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Gram-class Cloning Facility

An updated version of the NDC's original cloning facility, the Gram-class has been designed for wider development and improved throughput.

The first Gram-class facility was completed in YE 42, with the potential for more to be built as infrastructure to support the growing population improves.


Developed as part of a technology and personnel improvement plan penned by Waylan Vulca, the Gram-class Cloning Facility is a modernization of the NDC's original clone production techniques. Designed by a team of civilian cloning experts pulled from across the sector, it is a significant step forward in the young empire's ability to grow its population.

Construction of the original facility followed a multi-phased approach. Following in the footsteps of the NDC's original facility, an area under the mountain near Obsidian City on Sirris VI was excavated by Oxen for the primary facility. To ease access for the facility's workers, a tunnel connecting the facility to a nondescript office building within Obsidian City itself was formed. On the mountain side, training facilities and a small starport were established.

While the first Gram-class facility was established planet-side, subsequent facilities could be built anywhere with sufficient space and manpower.

Function and Design

The Gram-class Cloning Facility operates more slowly, with significantly higher numbers, compared to most other cloning facilities. Compared to an advanced cloning facility, such as the Mass Cloning Facility, Type 30, the Gram-class is inefficient.

A degree of this 'inefficiency' is intentional, however. For the first two weeks of a clone's 'life', their minds reside within an Anima System Host Unit. They live out a simulated lifetime of training, socialization, and life experiences during this time. While much of their “hard skills”, rote memorization, and basic learnings are directly imprinted, they are also given adequate time to socialize with peers, practice what they've learned, and make the knowledge they are gaining “their own”.

A clone's physical body is, typically, grown within the last two days of this development period. The requirements of using a more naturally-developed mind and the default inclusion of a Geist have caused the body preparation phase to take two days. This is nearly double the time of the NDC's original cloning facility.

The result of the process is a mature individual that has knowledge and experiences similar to that of someone who has just graduated from a two year technical school. They are fully steeped in the NDC's culture and expectations. They are not, however, ready to enter into immediate service. The clones then enter the facility's training facilities, where they will go through seven weeks of Basic Training.

Once Basic is complete, the new clones can pursue a military career, including more extensive training, or a civilian career.

The NDC Synth Creation Process details the specific steps and timelines.

The majority of the facility's functions are automated by a number of EVE AIs, significantly reducing the amount of organic personnel required to operate the facility.

Production Capacity

At any point, each Gram-class can produce up to 1300 clone bodies simultaneously. This is typically done in a staggered fashion, so that each day 650 new clones can be decanted with a fully-prepared mind. In order to keep pace with this production target, up to 9,200 minds can be “in training” at any given point.

Species Capability

The Gram-class can produce any species that can be constructed purely from their DNA. This automatically excludes certain species and species variants, such as the Nekovalkyrja and ID-SOL, who have a more involved (and/or secretive) creation process.

By default, the Gram-class produces moderately augmented Humans, who have excellent genetics.

All clones created by the Gram include a Geist and Aegle as part of their standard augmentations.


The interior of the cloning facility is broken apart into three main areas.

The first area houses thousands of Anima System Host Units to contain each clone's developing mind. Automated arms move the units around as necessary for maintenance. The room looks like an expansive, red-tinted server room.

The second area holds the body production vats. Each vat is a fluid-filled cylindrical tube that holds a clone's body from the very first cell all the way through adulthood. The tube's Anima System, mental imprinting technology, and nanite containers are accessible from the outside, should maintenance by required. A sophisticated system of railings and armatures are used to relocate each tube for refilling and decanting.

The third main area is the “real world” section of the facility. It holds basic dorms, recreation areas, classrooms, and an auditorium for the Selection Ceremony. This is also the area where new clones are directed to transports for further military training or civilian housing.


The Gram-class Cloning Facility is only produced by the New Dusk Conclave. It can be constructed planetside or within a space station that has sufficient free space. Grams can be built into or attached to a Shipyard to take advantage of their transit lines, but the clones produced still require basic training and are not immediately ready for deployment.

OOC Notes

Whisper created this article on 2020/05/13 06:58.

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