented with a multitude of systems and upgrades. These range from coating it in extra layers of specific damage-reducing coats of material to energizing it in certain ways to enact certain effects. There is enough energy alloted for one armor hardpoint upgrade.


The shield of the Nomad can be replaced with any one alternative system. Ranging from a CFS or CBS style shield, a gravity shield to avoid damage by pushing projectiles away from the frame, or even an antimatter-field to reduce damage from projectiles by weakening them to a negligible level.


The nomad carries three utility hardpoints for various upgrades. These can range from increased power or shield moduels all the way to a simple tabbard which offers no actual advantage to the suit other than pointless badassery.7)

Primary Weapons

The nomad can carry any one-single main weapon. Employing maglocks as a hardpoint upgrade on the back or legs enables the carrying of a second or even melee weapon in reserve.

Secondary Weapons

The Nomad can carry one-single secondary weapon. The employment of maglogs on a leg or the back enables the carrying of additional secondary weapons in reserve.

Melee Weapons

The Nomad can carry and employ melee weaponry but only if a maglock on the back or a leg is employed to carry it in reserve. Otherwise, a simple Vibrosaw knife is a standard issue on the armor.

OOC Notes

Charmaylarg created this article on 2021/04/11 13:19.

🚧 This article is a work-in-progress. Is it not currently approved.

Consult your GM
2) , 3) , 9)
Tech specialist occupation only
At least one maglock is required on the back or on one of the legs by any pilot that wishes to carry a melee weapon and a primary weapon on their loadout
Demolitionist occupation only
At least one maglock is required on the back or one one of the legs by any pilot that wishes to carry a melee weapon and a primary weapon on their loadout
Add more utilities later!!!
Medic/doctor occupations only
Sniper occupation only