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Origin Industrial Fleet

Origin Industries has a large industrial fleet comprised of a number of different ships, mainly those made by Origin itself, which serve a number of functions from mining to armed escort.


Began in YE 30 so that Origin Industries did not have to rely solely on third party shipping for its products, and forming the backbone of Origin's operations by allowing for resource gathering, prompt shipment, and business travel, the Origin Industrial Fleet has been operating as an essential part of Origin Industries. Initially a comparatively small fleet, the Origin Industrial Fleet has grown over the years, as Origin itself has continued to grow.

During the Second Mishhuvurthyar War, the Origin Industrial fleet became extremely busy, shipping goods across the Kikyo sector in support of multiple nations' war efforts, as well as helping keep products available for those who remained on the home front. The fleet took several losses, but was replenished as needed. After a successful era of war, a short period of peace was brought, with Origin expanding its capabilities, and adding the ability to salvage battlefields and accident scenes alike with the Courier 2c 'Collector'.

Just prior to the Kuvexian War, the fleet was expanded once more as new colonies, territories, and nations sprang up around the sector, increasing demand for Origin's products. Then, the war itself once again bringing a busy period of change and activity, seeing the fleet's logistical capacity increase even more. This period lasted a few short years, leaving a well-oiled, but well-worn logistical machine that was in need of modernization.

YE 45 brought with it a revolution and revitalization for Origin Industries, and be extension its industrial fleet, which at that point began to undertake the process of a thorough modernization, replacing the oldest ships in the fleet with newer ones.



Origin Industrial Fleet comprises the following vessels:

Assayer Class

Courier Class

Jinkan Class





OOC Notes

Kai created this article on 2023/05/02 11:06.

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